The classes for that Monday were understandably cancelled for the day. So Harry and the group, including Cedric and Hestia decided to find an abandoned classroom to discuss the day's events.
"Ok Harry, what did you do?" Nymmi questioned, causing everyone's attention to turn to Harry
"I don't know what you're talking about" Harry denied
"I saw your reaction, Harry" she pointed out "you were too calm, even for you"
"I may be better equipped to answer that" a voice echoed in the room before Lady Hogwarts revealed herself
"Lady Hogwarts" Harry greeted with a nod, followed by the rest as they overcame their shock
"Harry saved me from my imprisonment" she explained "I am here as you asked of the castle armour" she addressed Harry
"I need an item in the come and go room, none may touch it as it is very dangerous, so I'll need to get it myself" Harry explained
Lady Hogwarts looked at Harry for a second as if to judge him "it is closest to my heart and so, you wanted to ask my permission" as Harry nodded she continued "thank you, you are allowed there, but only you. It will take me time to allow anyone else there"
Harry again nodded "thank you, Domina" he spoke a name that fit her with conviction and power
"Domina Hogwarts" she smiled as she heard her name on her tongue "Thank you for the name, Heir Potter"
"My pleasure" Harry replied as she left
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?" Hestia Jones shouted, while those new to the group were shell shocked, the rest were simply surprised
"It's just Harry" Neville shrugged "you get used to it" he explained
"He once turned the twins to girls for bullying Ron too much" Susan explained while laughing at the memory
"Yeah but we can all agree that my boobs were the bigger of the two of us" Fred began
"Yeah but I was the better looking one" George defended
"Then they started hitting on the boys. It was hilarious" Nymmi was able to say between laughs
"Ugh, don't remind me" Neville looked sick
Ron stopped laughing momentarily "at least Harry let them keep their juniors"
Hermione looked confused for a second before her face paled and blushed at the same time "Hey, I can't take the most precious thing we have from us" he complained
The collective of boys nodded solemnly in agreement, before bursting into laughter again. The talks continued till lunch time where they opted to sit on one table, Harry's.
"POTTER" a shout was heard from the entrance of the Hall "what do you think you're doing?" Snape spoke as he floated to Harry's group
"Having lunch, sir?" harry asked
"that'll be ten points from Gryffindor for your cheek" Snape spoke while narrowing his eyes "now why aren't they at their table?" he motioned to the group
Harry's face devolved into a cold demeanour "first of all, I'm from Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor" Harry spoke, as Snape was making to answer he felt pressure falling on him "second, eating at other tables is allowed unless it's an official feast, like Halloween and the sorting feast" Harry then got up and morphed into his teen self to be as tall as Snape "you are confusing me for my father, if you do so again I will go to the board and ask why they allow a death eater who caused the death of my parents to be a teacher" Harry then walked out, followed by the rest of the group
Snape was left standing there, feelings wavering between anger and fear. He never feared anyone like this, not even the dark lord. How could HIS son do this to him?
As the group left the Hall and headed to their Makeshift base of operations aka abandoned classroom
"Was what you said true" Susan asked as soon as the door closed.
Harry nodded "but I have no proof" Harry shrugged
"Why did you tell him you knew?" Theo asked, he knew Harry, he knew such a move has a purpose
"Tell me, what do people do when they are afraid?" Harry asked the group with a gentle smile that didn't reach his eyes
"they make mistakes" Hermione offered. When everyone looked towards her she blushed "it's what my mom told me about tests"
Harry smiled "ten points to Gryffindor" he Joked unknown to him Hogwarts add the points, but we'll get to that later
That evening Harry was summoned to the Headmaster's office. Harry had requested the presence of his head of house and so he was right outside the headmaster's office with professor Filius Flitwick "Enter" they heard from inside
Harry and the short Half-goblin Professor entered the office together "that'll be all Filius" Dumbledore attempted to dismiss the professor. The professor looked to Harry who shrugged and turned to walk out the door
"Where do you think you're going?" Snape growled from his seat next to Dumbles desk
"I'm not staying with the person who caused my parents death and the person who kidnapped me from my parents' home before their bodies were cold, alone" Harry said in a matter of fact tone
Poor Filius's eyes widened "WHAT?"
Harry, quicker than any in the room can see, fired a disarming charm at Dumbles. Dumbles hand was thrown out and his wand fell into Harry's outstretched hand.
"Trying to memory charm us, Headmaster?" Harry spoke through narrowed eyes causing professor Flitwick to take out his own wand
The diminutive professor is a five times Duelling champion and the number is only five because he was prevented from participating in more. So he is a little ball of power when he wants, and he had his wand on Snape, daring him to move.
"Explanation, Mister Potter?" the professor requested
"Not now, professor" Harry explained "maybe after we make sure to get out of here first?" he explained
"Understandable" Flitwick conceded
Harry then stunned Snape and turned to Dumbledore, who was looking at the elder wand, now in Harry's hand "can I have my father's cloak please" Harry asked nicely, but not really
Dumbledore weighed his options, but eventually the look in Harry's eyes made the decision for him. He took out the cloak and handed it to Harry.
Harry motioned with the hand holding the elder wand, his left, and it vanished he then floated the cloak to himself and vanished it as well.
"Thank you" was the last thing he heard as Harry stunned him as well. He then proceeded to scan the room and find the knick-knacks that Dumbledore used to keep track of him and destroy them, just in case
After a few moments he was done. He turned only to come to a halt as he saw the charms professor looking at him with his arms across his chest "done yet, Mr Potter?"
"Sorry professor, all done" Harry then walked towards the exit of the room "I'll explain everything on the way"
Harry explained how there is a prophecy and how Hagrid took him from his home based on Dumbledore's orders. How Minerva was there and how he was raised as a house elf for three years. From there he lied about how he passed out under the summer sun and how Semiramis saved him from his hell of a household. He also explained all the magic that was cast on him by Dumb-Ass-Door. Filius really liked that nickname. As Harry continued his explanation, Flitwicks anger boiled hotter.
He will be having words with Minerva later "Mr Potter, I must apologise, your mother was a great student of mine and she was going to study her mastery under me if it wasn't for the war… I am truly sorry" the Professor bowed
"It's fine professor, I don't blame you. I blame Dumbles and his Bat" Harry spoke with a smirk
The professor chuckled "well, be that as it may, 50 points to Ravenclaw, for outstanding display of charms work and duelling prowess" the professor was feeling better already, not knowing that Harry's exemption of blame is the cause for it. Nor did Harry know that either.
"Now off to bed with you" the professor ushered Harry to go
Harry was about to leave but turned and gave the professor a bracelet "this'll make sure no mind magic or potion affect you, and only the wearer can see it" he explained, the professor wanted to deny but Harry pressed "I don't want to lose an ally so soon after gaining him"
"Very well mister Potter, then I shall owe you one" the professor smiled
Harry returned the smile and walked away "Good night old one" Harry spoke in Gobbledygook
The professor replied absentmindedly "good night young one" in gobbledygook as well before his eyes widen as his smile shined
The half-goblin then turned and started walking jovially. The walk gradually changed to a more predatory one and his smile gradually changed to a look of anger and focus. He will get answers today.