Training Montage

It was finally time for the training to begin. It had been a week since the birthday party and Harry was greeting the kids.

Those participating in the training were Theo, Nymphadora, Neville, Susan, Luna, Ginny, Ron, and Fred and George.

"Mother forced us to come" the twin explained

Harry nodded solemnly "and here I was planning to teach you guys how to make potions. I mean imagine all the pranks you can pull with custom potions" needless to say, Harry had them. It looks like they are the same mischievous bunch from cannon

Harry then turned to the rest "welcome to He… *cough… the training camp"

"You were going to say hell weren't you" Theo called Harry out

"No idea what you mean"


*Queue eye of the tiger*

"The concept of duelling is simple, hit and don't get hit. To achieve this, you need great speed, which needs physical training and so… RUN" Harry spoke as he was leading the group of tired children to run around the potter manor

"Neville, I can see you back there. Get a move on" Harry continued to shout like a drill sergeant


*one week later*

"C'mon Ron, stop trying to hit me and hit me" Harry taunted

As Ron charged Harry again, Harry dodged and slapped Ron on the back of the head "that all you got Ronikens" Harry taunted again

Ron's face turned Red and charged Harry. Harry tripped Ron and twisted his arm behind him "Calm down" he spoke coldly, and as if a bucket of cold water was dropped on him Ron stopped struggling

Harry picked Ron of the ground "do you know what I did?" he asked Ron

Ron nodded "you taunted me… and I fell for it"

Harry smiled and turned to the audience "remember kids, your tongue is a weapon, and your emotions can be used against you" He then turned to Ron "Gryffindor can be as brave as they want but never reckless" Ron smiled as Harry acknowledged him as a lion

Harry then turned to his class "who can tell me why we are learning martial arts?"

Nymmi raised her hand "you don't count. I already told you why" Harry shot her down

Hesitantly Neville raised his hand "is it in case we lose our wands?"

"Yes, that's right Neville" Harry smiled at the obvious relief showing on Neville "another reason is foot work, if you can dodge a punch coming from a foot away, you can dodge a spell coming from six"


*one month later*

"Potions are a lot like cooking, learn how to put when, stir what in what way, and use this much at this time. The true art is when creating something new, and today, you'll all learn the true power of Logic" Harry finished his speech

"Logic is over rated" Luna piped in

"But necessary" Nymmi added, gaining an understanding nod from the Little girl



It was like this that time progressed. Every summer, the group would get together and practice. It continued until three years had passed relatively uneventful and it was Nymmi's time to go to Hogwarts.

Harry and Nymphadora spent at least every weekend together so this is the longest they will be apart. Harry had already given her a pair of communication mirrors he created "make sure to mirror me a lot, ok" Harry spoke as he hugged her

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, DAD" she joked, though one can see she wasn't willing to let go any more than he is

Eventually she had to leave and it was time for Harry and co to go back as well. Harry now spent the day training, the evening interacting with his lovely maid and servant, and night talking with fleur and Nymmi as Fleur also started Beauxbaton this year.


The summer of 1989 was slightly different for the gang. Fleur was visiting and the first year Hufflepuff was finally back from her time at Hogwarts. They did meet in the holidays, but it just wasn't the same.

Harry was in the train station with the Tonks parents and Semiramis. It was a few moments after they arrived that the train arrived and students began to exit the train.

"HARRY!" Nymmi tackled Harry to the ground where he greeted her back, already used to her active greetings

"If you keep acting like a child Harry will never treat you like a woman you know" Andromeda piped in, earning herself a raspberry from Nymmi, much to her frustration

It was the next day, when Fleur came through port-key that Nymmi understood what her mother meant. Fleur, unlike Nymmi, acted as a perfect lady. This caused Nymmi to second guess herself.

Let it be known that Nymphadora Tonks was a girl of action. This was proven that by the weekend when all kids return home, Nymmi's first action was finding her mother "teach me how to lady" she demanded

Andromeda didn't know what happened but decided to thank every deity she knows for the miracle they granted her.


During her stay, Fleur and Nymmi actually got along well, something about a common goal which had Luna joining in, and had requested to have a pair of Mirrors to use between them.

Harry gave a mirror to Luna and modified their mirrors to be able to contact each other just by saying the other's name. They suggested marketing it but Harry didn't want to do so yet, not until he is done with the dark wanker mouldy-wart. He wasn't about to give his enemies a weapon to use against him no thank you.


At the end of the summer the twins joined Nymmi at Hogwarts, while he still had two years to go. Harry returned to his place and into the waiting hold of Ramis "want to rest for the day?" she asked kindly

"yes please" Harry replied as he was seriously lacking sleep due to his actions the past week

Harry had spent the last week with minimal sleep. Previously he was going around the world to take a few of each Magical creature he can find, to breed. The elves can handle all the plant life… almost; it is why he had Grayfia supervise it.

Harry had bought large plots of land in Canada and Australia, way away from all civilization and warded them to be unplottable and muggle repellant. He then added to them separators where each area has a certain type of climate, ranging from desert to North Pole.

The past week was the day of transferring the creatures from the expanded trunks that hold them to their new habitat. Add to it his time with Nymmi and the rest, and you have next to no time to sleep.

The Heart of Tarrasque improved his stamina, add to it the force, chakra and his Will of the King power that prevents him from being under the effect of any mind altering effect, including the force, and he could stretch the no sleep time to a week.

Semiramis carried the ten year old looking Harry to his room and joined him in bed. She would have her plushy for another two years, and she will be using that time to the fullest.