The Meeting

Today's meeting is extremely important for Harry, as it will determine his future actions. Beyond the door where harry stood was four people. The first is Amelia Bones head of the DMLE and current head of the Bones family.

The next is Augusta Longbottom, also known as Dowager Longbottom. She is here because of the Potter-Longbottom alliance.

The last are Edward and Andromeda Tonks, as Andromeda is Sirius's cousin and possibly the only Black that actually cares about him.

It took a couple minutes but Ramis was able to finally catch up to him "sorry for the delay, my Lord" she spoke the two last words slowly and suggestively

*cough* the guide goblin cleared his throat, grabbing their attention "I will announce you inside" he said as he entered


Amelia Bones was confused at the gathering. The Tonks family are, more or less nobodies, while Dowager Longbottom is a well-known political force for the light.

Add to that the message that she received two days ago that there are traitors in the ministry and her department in particular, and she was lost at what is going on here.

They had been waiting for about five minutes together. No one spoke as everyone can feel the tension in the room.

Then the door opened and a goblin entered "Heir Potter and Miss Semiramis Assyria" he announced the goblin

From the same door came a young boy with black hair and green eyes, wearing high end black and green wizarding Robs. The same colours as the Potters crest that is decorating his chest.

Following the young boy was a beautiful Tall woman that just screamed danger. She was wearing black robes and had the same crest on her shoulder, indicating that she is a retainer of the house of Potter.

The boy walked to the end of the table and sat there, while the woman stood behind him as an assistant or bodyguard. He settled down and allowed the woman to place a box on the table. He then leaned forward "let's talk" he said in a tone that no child should speak

"I must admit, I am somewhat confused at what are we all doing here" Madam Bones spoke "I'm here for the information I was promised"

Harry nodded and took out a piece of parchment out of his sleeve and placed it on the table in front of him. He then motioned the silent to the parchment.

Semiramis walked forward and tapped the parchment once causing it to grow into a book "this book contains the name of every person that works in the ministry and their crimes, you can have it after the conclusion of the meeting"

He then motioned to Semiramis and tapped the table. The woman brought out a shrunk trunk and expanded it. She then took out a small wooden box and placed it on the table "this can cure your son and daughter in law, if administered correctly"

The Dowager Longbottom sneered "so you are holding my child hostage, is that it?"

Harry didn't say anything but turned to the Tonks couple and placed a hand on the initial box "in here is the proof that Sirius Black is innocent" he then took out a couple documents "and in this is the proof that he didn't stand trial" he said, ignoring the looks of shock he was getting

"Now for the reason you are all truly here, my parents will" as soon as harry finished speaking a goblin walked in with a few documents. He ignored everyone's looks and sat on the end of the table on the other side of Harry

He unrolled the paper and adjusted his glasses "my name is LongFang, I am the potters account manager and I will now begin to read Lord James Potter last will and testament"


The reading was long and boring and full of legal Pleonasm, but the gist is this:

- Harry was to go to Sirius Black, then Alice Longbottom, then Minerva McGonagall and finally Amelia Bones, as James trusted his former boss quite well

- He was to go to an orphanage rather than the Dursley

- Peter Pettigrew was the secret Keeper

- Albus too many names Dumbledore was witness to the will and has failed to enact it.

Needless to say, they were furious.

But wait, there's more.

Harry then spun a tall tale on how he passed out when he was working on Petunia's garden under the summer heat, when Semiramis found him. How Semiramis was told by a seer from her village that she would find her master there and she found Harry.

Harry then produced a document that shows all the seals, curses, charms etc. that were placed on him by Dumbles. And continued explaining how she took care of him and saved him.

"That is not something a child should experience" Dowager Longbottom stated "I would like to apologise for my inaction towards you, even though our alliance demands it, I neglected my duty" she said as she stood up and bowed

The room was filled with wide eyed people "please Dowager Longbottom, I was lucky enough to be saved, no need for that" Harry quickly answered "and your apology is accepted of course" Dowager Longbottom nodded and sat down

Madam Bones then stood and bowed "I owe you double the apology, one for the injustice suffered because we accepted Dumbledore's words and another for failing your father"

Harry simply replied "apology accepted. Now let's talk about what we are going to do"

"First of all, peter Pettigrew is alive. He is a Rat Animagus and has spent the last few years as the Weasley's pet rat" as Amelia wanted to jump to inform her subordinates, Harry raised his hand "calm yourself Madam Bones. The rat is in the box" Harry motioned to the box in front of him

"I suggest feeding him through the opening until you can get an emergency Wizengamot hearing where you can expose him as being alive" Harry smirked

Amelia Bones was not one to impress easy, but she was impressed with this boy "I'll hold the session the day after tomorrow. What do you think Augusta?" she asked

"Splendid Idea, Amelia" the two women were never close or saw eye to eye, but they agree on one thing, Heads will roll.

Harry concluded the meeting with the two Powerful and capable ladies, promising another meeting once their current duty was done. Harry then turned to the two people sitting in front of him, Edward (ted) Tonks and Andromeda Tonks nee Black.

"I need a lawyer I can trust" Harry began "I can trust the goblins on the magical side of things. I need someone on the other side I can trust, and if I'm not wrong, you are a Lawyer" Harry pointed at Edward

He then turned to Andromeda "and you will be the face of the company" he smiled in a care free manner

"Wait, hold on a second" Andromeda raised her hand in a stopping motion "what company?" she asked

Harry smiled producing several documents "Xander corp of course"