Theo or Nott

Harry had convinced Madam Bones that he was fine and that he had a family to claim, so she let him go on the promise that he will come see her the next day.

Harry had then taken the five year old Theo, and went towards Gringotts while escorted by Auror Proudfoot. Harry looked at Theo, and saw no sadness or anger, just resignation, but knew not to ask.

Once inside they were led to Longfang's office. The old goblin greeted them and asked them to sit in front of his desk while the auror waited outside "we're waiting for someone" he explained when Harry made to speak

It wasn't long after that a grumbling goblin that was carrying a suitcase came into the office "here are the Nott accounts" he then left, grumbling on

Harry smiled and looked at Theo "what is your opinion in all this?" he asked

Theo kept quiet and took a moment to study Harry before answering "I don't want to be nameless, homeless or penniless before I am even old enough to reach Hogwarts"

Harry nodded and turned to Longfang "I want the Most ancient and Noble house of Nott to be assigned as retainers for the most ancient most noble house of Potter and will be given a choice if they wish to continue being retainers at such time house Nott has been rebuilt"

His words caused both Longfang and Theo shock. Under normal circumstances, the house lost by right of conquest is disbanded and the winner would gain all assets of the disbanded house for their own "Why?" asked Theo

Harry smiled "we already lost many of the noble houses of Great Brittan, losing another one would be devastating for our magical community" upon hearing him both Longfang and Theo looked at him in new light and awe

The truth however is that he just didn't need the resources of the Nott family and instead is going to use it for good publicity for his store.

"Did Nott leave a will?" Harry asked. The will was null now but harry wanted to see it none the less

Longfang looked through the suitcase and pulled out the document. It was a straight forward matter of leaving Theo with the Carrow siblings 'to be taught how to be a true pureblood'.

Harry seriously considered finding a way to revive people to simply revive Alvin and crucio him to death. The Carrow siblings were known for their abusive behaviour and their methods of 'education' that they use on children. Harry was thoughtful for a minute as he remembered the Carrow twins. They would be born this year or the next and would experience hell under their father's cousin. He had work to do, but that's for another day.

Theo, seeing Harry look at the will so intently was worried he might be sent to them "Please don't send me there" he pleaded in the softest voice a five year old can make

Harry looked towards Theo, who by now had tears welling in his eyes. It broke Harry's heart that this child was turned to a Nazi by his teenage years "don't worry" Harry smiled gently and patted Nott's head "you'll be staying with me"

Nott visibly relaxed, but his tears were already flowing. Harry said nothing and simply hugged Theo, letting him deal with his emotions on this roller-coaster of a day.


That evening, when Harry returned home he found the marauder, the Tonks the Longbottom and the Bones families there, waiting for him.

After settling everyone's worries and introducing Theodore Nott to them, they went to the dining room for dinner and a story.

"If you tell me what happened here and give me a copy of the memory I can work with those and you won't have to come tomorrow" Madam Bones offered

Harry nodded and started telling them everything from the beginning "…after checking the shop, I was heading towards Florean Fortescue's to get some butterbear ice cream and something hit me and fell. When I checked what it was it turned out to be Alvin Nott" when he got there all eyes turned to Theo, who was listening intently as well

Theo noticed the eyes looking at him instead of Harry and decided to speak his mind as he wasn't allowed to before "he is a right bloody bastard and I'm happy he's dead" he said with a humph causing the people to gawk

"Atta boy" Harry laughed nocking everyone out of their stupor

"Why would you say that Theo?" Madam Bones asked gently causing Theo to go quiet

Harry seeing Theo being uncomfortable decided to intervene "hey, why are you nice to him, but stern with me?" he joked

When she wanted to reprimand him she noticed his eyes didn't have the smile on his face. If she didn't notice that then the subtle head shake was a giveaway to change the subject.

"Because Theo is a good boy, and you are a bad boy" she explained in a matter of fact way causing Theo to blush and Harry to mock pout "now to the encounter"

Harry nodded and continued the story about what happened, leaving out the Confundus part "and so, by law, I shouldn't use magic so I used my sword"

"May I see it" Madam Bones interrupted

Harry simply pulled on his bracelet and it turned to a rapier. He presented it to her, handle first "it is one of the things Sebas taught me" Harry lied as Sebas, who was standing at the wall, bowed slightly in confirmation.

Madam bones took the sword and inspected it and spoke a few words describing it as a quick-quote-quill wrote it all down before returning it to Harry "please continue"

Harry took back the sword and it was back on his wrist a second later "as we stood apart, me with my blade and Alvin Nott with his wand, I was contemplating how to close the distance that we had between us" 'without revealing myself' Harry thought "so I chose to throw the blade at him. Whether he dodges or takes the hit, it will give me time to close the distance. I got lucky though, and hit him in the neck, so I just had to finish him off" Harry concluded with a shrug

Madam Bones was feeling that there was more to it, but decided to avoid that headache and focus on carrying out the debriefing

The next day the papers were going wild at the events of the day prior. Harry had sent a letter to the Daily Prophet explaining what he was going to do with the house Nott and Harry's name spread through the wizarding like a fire through dry wood.

The muggle-born and light families loved Harry, because of his speech. The purebloods loved Harry, because he didn't disband another noble house. And the dark families couldn't do anything without inviting the ire of the rest.

Harry, unknowingly, was building a reputation beyond the Boy-Who-Lived as Harry Potter.