Duel to the Death

About two weeks after, Harry was inspecting a vacant shop in Diagon alley for his new store when a quest popped up

[Save Theodor Nott from Alvin Nott

Reward: special ticket x1

Bonus objective: Kill Alvin Nott

Bonus Reward: special ticket x3]

This was the first time Harry had a quest that wasn't by his way or for him. The closest thing to it was the one telling Harry to teach Nymmi wandless magic.

It was then that Harry heard shouting, as he turned he saw a man dragging a young boy by the arm "You will learn your lesson today; we don't deal with blood traitors" the man shouting at the boy.

Harry shook his head and moved in the way and 'accidently' tripped the man, causing him to fall face first on the ground, causing more than a few to laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that" Harry said as he grabbed Lord Nott's arm to help him up. Harry morphed to look like a tall teenager, so he was able to help the man up, and hit him with a point-blank, wandless, wordless Confundus.

"Let go of me you filthy mud-blood" he screeched causing the alley to go quiet

Harry stood tall and spoke with authority "I will have you know I am Harry James Potter, Heir to the most ancient most noble house of Potter, and you will show respect" Harry nearly growled to add to the show

Nott under Harry's Confundus charm, which was set to cause recklessness, sneered "so not a mud-blood, so what, you're still a blood traitor" this time his words caused murmurs to trickle through the crowd gathered for the show

Harry growled "I harry James Potter Heir to the most ancient most noble house of Potter and most ancient most noble house of Black challenge you to an honour duel" this caused the crowed to gasp


Theodore Nott was worried, not for his father but for Harry Potter. Theo hated his father because he killed Theo's mom, but kept the fact that he knew secret. His father also punished him a lot because he wasn't good enough, he embarrassed his father in front of his friends or just because he wanted to throw a Cruciatus curse at something and he happened to be there.

Today was no different. All Theo said was that it was good to get rid of the werewolves, but his father thought otherwise and was dragging him home to educate 'read Cruciatus' him.

"As the challenged, you may decide the time and location, or apologise for your dishonourable words and retract them" Harry broke Theo out of his stupor

Then out of nowhere Harry potter appears and challenges his father to an honour duel. They are usually to the death and with his father; they are defiantly to the death. No matter how much of a genius Harry Potter was, he was five and his father was a death eater, he was worried, and hopped his father would just apologise and have the duel dropped.

"I don't care and I stand by my words, TRAITOR" Alvin shouted

"Then it is here and now" Harry then turned and saw an auror "you, what's your name" he called to the auror

The young auror froze for a second before answering "George Proudfoot, sir"

Harry turned to Alvin "is he an acceptable Referee?"

The Referee was a third party that would make sure everything is on the up and up, and in the absence of seconds make sure there was no foul play.

Alvin Nott saw the young auror who was practically shaking in his boots "as acceptable as any" he accepted with a sneer that would make Snape proud

Harry took off his outer robes to reveal a white dress shirt and a Black dress pants with dress shoes "weapon and wand, no restriction. Auror Proudfoot, if you would set up a duellers wall please" harry asked the Auror who nodded and moved frantically

Soon enough, both Lord Nott and Heir Potter were inside a blue transparent wall, that can keep spells in, but that's about it. People can just walk out and spells from out of the wall can go through easily. Its only usefulness is when used for duels.

Harry turned to face Alvin Nott and pulled on his bracelet transforming it into a rapier, the same one he got about a year ago. Alvin Nott sneered again and pulled out his wand.

Auror Proudfoot stood just outside the the dueller's wall "would both duellers bow to each other" Harry accepted and bowed slightly, Nott did not "Lord Nott, no honour" the Auror spoke causing Alvin's eyes to widen

When no honour is called, and the winner of the duel is the one who it was called on, they get nothing from the win. In another word, Harry can claim right by conquest if he won as he is defeating the only adult male of the Nott Family, but Lord Nott cannot, because he acted without Honour.

Alvin Nott shouted "I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS" at the young Auror who was too scared to act

"Auror" Harry spoke calmly and without an ounce of anything besides cold calculated killing intent "begin the duel"

The auror snapped out of his fear and began with a shaky voice "ready" he lifted his hand and brought it down "Begin"

"AVADA-" was as far as he got. The people were confused for a second until they saw the rapier sticking out of Nott's neck with blood flowing out. They turned to Harry, only to see him in a stance that indicates he threw the sword at Nott.

Harry walked slowly and calmly towards the now on his knees Nott, gaping for a breath as he held his neck, and took hold of the rapier "because the Potter is a light family people believe us weak" Harry spoke in a strangely admonishing tone "but the light sided families now have me, their sun/son" Harry then slashed the rapier causing Alvin's head to drop clean off

Harry then swung the blade downwards and the blood on it fell to the floor leaving the blade as good as new. Harry then turned to the auror who looked dumbly back "well?" Harry asked with a raised brow

"W-w-w- *gulp* winner is Heir Potter" the poor auror spoke before almost passing out as he heard "What is going on here?" from a very angry sounding Madam Bones