The next day at breakfast, the Headmaster and Snape were the only ones at the table. The headmaster looked nonplussed, which had Harry impressed as the man lost two of the deathly hollows the night before, and Snivellus looked royally pissed. For a master in the mind arts, he sure sucks at controlling his emotions.
"attention please" the headmaster began "due to the unavailability of the DADA and the history of magic teachers, classes will be cancelled for the week while we find replacement" Harry smiled at the announcement
"Susan, I have an idea" he leaned in, prompting her to do so as well, followed by the rest of the group…
Hearing his idea, everyone looked at Harry oddly "why are you doing this?" Ron asked
"For the students of course" Harry said, placing his hand on his heart while raising his head
"And the real reason is?" Neville deadpanned
Harry deflated "you guys are no fun, ya know that" when he saw no room to wiggle out of it he sighed "more people out of Dumbles control in Hogwarts means less influence, the first idea is for the faculty, the second is for the students"
Susan nodded "I'll call aunty Amelia"
Neville got up as well "I'll inform the Puffs"
Theo got up as well "I'll do the same for the Slytherin, and I still think you should've been there with me" he pointed at Harry
Ron and the twins went to do the same for the Gryffindor.
"I have things to do too" Tracy excused herself. This left Harry alone with Nymmi, Daphne and Hermione
"We need to talk" Nymmi began. Hermione, failing to sense the atmosphere stayed, which surprised both Daphne and Harry
Harry shrugged "ok, follow me" he said as he got up
"I need to get to the…" Hermione was stopped by Nymmi pulling her along
"You're coming too. I know you like him" she said causing Hermione to splutter and blush bright as a traffic light
Soon enough they were in the abandoned classroom they were always using. They had improved it by basically having the elves clean.
Harry sat at a desk then faced the girls "what can I do for you ladies"
"Do you like me" Nymmi asked "like a girl, I mean"
"Yes" Harry answered without pause
"And me? I didn't see you deny the contract or be upset about it" Daphne asked
"You're cute, and if more women wanted to be with me I wouldn't mind" Harry explained with a shrug causing Daphne to ever so slightly blush
"But it's wrong" Hermione interjected "one man can't date multiple girls, that's cheating"
Harry smiled "Nymmi, am I forcing you into this?" he asked the Metamorph
"Of course not" she spoke with a scowl
"What about you Daphne?" Harry asked still looking Hermione in the eyes
"No, I think you're cute too" she said with a smirk
Harry smiled at Daphne; momentarily disconnecting the eye contact he had with Hermione before returning to look her in the eye "as you can see, they want to be with me by choice" Harry then moved closer to Hermione "tell me Hermione, if two woman were willing to share a man, does anyone have the right to say no" he said as his face was centimetres away from hers
"N-n-no" she squeaked
Harry then, ever so slowly moved his head forward till they were cheek to cheek "and are you willing to let such a thing stop you from being happy, from having a big family of sisters, and a man you love" he spoke into her ear in a low growl
"N-no" she barely whispered
Harry returned to face her "then what are you going to do?" he tilted his head with a smirk on his face
She looked at his beautiful eyes and made her decision there. She launched herself at Harry and gave him a chaste kiss before hiding her face in his chest and holding onto him as if for dear life
Harry chuckled, earning a smack on his chest from Hermione "sorry, sorry" he apologised but didn't stop chuckling
"Ahem" the pair heard a couple coughs from behind Harry causing Hermione to yelp and jump to the side, face still burning red.
"Where is my Kiss?" Nymmi asked
"And mine" Daphne added
Harry decided to play a little "please be gentle, I was just attacked" he spoke as if afraid while throwing the now flabbergasted Hermione side glances
"Who attacked you? You-you… YOU" she screamed at Harry as he started laughing and started running as she chased him with stinging Hexes
Harry succeeded in bringing Hermione over her culture barriers and pull her out of her blushing stupor. Today was a good day.
At the same time as Harry was getting his love life in order the teachers, minus Poppy and Snape, were having their own meeting "HE OBLIVIATED AND POTIONED ME" a woman screamed in her Scottish accent "I will fuking KILL HIM"
The teachers present were silent as they understood that the woman needed to vent. And none of them was willing to jump in front of an angry Scottish woman; they'd rather jump in front of a train.
After a bit Pomona Sprout, the Herbology professor and head of the Hufflepuff house "We don't have proof, and we all must've been dosed by loyalty potion at one point or another" she spoke with a frown "and maybe obliviated too"
"So what do we do?" Professor vector asked, she was the youngest of the faculty and studied under some of them, but now she is their equal
"We don't meet Headmaster Dumbles or his bat alone" professor Flitwick spoke causing everyone to look at him oddly "its Mr Potter's turn of phrase" He explained withholding a chuckle, which Minerva failed to hold
"And check your food and drinks, including your utensils" Bathsheda Babbling, professor of runes suggested
"That won't be necessary" a voice spoke as Lady Hogwarts showed herself "the elves answer to me first now, your food during the meals will be safe and your offices will be inaccessible unless you wish them to be, or in case of emergency" she explained
"Thank you Lady Hogwarts" Flitwick bowed deeply
"Ah professor Flitwick, I believe Heir Potter is looking for you" she said as she left
"I better go see what my students need" Flitwick spoke
Minerva nodded then turned to Babbling "Sheda, could you meet me at my office later?" she asked
As Flitwick reached his office he saw Harry standing in front of the door "Greetings, young one" the Half-goblin spoke in his mother tongue
"Greetings, old one" Harry returned with a smile
Flitwick laughed happily as he entered his office, ushering Harry in "what can I do for you?" he asked as he sat on his chair
"you know how we don't have a DADA professor for the next couple days minimum, and how a lot of people are stressing about their O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts" Harry began
"*sigh* Yes" Flitwick nodded understanding their troubles
"I want to start a club" this got Flitwick's attention. He saw first person what Harry's skills could do. The club at minimum can help with the practical side of the test.
"I'm listening" he said leaning forward