Trial and Error

It took the two days, but it was done. And the Wizengamot was in session. Harry was there too, and he was going to use this session, but that's for later

As the Wizengamot members took their seats, murmurs started to spread about the sudden call, for an emergency session, by both Madam Bones and Dowager Longbottom. It didn't take long and at exactly 10 o'clock the session was in motion.

"May we know why you called this session Madam Bones, Lady Longbottom?" started Albus Dumb-Ass-Door sitting on this session as the chief warlock of the Wizengamot

Madam Bones stood up from her seat as the head of the DMLE and called to one of the aurors present "bring the first prisoner" she then turned to the Wizengamot "today we fix mistakes we made almost two years ago in 1981"

The door, the auror walked out of opened again, to show the same auror holding a box of sorts. The auror placed the box on the floor and proceeded to send a stunner inside. He then opened the box and placed the contents of the box, a stunned rat, on the floor of the Wizengamot and in front of its members.

"What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to waste our time?" asked an irate Lord Nott

Madam Bones didn't even spare the man a glance. Instead she elegantly drew her wand and casted a silent spell on the rat. The rat suddenly grew and turned till it turned human.

"Ladies and Lords of the Wizengamot, I present to you, Peter Pettigrew" she finished with a flourish


It was pandemonium. Some denying it to be true, some calling for answers and almost all confused. It continued until the sound of a canon blast echoed in the room "I would like everyone to act more than children if you would" Dowager Longbottom spoke, silencing the session "would you please dose the man with Veritaserum and commence the trial?"

"This is preposterous" called the minor Lord Malfoy "I demand proof that this man is Peter Pettigrew" he spoke as the Proxy to the seat of Black

Madam Bones smiled and produced a piece of parchment and dagger, causing Lord Malfoy to scowl "And how do we know that you didn't tamper with those?"

Madam Bones stopped and raised a single brow as she stared down Lucius Malfoy "are you accusing me of something Lord Malfoy?" she clipped

Everyone knew of the integrity of Madam Bones, and just as, everyone knew of her skill as a hit wizard and duellist. If she called an honour duel, you gunna die.

Lord Malfoy showed the Slytherin side of him and denied it completely and merely spoke of his worries and those of others. Madam Bones almost sneered at him but let it go and carried on with her work.

After confirming the identity of Pettigrew and dosing him with Veritaserum, as he resisted every step of the way, it was finally ShowTime, and boy what a show it was.

The man is a Coward with a capital C. he confessed to everything, even how jealous he was of the rest of the marauders, and how they betrayed him first or something.

After the Madam Bones was done with him she turned to the Wizengamot "I request that the order of merlin be rescinded and for Peter Pettigrew to be Kissed" she spoke in a venomous voice between anger and disgust

Dowager Longbottom stood "I move this motion to a vote" a voice in the crowed called back "seconded" and so it was

It was almost a unanimous decision to get Pettigrew kissed, as even the Dark families hate him.

Before the session can go anywhere else Madam Bones called "bring in the second Prisoner" surprising everyone

"And who is it this time?" Minister Fudge asked as an unrecognisable, yet haggard man walked into the court towards the accused chair

Amelia again didn't answer and walked to the prisoner, who grinned at her. She walked behind him and removed a necklace that he was wearing.

The prisoner's image blurred and shifted until it settled on the grinning, tired and very recognisable face of Sirius Black. Instead of shouts of outrage, the reaction this time was a collective gasp. The nobility didn't know how to react to this. The man they were told is the right hand man of he-who-must-not-be-named is in fact innocent.

"Ladies and Lords, I present to you Lord Sirius Orion Black" she said earning another collective gasp of shock

"This is impossible. He was kicked out of the family" Lucius Malfoy was once again shouting

Madam bones produced another document "According to the Family registry, no" she explained then turned to face lord black "do I have your permission to use Veritaserum on you, during this trial" she asked

"Finally, what took you so long" Sirius joked causing Amelia to smile and call for the potion.

Albus Dumbledore was watching intently, he wanted to interfere, but couldn't find a way that would keep his reputation as the leader of the light. Sacrifices have to be made, and for now, he will accept that.

