Wands and Train Rides

It was finally time for Harry to go to Hogwarts. Harry got his letter the day before and was going shopping today with the Gang to get the necessities, including a wand to use as a spare… and keep Ollivander in business.

The group of ten children, Percy included, and five adults, Semiramis, Madam Bones, Andromeda Tonks and Arthur and Molly Weasley.

It wasn't the first time Harry met the two, and Harry even offered Molly a job as a teacher in his school for squibs, as she did have a newts in potions, but she refused saying she is a happy house wife.

Arthur did however take the job as manager of the second Xander corp store, which sells alcohol other than firewhiskey and butterbear as well as a few other select items for men. Harry did have to insure He memorised their names correctly, but now they were living better than ever.

'don't get why people project their hate for Ron on them, they're good people' Harry thought about all the fanfics he read bashing Molly Weasley as more than the dotting mother she is.

As for Ron, there are two things to consider, Nature and Nurture.

Nature is whether the person is genuinely good or not. From the BOOKS Ron's nature is good, from the MOVIES it is still good, but not as much as that bastard of a director made Ron the butt of every joke and Hermione the leader of the group… Bloody Wanker.

As for Nurture, Harry spent a lot of time with him already. The twins don't rig his food, so he doesn't eat like a starving troll and he now looks up to Harry as a leader and role model, so all is well.

Neville had progressed will, and is a lot thinner than he was in cannon. He is still a kid though as he didn't notice Susan having the biggest crush on him at all.

And Theodore is still calculating his every move like he did with his father to avoid his anger, or just him in general. The good thing is that he lets his guard down more often now, though just among the group, which is nice.

Harry did his shopping, including the beauty that is Hedwig. He then went to Ollivander's shop with the rest.

As Harry entered he noticed the man working on some shelf or something. After a minute, Ollivander spoke "and what can I do for you, young'uns?" he asked with his creepy look pointed at Harry

Ron spoke, confused "we're here to by wands of course"

"but you already have them, no?" Ollivander spoke looking at the children while tilting his head

Harry took out his wand and showed it to Ollivander, who took it carefully and started examining it. If one looked at Ollivander now, they would believe he grew younger

"Marvellous" he spoke with a jovial voice

"Why thank you" Harry answered receiving back his wand

"I don't have anything with that level of craftsmanship, so what can I do for you?" he asked again

Harry smiled gently "we need a second wand, not because we don't our wands, mind you, but because we don't trust ourselves to never make mistakes" Harry explained to the wand enthusiast

Ollivander nodded and pulled out a tape "which is your wand arm?"

It took a while for all to get their wands, but Harry ended up having the same Holly, Phoenix tail feather core wand. 'All in good time' Harry spoke to himself to stick to his own plan.


The first of September came along fast and now Harry was saying goodbye to his servants, not really, but people didn't need to know that.

Riddle me this, what can a person use to get from Hogwarts to anywhere else?

The answer is the same way death eaters entered the castle, the vanishing cabinet.

Harry had… 'Acquired' it of a greedy shop owner who didn't know its value from Knockturn alley. The cabinet works in pairs, one is now in the Potter manor, and the other is in the room of requirements.

Basically Harry can visit his ladies at any time he wishes. From anywhere, once he got the cabinet in his trunk apartment… it was an impulsive buy.

"Make sure to write us, ok?" Ramis asked, holding both of Harry's cheeks

"Of course Ramis" Harry played his part


Once all the kids were out of their parents dotting entanglement, they boarded the red engine. Harry and gang found an empty compartment, which was way too small for all of them "allow me" Harry offered

He began waving his wand and the compartment shifted, it became bigger and its colours became less vibrant. The floor was covered by a soft grey rug and several comfortable seats and couches were popping up around the room.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" a voice came from behind Harry just as he was done lighting up the room's new fireplace

Harry turned and saw a bushy haired girl standing there wide eyed. The group, used to Harry's overkill mode, decided to not interfere and instead went inside and found their seats.

Harry sighed "if you keep your mind open, I'm willing to teach you" Harry offered

"B-b-but the book…" she tried to argue pointing at Harry's hand, which held no wand

"Books can be wrong" Harry shrugged nonchalantly

Hermione on the other hand was incensed, books are never wrong, after all, why would people write it in a book if it was… but here was the proof. She entered the compartment and sat haughtily "let's hear it then" she demanded

Harry quirked his brows, this won't do at all "I'm sorry miss…"

"Granger" she offered

"Miss Granger, I believe I won't be teaching you anything" he said and then waved to the door "you may leave"

Hermione was, understandably shocked "but you said.."

"Yes, I know what I said, but that was when I thought I was speaking with someone who was raised right, not a haughty girl who believes my teachings aren't worth an introduction or even common curtsey" Harry wanted to teach her a lesson about letting go of her pried, so he lay it a little thick

"He's right you know" offered Fred

"Without him, our mother would be on our head to get better grades" George continued

"We're also driving Snape mad" Fred

"Our potions are best in the year" George

Nymmi decided to stop the babble "what the twin dweebs are trying to say, is that Harry is a great teacher, and is willing to teach if you ask nicely and show proper respect to the knowledge you are given" she emphasised that by conjuring a small protigo in front of her without her wand

Hermione blushed at the reprimanding she just got. No one ever did that, not even her parents. She was bullied in school for being a bookworm, so she became the way she is to protect herself. She needed to be right, books needed to be right, otherwise… what is she if she doesn't know what she knows.

Her thoughts came to a halt when she felt arms hug her. She didn't notice it but she was crying "I'm sorry if I was too harsh on you" the person hugging her, Harry apologised "I just needed you to know that you were acting inappropriately and would've made a lot of people distance themselves from you unnecessarily" he explained

"Harry made a girl cry, I'm telling Semiramis" Theo shouted causing Harry to start begging him not to, even offering to bribe him

The scene caused Hermione to let out a wet chuckle "sorry" she quickly lowered her head only to be engulfed by another hug, this time from Tonks

"Never mind the boys" she said as she turned her hair to match Hermione's "I like your hair" she told the wide eyed girl

"You don't see that in a book, do you?" Susan offered as she sat on the other side of Hermione

Harry let out a sigh of relief, he'll make sure to thank the gang later for their quick thinking. But for now, he might as well let the girls handle Hermione.