Lucky Day Part 2

Harry was in the Craftsmen area, of the floating city, named the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Alongside him is the ever present and more so dangerous Semiramis, who is keeping a watchful eye on her master as he breaks the laws of nature.

Harry was, at the moment standing in front of a table with several items of varied power sitting on it.

The first of which is a white sphere that is just sitting there looking useless, but don't let it fool you, as that is a sacred gear in the making.

The second one is a Blue crystal. It is about an adult fist size and looks as if it has a flame burning inside of it. When Harry asked the system what it does, he was surprised to find that is would bestow upon him the ability to Absorb, alter, create, destroy and control any flame, within his 'Domain' of influence, as it is the blessing that was bestowed on Hell. The only reason it is orange and not red is apparently it takes time to learn to use it and its power is exponential to the person wielding it.

The third item is a black Prism attached to a grey thorny chain. This is the inheritance of the Shadow Monarch. It gives the wielder the ability to raise the dead around him/her as shadows that serve them. It also grants minor control over the Darkness element and major affinity with the element.

The fourth item was a jar made of glass and metal and filled with white smoke that has a burst of electricity spark through it every now and then. This is the Byakko Soul. According to the system it is the White Tiger of the West, Representative of autumn, storm and Iron. It represents balance of the Yin and Yang and is considered the king, above all, bellow none.

The fifth and last item is a Golden slime that is the Assimilation Symbiot. It would grant the Sacred Gear the ability to grow… that's it.

"Looks like everything is ready" Harry said to himself "let's do this"

Harry then spent the next two hours creating his new Sacred Gear. He loved it simply for the fact that it will be part of his soul so no one can take it or his Symbiote.


Harry and Ramis Had arrived at Paris and were exploring it. They didn't go to the magical side however, as Felix (the potion) told Harry not to. So he took the opportunity to transform into a dashing young man, and take Ramis out for a date, much to her surprise and pleasure.

Several hours later, at about 10 PM, Harry and Ramis had just exited a convenience store. Harry and Ramis had a steaming cup of coffee each and were walking by an alley, when they heard a cry.

Without even a time to blink, Ramis found herself alone with her Master halfway into the ally. She gave chase and by the time she reached the halfway mark of said ally, another scream was heard, this time from a man.

When she got there she saw her master, comforting a young girl, that didn't feel all too human, while a balding fat man was face first on the floor with his hands covering his exposed genitalia.

Upon taking another look at the situation, she found the following:

-The young girl's dress was slightly torn and dirty indicating a scuffle

-The man was the would be rapist, if it wasn't for Harry

-Harry had used the cup of steaming coffee on the man's family jewels

"…all in a day's work" she shrugged. Just as she was approaching Harry, the sound of several POPs echoed through the alley.

Harry had by then taken his jacket and placed it around the little girl, who was by now holding onto him for dear life. The girl's tension was alleviated slightly when she heard the popping sound, but she never let go of Harry.

Soon enough, several men and a Beautiful woman came into sight, wands drawn and spells armed.

"Fleur" the woman cried, running past the men, ignoring their shouts and heeding strait for the young girl

The now identified Fleur, finally let go of Harry and jumped towards her mother, after she got close enough.

After a quick rapid fire explanation, curtsy of the young Fleur, the men accompanying the woman lowered their wands and had instinctively moved their hands to be in a better position to protect a certain precious part of theirs.

One of the men approached Harry and extended his hand "I thank you for saving my daughter, monsieur. My name is Fredric Delacour. May I know your name?" asked the man with a heavy accent

Harry took his hand and began to transform into his 'real' body size, surprising the man and putting more than a few of the escort on alert "My name is Harry Potter, pleasure to meet you, sir" Harry replied with a cheeky grin as a look of surprise slowly spread among those present


The whole group was then escorted back to the Auror station for questioning which took about an hour. After it was done Monsieur Delacour met harry and Ramis, and insisted on them staying with him and his family for the night.

Harry agreed, but made it clear that he had plans on Yules, so he can't stay longer. The trip was done by floo, and surprisingly, or not, Harry exited the floo on his face.

As Harry was on the floor contemplating his existence, he heard a soft giggle from above him. When he looked up he saw Fleur standing there, looking all clean and tidy and cute.

"Hello" Harry greeted her as he stood up

"Hello" she replied with a heavy accent, and slow tempo

Harry smiled and switched to French as he learned it from his previous life "/my name is Harry Potter, want to be friends/" he asked, speaking French

The girls eyes widen slightly and her smile grew but the sound of throat cleansing broke her out of her building excitement, as training started taking over "my name is Fleur Delacour" she curtsied "I would love to be your friend" she replied

Harry nodded and then turned to the adults standing behind Fleur, specifically Apolline Delacour. The Veela was beautiful, not in a sexy, seduction type of beauty, but the lovely type "/A pleasure to meet you monsieur Potter/" she spoke in a calm voice extending her hand

"/the pleasure is mine, Mademoiselle Delacour/" Harry returned as he took her hand and kissed her knuckle

The woman smiled, as if in approval and began to lead everyone to the dining room for dinner. It was a pleasant affair. Harry was asked a ton of questions, and asked just as many back. He learned a lot about Veelas and France's magical community in general. It was a good day.

After dinner, Harry and Ramis were led to their quarters. Two rooms, side by side on the west wing of the mansion, while the Delacour family used the east wing.


Harry had waited for this all day, but it was finally past midnight, and he can use the Lottery again.

*Ping* [Daily Lottery x5 used]

[Pair of communication mirrors] (Green)

[Dragon tongue] (Green)

[Crystal Release] (Purple)

[Nundu vocal string] (Purple)

[Tree of life seed] (Orange)

Harry was excited to explore these new items, but was suddenly feeling tired. He closed the system window and moved towards the bed deciding it was time to sleep.

A few minutes after Harry fell asleep, the door creaked slightly open, and a six year old Fleur wearing her cute little jammies sneaked her way to Harry's bed. She climbed it, as silently as she can with her feet dangling from the side most of the time, and scooted under the covers to sleep next to Harry. The bed was more than big enough for two children and soft enough for her to fall asleep the next minute too.

What both failed to notice was Semiramis, holding a video camera she borrowed from Harry and recording the entire thing with a stupid smile on her face.