The interrogation went fine until he was asked about what happened that night from his perspective "I had a bad feeling that night, Pettigrew was acting odd so I took my bike to James's, and that's when I saw it. Everything was a mess, the door was broken and Hagrid was carrying harry in his arms as he exited Godric Hollow" He said while donning a faraway look

"That would be Rubes Hagrid, the keeper of Hogwarts's grounds?" she asked for the record

"Yes" Sirius replied

Amelia nodded "please continue" she said while staring at Dumbledore, daring him to say a word

"I asked him to give Harry to me, I am his godfather after all" queue another gasp "but he refused saying that Dumbledore specifically requested him to bring Harry to him" Sirius paused as murmurs started resounding among the Lords and Ladies "I was just so angry I accepted that Dumbledore will probably take care of harry and to give Harry to Alice if anything happens to me"

Amelia nodded "and that would be Alice Longbottom"

"Yes" Sirius spoke "she is his godmother"

Amelia again nodded "please continue" she requested

"I gave Hagrid my bike and went to chase Peter. When I found him I gave chase. He was apologising and saying how he would've died. I didn't care as I tried to avenge the closest thing I had to family but the bastard severed his finger and blasted a gas pipe, causing an explosion and knocking me out. When I woke up, I was in Azkaban" he concluded with tears running down his cheeks

Amelia took a deep breath "it is odd" she said looking at the chief warlock "isn't it the chief warlocks Duty to insure justice? Why didn't he get a trial Chief warlock Dumbledore?" she asked pointedly

Dumbles wore his best disappointed grandfather look for the bull he is about to spew "it was a busy time, Amelia. The war was just concluded and between the Wizengamot the ICW and the school, it was almost guaranteed that some may slip between the cracks"

Amelia Bones nodded and waived her wand, releasing Sirius Black, shocking the Wizengamot "according to the law, since no one charged Lord Black after thirty days of confinement, he can go free" she explained

Sirius rose from his seat and added "unless one of you want's to accuse me of something" he smiled, but there was no humour in his smile

"Let's take an hour rest for lunch, before the next surprise, Amelia" said Dumbles casually

"Of course Albus" she spoke with an equally casual tone causing the man's eye to twitch


During the lunch break Madam Bones guided Lord Black to a separate conference room. Sirius being Sirius decided it was a great time to hit on one of the most powerful women in magical Britain.

"So are you taking me to a broom closet? I remember us going to one, once. Fun time" he said remembering his days in school

"Yes" Amelia spoke in a quite condescending voice "I remember, you were out of practice I believe" she said causing Sirius's lips to twitch

"Just as witty as I remember you to be" he chuckled "too bad the job took all the fun out of you" he smiled at her warily not hearing the 'it wasn't the job' she spoke

They soon reached the room and entered after knocking only to be greeted by a "hey there Dogfather"


The hour passed by quickly and the Wizengamot was back in session "order, order" called the old goat with the long beard "next motion please"

Lady Augusta Longbottom rose from her seat "I have here signed documents from Lord Black, Heir Potter and his magical guardian to take proxy over the seats of Black and Potter " she spoke loudly and clearly

"But that's impossible" spoke the Gay Goat, before he can think, while the Gay Pounce seethed in rage.

"And why is that, Albus?" Dowager Longbottom asked, as if expecting his response

Let it be known that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is not a complete idiot. He has several years op politicking under his belt, and can sense a trap from a mile away and this was one

"I apologise for my outburst, but I seem to have been taken over by surprise is all" he reattached his grandfatherly demeanour and smiled genially "if I may see the documents please" he requested

Instead of handing it or sending it over, Dowager Longbottom tapped the parchment with her wand causing several copies of it to fly all around to every member of the Wizengamot "as can be clearly seen, both seats are now handed to me to act as proxy for the currently absent lords" she then turned to Aila McLaggen "may I ask who gave you permission to take proxy of the Potter Seat?" Lady Longbottom asked sharply

"uhhh, well… Dumb--" the woman was stammering until she was interrupted by Dumbledore

"That is a matter for another time Augusta, perh-" Dumbledore was interrupted this time

"You will call me Lady or Dowager Longbottom as long as we are in session, am I clear chief warlock?" she spoke with an edge in her voice and what some may recognise as… hate

Dumbles being one of those who recognised it fumbled for a bit "of- of course Lady Longbottom, my apologies"

Augusta gave an indignant humph "as long as you understand. Now clear my seats" she called as the minor noble McLaggen left as her husband is already the lord and voice of the McLaggen family in the Wizengamot.

The minor noble, Lord Malfoy descended to take his seat at the lower noble houses. His son was supposed to be the only heir to the most ancient most noble house of Black, it's how he convinced the Wizengamot to let him take the seat as a proxy, as he is 'holding it for his son'. It was his chance to elevate the house Malfoy to its rightful place, but all is gone and it's that Bones bitch fault.

As Malfoy is seething, Augusta Longbottom used her newly found power to call another matter "I call into motion the validity of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, as Chief warlock of the Wizengamot, head and representative of Britain in the ICW and headmaster of Hogwarts"

One thing was going through Dumb-Ass-Door's mind right now 'OH SHIT'