In the Harry Potter cannon, they neglected to show how truly bad the treatment of squibs was. They weren't just kicked out of the family, they were banished. Forced to fend for themselves before they are even teenagers the ending for most of them, is not at all good.
What Harry did, was picking up these squibs and give them a job. It was one of his first projects, and now after one and a half years it's finally time for it to bear fruit.
Squibs, in general, are not magicless, they simply have too little magic to cast spells. What Harry did was take these 'less than fortunate people' and teach them potions, runes, finance and Law.
Anyone can mix ingredients and anyone can carve rocks. They just have to learn.
The question now must be, but who is teaching them? Well that would be Muggle-borns. When the ministry is run by the pure blooded rich, employment becomes about who you know, rather than how good you are.
Shops are mostly hereditary and there are very few places to work with bad potions scores curtsy of one greasy bat, and you have many unemployed muggle-born wizards just willing and ready to work for peanuts.
The result of this is Harry opening a shop that has Muggle-born employees that sells squib potions from his recipes. The shop is called 'Better Tasting Potions' as he modified the recipes of several potions to be flavoured as different things.
All registered and legal, of course.
Best part is that inside the shop there is a sign saying 'from the best squib crafters' standing in front of a special shelf holding ornate vials. In those vials are Felix Felicis dosages, for those in need of luck.
The store also had a back room where women would find… female care potions… Harry didn't ask and simply modified whatever Andromeda wanted. According to his Dogfather and uncle, he did the right thing.
Today was opening day. It had been two weeks since the duel and Theodore was quite comfortable with his new home. Semiramis and Grayfia fussed over him like a little brother much to Theo's absolute confusion as he never had anyone take care of him like that and to the amusement of Harry, seeing the little guy blushing up a storm.
Harry finished breakfast and got dressed, while looking like a teenager. The entire country knows he is a Metamorphmagus anyway, might as well use it.
Harry flood to the office in the third floor of the store building alongside Grayfia, who is responsible for the business aspect on the magical side of things, while Sebas took the non-magical side.
Harry got to the first floor and began the proses of opening the shop unceremoniously, ignoring the crowd gathered in front of the store. After he was done setting everything up with his three shop assistants, he opened the door to the shop, but no one moved as he moved forward to stand at the door step.
There were a lot of people, some even from outside the country. It appears that the combination of silver bane and the duel had created quite the advertisement for his store.
Harry smiled gently and bowed slightly, then spoke "welcome to my shop, I hope you like what you find here and to please ask one of the clerks if you need anything, enjoy your shopping" he finished and went inside
The people took a moment to digest the fact that the shop is now open for business, before rushing in. Many people came to see what the young genius came up with, including the unwanted.
Minister Fudge was having a bad time. First it was the Sirius case, then Dumbledore's fuck up with that Potter brat. Then Amelia Bones cracking on all low level employees and bringing out all their dirty laundry.
How was he to know that some floo control people were getting paid to prevent certain families from escaping death eaters? How was he to know that some port-keys were tampered with based on demand? He isn't a god, he can't be everywhere at once, and he had better things to do.
Like using the rising star that was Harry Potter to get better ratings with the voters "Harry, good lad" Fudge began as he entered the shop and spotted Harry
*few minutes earlier*
Harry was interacting with his customers and answering their questions when a familiar blond woman appeared with an equally blond man and a small also blond girl "Harry" the woman greeted neutrally
Harry smiled and nodded his head "Pandora and you must be Xenophiles" Harry extended his hand towards the man
"That's father to you Harry, I am your Father-in-law after all" he replied with a faraway look, causing many of the customers to look at them wide eyed
Harry laughed "not yet you're not" he spoke jovially causing Xeno to get an understanding look on his face and Pandora to quirk her brows. Before she can say anything though a call for Harry bellowed in the shop
"Harry, good lad" everyone in the shop turned to see who it was
"Minister Fuc… *cough*… Minister Fudge, what can I do for you today?" Harry spoke with a smile that wasn't a smile
The minister made his way through the crowd to stop a few feet from Harry "nothing young man, I'm just here to see how the young shall lead the future" he said 'and how I can make use of it' he added in his mind
Harry then got a thoughtful look "Dena, bring me the post-correct Potion" Harry called to one of the shop clerks then turned to the Minister "I think I can still help you minister" the minister was slightly confused but nonetheless intrigued so he let it play.
The clerk came back with a vile of a light blue liquid and gave it to Harry "Minister Fudge" Harry began gaining the attention of the minister and the people "I have noticed that you have a slight posture problem that doesn't seem from any sickness or pain, correct?"
The minister didn't like being called out like that, but nonetheless, he had a show to do and a role to play "yes, I had that problem since I was young" he explaind in a regretful voice that was not far from sincere
Harry smiled and presented the light blue potion "take this" he spoke confidently
The minister looked at the potion, now in his hand, then at Harry then back at the potion. After a moment he shrugged and took the potion fully in one swig "tastes like butterbear" he comented
After about a second he noticed something is different. He was… taller "what happened?" he asked Harry
"It's simple really" Harry began "a lot of people have a bad posture when doing desk work or when studying or even when walking. Then they get used to it, and the bad posture becomes the norm and as they get older it causes back pain and a plethora of other problems" Harry spoke like a teacher
"What the post-correct potion does is correct the posture of a person to what the norm should be. If taken daily for a week, the consumer's body will be used to the correct posture and will have it as the default. Easy way to look better don't you think, minister?" Harry waved Fudge towards a wall mirror
When Cornelius Fudge saw himself he knew he was buying a week's worth, but he also knew something else
'Harry Potter just used me for publicity'