Dealing With People & Other Things

A wise man once said, a person is smart but people are stupid. It is why Harry was now, two months after the duel, standing in front of the Wizengamot. He was brought in under the charges of Line Theft.

Harry could've just had the official document he signed with the goblins about what to do with the Nott family and had the charges dropped, but like a good little slytherin he decided to play the situation to his advantage.

It is why he is now speaking to the Wizengamot "I, as an Heir to a most ancient most noble house, demand to know who calls question to my honour"

"mister Potter" Dumbledore began "it is the decision of the Wizengamot to investigate this matter so that young Theodore may not suffer the same fate as you did" He said with a grandfatherly tone

Harry's anger flared "you compare me to those magic hating child beaters" He rounded on Dumbledore causing the man to flinch "do you not understand that I was a victim of such and that I would know that it is wrong, or is it the fact that you sent me there that is bothering you" Harry held nothing back, causing the people to gasp

"This is a sham of people trying to take the Nott fortune for themselves" Harry spoke boldly and took out a parchment document "this is a copy of the documents I signed with the goblins. It contains the future plans I have for the Nott family. It also states that Alvin Nott never bothered to set a trust vault for his own son so I opened one from my own accounts" Harry the conjured copies of the document and spread them with a wave of his hand causing the people to gape at his display of wandless magic

"I… see" Dumbledore said looking intently at the document. His work for the past month has just gone the drain and he can't even question the document without showing that he was the one orchestrating this, but maybe…

"And how do we make sure this document is true?" Augusta spoke causing the people to grow more confused

Harry smiled "all documents presented today will be available for access at Gringotts bank. You can check them there"

Dumbledore could've sworn he saw the dark families nod in approval at the political move Harry just played. The document could've had the charges dropped, but he used this to gain more publicity.

When the news came out on what Heir Potter planned for the Nott family, not many believed it. Who would give up the chance to double his/her wealth?

Dumbledore worked based on the belief that Harry was going Dark and had faked the news to gain publicity, but now he knew that Harry is a better player of the game than Tom

The thought that he was wrong never crossed his mind. He KNEW Harry had fallen to the darkness in his heart. he was hoping keeping him sedated using the Dursleys and offering him salvation in the magical world would save his soul at least, but now it's too late.

As Dumbles was busy lamenting his failures, Harry decided to end this farce "to whomever questioned my honour, you are as bad as the maggots called death eaters, too much of a coward to face me like a proper wizard" His words cut deep into many wizards, some for supporting Dumbledore, and some because they are death eaters

"I can see some of the… imperiused members of the Wizengamot, getting upset" Harry called out while looking at a few in particular "perhaps you agree with me, don't you Lord Malfoy" Harry singled Luscious out

Luscious Malfoy was one of the inner circle members of the death eaters. He was a well-known supporter of the pureblood ways. And now he was squirming under the eyes of a five year old with no true way out.

"it is of course, as you say" luscious gritted out after a moment of silence

Harry smiled "I see. Maybe next time the Lord ring you're will prevent that" he spoke calmly as if assuring Luscious

Lord, lady and Heir rings are well known to prevent all tampering with the mind, from love potions to mind reading and of course the imperius curse.

When Harry called that out, several eyes widened and several people wanted to smack their own heads for their idiocy. Harry laughed at the gawking expression of the people and walked out not waiting for a ruling or anything of the sort.


The next day Harry didn't need to read the papers to know they were having a blast. Luscious can do nothing now that the Paper is not owned by the ministry or was accepting 'donations'.

A heavily worded letter was sent to Barnabas Cuffe, the editor and chief of the paper. It stated more or less that mister Cuffe would receive a visit from a certain werewolf named Greyback should the paper continue its… false printing.

Harry smiled and sent a few house elves to watch over the house of Mr Cuffe while he is staying in a muggle hotel on vication, alongside several well trained Muggle-born escorts.

It was after four days, at the next full moon, that one of the elves popped up telling Harry that a werewolf pack is ransacking Mr Cuffe's house. Harry smiled and apparated to said house.

Inside the house were five were wolves, just going to town on the house. Harry smiled and flexed preparing to try a new thing he was training for the past month.



[The Animagus essence allows Host to transform to any animal of a certain species. i.e. if felines were chosen, the host would be able to transform to any cat or cat like creature]

"So what if I combine it with my Metamorphmagus ability?" Harry asked

[Then Host would be able to transform to anything by consuming some of the creatures DNA]

*end flashback*


Harry smiled as he remembered drinking Remus's blood the first time. He thought he would turn to a werewolf, but oh how wrong he was.

A bark drew Harry from his stupor; it seems the wolves finally smelled him. Harry grinned and began transforming himself.

It only took a few seconds, and the creature that was standing where Harry was, was defiantly not a werewolf.

Harry was seven feet tall now. He was white and had black stripes. His face was more feline and his body was muscular, nothing like the werewolves.

It seems that Rex Tigris (name of the sacred gear) affected the werewolf blood he took and made him into a large white weretiger. (look up mercenary from Grimoire of Zero)

Harry was wearing clothing that was originally designed for his Metamorphmagus ability to change size with him, but was modified to fit him now. After transforming he only had black pants on perfect for a battle of man beasts.

Harry smiled as one of the wolves charged him. Everything came to a slow the wolf was mid-air wanting to tackle Harry to the ground.

The next thing anyone knew was Harry holding the wolf by the neck in feet off the ground as it failed to get out of Harry's grip. Harry held the wolf easily, but never broke eye contact with the alpha of the Pack.

A menacing grin spread across Harry's face and a snapping sound broke through the silence of the night. The wolf crumbled to the ground in a heap while the wolves growled in rage and charged Harry together.

Harry released a powerful roar that caused all the wolves to falter, except the alpha who fought through it and came to the same position as the first wolf, mid-air and attempting to tackle Harry down.

Harry simply vanished and reappeared at the side of a shell-shocked wolf with one of his legs vertically up. Harry brought it down on the wolf's neck, decapitating it.

The wolf's head hit the ground just as Greyback's did. Harry had used his claws to separate his head as he moved past him…it.

Harry looked at the two wolves left, they were afraid; they wanted to run but were still under the effect of his Roar.

Harry spoke, actively using his power as the King, he commanded softly through the growl of his voice


That was all it took as the two werewolves immediately bowed to their new alpha, no, their KING.