Pleasant Day

The next morning Harry woke up to the sight of a small girl curled up to him as he was cuddling with her. She was still asleep, even though the curtains were open.

Harry, being still half asleep, thought he heard "FBI, open up" causing him to chuckle and waking the sleeping girl.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him from where her head was, near his chest. Her sleepy eyes widened bit by bit as she was frozen like a statue

"/Good morning/" calmly Harry greeted

"/Good morning/" she replied while blushing up a storm

A small cough brought their attention to the smirking Apolline standing at the base of the bed "/I was looking for my daughter this morning, imagine my surprise when I find her in a boy's bed/" she shook her head as if in disappointment, causing Fleur to blush even more and Harry to laugh

"/Then perhaps we should discuss a marriage contract when we're older/" Harry joked, while sending a teasing smile towards Fleur.

By now fleur had enough of the teasing and decided to employ the better part of valour, and ran from the room. Apolline smiled as she was able to see the small smile of her daughter's face when she left

'They grow up so fast…' the thought brought her to a halt. 'Wasn't harry, four? How is he so mature?'

As if feeling her question he asked "/Have something to ask of me? /"

Apolline took a moment to consider the question she wanted to ask "/you… are odd for a four year old… I mean besides the Metamorphmagus abilities, I mean your maturity" she tried to explain as her usual, confident visage was put aside for a more motherly, concerned one

Harry smiled at her calmly, easing the tension that was building up inside her "I do not have as easy a life, as those books show" the rest he left unsaid, and she simply nodded and turned to leave the room

"Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes" she said, again, using her confident Lady attitude

Harry liked that, no pity, no fussing. The attitude of I will help you, but not judge you. He found it quite rare all things considered, as most people would judge you and not help… Bastards


The breakfast was uneventful. No one teased Fleur or Harry as they wanted it to be a pleasant occasion all around and now

The rest of the day was spent exploring the French magical community with the ladies as Fredric had 'work'. Harry understood 'work' was just an excuse after being dragged by the two Veelas and one Queen through every Magical clothing shop in Paris… the city of fashion.

They soon had lunch and returned to the Villa that the Delacour family called home. But as all good things must end, it was time to go back to Brittan.

Fleur of course was upset and clung to Harry like a vice. Harry thinking on what he can do to placate her remembered an item he received yesterday.

Harry placed the hand that wasn't enveloped by the teary eyed Fleur inside his pocket and took out from his inventory the two way magical mirrors. He presented one of them to Fleur with a victorious smile.

Fleur looked confused for a second but took the mirror "/what is it?/" she asked

"Go stand there and I will stand over there, then call my name" he told her as he pointed at a few meters away at opposite directions

Fleur complied, and when both were in position she looked at Harry for confirmation. Harry nodded his head and she called his name.

"/Hello Fleur/" she heard from the mirror. She turned towards the mirror only to see Harry, surprised, she started turning from the mirror to Harry and back to the mirror

Harry laughed at her actions but explained to her how the mirrors work and how she can talk to him whenever she wants using the mirror, regardless of distance and how he can visit her and she can come to his place whenever she wants.

Sufficiently subdued Fleur let Harry go after giving him a kiss on the cheek, much to the amusement of Apolline and ire of Fredric.


On the way back to Brittan, again using the hanging gardens, Harry was trying to unlock his new sacred gear.

In order to make it more adaptable Harry had fused Byakko soul and the Golden Symbiot into it together. He then 'fed' it the rest of the items making the base of the Sacred Gear the White Tiger and the Golden Symbiote.

The problem showed itself when he finished bonding with it, it went dormant. Meaning he had to awaken it. What's worse, he still hadn't found a proper name for it.

'Maybe I should call it the Royal Feast, to represent the gear's eating to grow? Or the King's Conquest as it conquers the aspects it feeds on…' Harry was thinking to himself

While Harry was having his chuuni moment, on the floor in a lotus position, the system had a counter on display in the quest page that showed when Harry would awaken his Gear. Too bad he never checked it if he wasn't working on a quest.

"Oh, well" Harry told himself "work hard and let life do the rest" he cheered himself up as he went to train his Martial.


Harry arrived home at night time, and checked his inventory one last time before his time for bed.

Throughout the months he's been here he received many things, from kitchen utensils to firearms to magical equipment. The problem was that he was too busy to sort through everything as he was taken over by the need to learn.

The only item requgnisable for him is the Heart of Tarrasque which boosts vitality and healing, as well as the person's physical strength. The Tarrasque itself however is an ancient beast that had the body of a six legged lion, with a turtle shell and lizard like tail. He recognised it from Dota 2.

Another thing is he received a lot of basic skills, like driving and cooking, but never used them. Even some weird ones that he didn't even know existed.

'Like what the fuck is a knocker upper and why would I need this skill?' harry mentally shouted 'it better not be what I think it is'

He can probably ask the System about them, but he was tired from his physical training on the gardens, so maybe after the party tomorrow.