Prepping For Hogwarts

A year passed and now Harry was saying good bye to Nymmi the twins, and one Hestia Jones. Harry believed it was time to use several things he had kept in his inventory so far.

The first thing was the Grimoire. Harry called upon it and it appeared floating in the air looking plain and simple. It then condensed to a ball of light and entered Harry's chest.

Harry looked inside of himself and felt the Grimoire. He called it out and what came was not what entered. The average book turned from its brown covering to Silver, and its yellowish pages to pure black.

Harry took the book and examined it; the cover had a carving of himself in his weretiger form sitting on a thrown with a golden crown on his head and eyes gleaming in blue flame, while the back had young Harry in the lotus position and the moving carving of a Tree behind him.

When harry opened the Beautiful book, he noticed he instinctively knew what spell is where, what Jutsu is where and what skill is where.

All of it was written in blue fire on the black pages of the Grimoire, every skill he developed and every proficiency he received from the lottery. It was a record of himself and it is now part of him.

Harry can cast Magic without a wand and now he can even use the Grimoire, which he decided to name "Libri De Tigris Arcane", which roughly translates to "book of the arcane tiger" in Latin.

Harry now decided to use his wand ticket, the reason he didn't use it before is because he didn't know how his body and magic would change in the future, so the older, more mature he is when using the wand, the better his chances are of it fitting him for a longer time.

"Use Attuned Wand ticket please" harry requested

*Ping* [Attuned Wand ticket x1 used]

[White/Blue Zouwu wand] (Purple)

[Oak, Zouwu mane core, 12 inch,

bound by Nemean Lion fire and Nundu toxin]

Harry took his new wand in hand and examined it. The dark blue and white colour was a dead giveaway as to whose wand it is. Harry felt power surge through him as his magic further changed the wand in his hand.

The Oak tree is known as the king of trees. Its power is the greatest among the none-magical kind, and even then, it melded itself onto Harry's fingers, dancing to his whim as if it had just met its soul mate.

Harry feeling similarly absorbed the wand into his Gear, making it part of him. With a thought, it was back out with him, it's colour was not changed, but it's shape did.

The wand now had the carving of a flying Zouwu coiling around it, where the Zouwu's body was the Handle and the tail was at the tip. Harry was happy with his wand.

The next thing he needed to take care of was the summoning scroll. He asked the system to use the ticket and waited for the result.

[Neko Clan Summoning Scroll] (Orange)

Harry smiled and called out the scroll, an orange and white scroll came out of the inventory and into Harry's waiting hand.

Harry took out a brush and signed his name on it with his blood. It took a moment but then a big cat appeared

"Hello nya" the cat greeted Harry; it was a white cat with a red collar and a golden bell with a similar bell on its tail. It carries a large golden coin with her. "my name is Fukurokumaru, the cat of money and prosperity. Who are you nya?"

Harry looked at the man sized cat "my name is Xander, and I want to form a contract with you" Harry spoke straight forwardly

"OK" the cat, Fukurokumaru answered

Harry paused for a minute or so "just like that?" he asked

The cat nodded "me and my people are there to serve you" the cat explained "we are not the same as the rest of the clans, we were created to serve only you" it spoke, letting Harry know that the cat's he will summon, won't be from the Naruto world, but entirely new

"Then it is my honour to have you with me" Harry bowed slightly in respect

The cat meowed once more and poof, it was gone.

Harry smiled as now he only had one more thing to take care of, the Familiar ticket

*Ping* [Familiar Lottery ticket x1 used]

[Blue Phoenix Egg] (Orange)

"What is this, system?"

[The normal phoenix is not compatible with host, as such a variation was supplied to insure the compatibility between Host and the Familiar. To awaken the Phoenix please burn the egg using the Blue Queen Flames]

"Wait, I didn't name the Blue flames" Harry said, confused

[Affirmative, the blessing of the blue flame evolved after being fused with the Sacred Gear Rex Tigris to become the Blue Queen]

Harry nodded in understanding then took out his new familiar. Harry examined the blue football sized egg in his hand; it was several shades of blue and had several ornate feather carvings on it.

Harry cupped the egg and ignited his hand in blue flames. Harry willed the fire to rise and cover the entire shell as if coating it.

A moment later the shell cracked and fell to the ground. Harry felt his hand getting warmer and from within the flames the cry of a bird was heard. It was melodic and made Harry feel at ease. Harry stopped the fire and finally saw the bird that was his new familiar.

"Hello there" Harry greeted the bird. It was still a chick, but was already the size of teen Harry hand; he was defiantly bigger than Fawkes

The Bird Greeted Harry back with a soft trill that Harry oddly understood. It was odd, but Harry accepted it as magic.

Harry spent the day with the newly named Baca, which translates to Berry in Latin… that was defiantly the reason.


Harry had also given his friends gifts that summer in the form of wands. Harry had already made them for Nymmi, Fleur and the twins.

Nymmi is as expected, odd. Her wand was 11 inches, made of black walnut and has the eye of a demiguise as a core. It is hard to master but can adapt to any situation as needed.

Fleur, of course, used Veela hair from her grandmother as a core which made it temperamental. The wood however was Hawthorn, which is perfect for healing and cursing. It had a delicate finish at 9 ½ inches.

The twins, surprising no one, both had similar wands. 11 ¾ Dogwood wands, their cores were tail hairs from the same fire fox from japan. The wands were mischievous in nature and would prank the twins from time to time, they do however refuse to do none-verbal spells, but the twins were fine with that so Harry left them to it.

Theo's wand was made of Laurel. It was 12 inches and had auguery tail feather as a core. The wands made from Laurel wood are well known for choosing people who have a strong sense of justice, and Harry was the least surprised that it chose Theo.

Ron's wand was 13 ½ inches, made of ash wood and a hell hound heartstring for core. Very powerful have affinity to fire and fiercely loyal

Neville's wand was of course made of cherry and had a seed from the tree of life as its core. It was 10 inches and was perfect for interacting with plants and other wildlife.

Susan's wand was 13 inch Ebony, with a Gryphon feather as its core. The wand is great for combat and is perfect for someone with strong ideals.

Though Luna wasn't allowed a wand till her eleventh birthday, Harry couldn't help but make her one as well, hers was a 10 inch chestnut wand with an occamy wing feather for its core.

Ginny of course wanted one as well and her wand was 11 inches, made of yew and had an ashwinder eggshell as a core. It grants the user great combat potential, and the core grants greater ability towards charms.

Harry had already made a wand for Semiramis made of yew and Nundu vocal cords, a perfect wand for a poison user.

Grayfia used a part of her own wings for the core, her wand was a 11 inches and made of Hornbeam. The wood is well known for choosing witches or wizards who have a goal or passion to the point of obsession.

Sebas's was a 14 inch poplar wand, with a dragon heartstring as its core, powerful wand that fits the uniformity of Sebas. Harry was slightly worried about how carful Sebas was with it though, but let it go


With everything ready he spent the last year making sure everything in Xander corp is running smoothly and spending as much time with Ramis and Grayfia as possible.

It was all going well until he got something from a special Lottery card run which had him make a change in plans

[Evil Pieces Set] (Orange)

[Has the ability to reincarnate beings into devils


King piece x1

Queen piece x1

Bishop piece x2

Knight piece x2

Rook piece x2

Pawn piece x8

By infusing the pieces with the Host's power, the evil pieces will bind whoever they are used on as a devil for the Host]

"Good, but not enough" Harry spoke to no one in particular then got up

"Where are you going?" Ramis asked

Harry didn't stop or turn but answered anyway "to make stuff, I have an idea"