Fighting Against Darkness Association

The next day, the entire faculty were present in the morning for breakfast. Dumbledore took this time to stand up and make his announcement "due to the unavailability of professor Quirrell, Madam Bones was kind enough to send Auror McGregor as a temporary replacement till further notice" he said with a smile that looked a little forced

Harry smiled and gave Susan a thumbs up. He had asked her the day before to contact her aunt to provide an auror in the excuse that it was till Dumbles finds a replacement DADA professor. He had also sent a bracelet similar to the one he gave to Flitwick to make sure he wouldn't be 'persuaded' to assist the old goat.

"As for the teacher for History of Magic, it will be conducted by Professor Jane Norton please give them a warm welcome" the students clapped politely while the two new professors bowed slightly

"as the teachers are all here, Classes will start this afternoon after lunch and then normally after wards, so please enjoy the rest of your impromptu break" he advised

It was at this time that McGonagall stood up "*ahem* due to the awakening of Lady Hogwarts, I was made aware of my lacking in my positions, due to having one too many" she took a moment to centre herself before speaking again.

It was then that Harry motioned to Ron to go to his house table as he lifted a cup, confusing Ron, but he none the less complied.

Soon after the professor continued "I am here by withdrawing from my position as head of the Gryffindor house and present it to professor Babbling" one can see the heavy emotion on her face "to better focus on my position as a deputy headmistress and Transfiguration professor"

It was then that Ron looked wide eyed like the rest of the Gryffindor house, but his was at Harry, who was pointing at his cup vigorously.

Ron nodded and held up his cup "TO THE LIONESS IN HUMAN GUISE, TO PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL" Ron decided to keep to his strength and keep it simple, and judging by the "HUZZAH" that followed by the Gryffindor table, they liked it too.

This was too much for the veteran professor and her tears fell "thank you" she smiled, shocking quite a few students


After breakfast Harry was approached by professor McGonagall and Flitwick "Mr Potter, may I speak with you?" McGonagall requested

Harry nodded and led them to the abandoned class room "what can I do for you professor?" Harry asked

The woman straightened herself, any trace of the previous emotional roller-coaster was gone "I wish to apologise to you for the fact that I listened to that –that" her temper was rising again until Flitwick tapped her Hand

She immediately deflated "I'm sorry, Mr Potter"

Harry smiled as it seems difficult for the furious woman to control her emotions "I accept your apology, but may I suggest seeing a mind healer ma'am, you never know" he advised, glancing at Flitwick

McGonagall nodded absentmindedly "I will take into consideration Mr Potter" she replied, back to her stern professor image "I will see you this afternoon at one, don't be late Mr Potter"

Harry smiled "I won't professor"

Harry and the professors exited the classroom; while Harry went to the library to catch up with his friends the two professors started talking

"I'm taking you to a mind healer this weekend" Flitwick spoke leaving no room for discussion

"Oh, c'mon Filius, the child simply took a jab, that I deserve, on my inability to control my emotions" she scoffed the paused as she saw the look Filius was giving her "then again it wouldn't hurt" she backtracked, not wanting to face the Half-goblin she faced that night


That afternoon, the first year Claws had double Transfiguration with the Puffs. Harry, Neville and Susan and her friend Hannah Abbot, arrived earlier than others thanks to their copies of the marauder's map. It worked the same, but the base form, instead of empty, had the map without the people.

When they entered the classroom, the tubby cat was already sitting on the desk. Harry nodded towards it, receiving a nod back, which didn't go unnoticed and the group decided Susan and Hannah in the second seats and Harry and Neville in the third.

Neville, Susan and Hannah were talking animally while Harry decided to catch some Z's. Few minutes later the class started to fill and soon enough all students were present.

The tubby cat jumped from the desk transforming into Professor McGonagall "Mr Potter" she called Harry who reluctantly got up "I apologise for disturbing your sleep, but I wanted to ask how you recognised me" she asked causing a few giggles here and there

"Your smell" Harry answered calmly, causing the professor to splutter

"Beg your pardon" she glared at Harry

Harry promptly transformed to his weretiger form, which was already published due to the werewolf incident "your smell" he spoke again, but slower while pointing at his nose, causing the woman to look at him in awe

While the students thought it was cool, Minerva knew it was mind boggling. Never has there been an Animagus that retained their ability to speak nor has there been an Animagus Metamorphmagus either.

She soon regained her senses "right, well done, 10 points to Ravenclaw" she said as she turned to the blackboard to start the class


It took half the class time to get through the safety talk. She then began to spread matchsticks among the students "you will perform a directed transfiguration, like this" she proceeded to cast a spell on the matchstick turning it to a silver needle "begin"

The students followed her instructions and were doing what they can, all but three. Neville and Susan turned their matchsticks into beautiful decorative needles, while Harry decided to play, and transformed his to a butterfly brooch.

"Mister Longbottom, Miss Bones, ten points each. Mister Potter... Where is the needle?" she asked with a half glare

Harry flipped the brooch and showed the attached pin part "pointy and silver" he spoke in an 'innocent tone'

The professor took a deep breath and sighed in exasperation "ten points to Ravenclaw" she said then shook her head and walked away to help other students

"Show off" Neville called Harry out, to which Harry maturely stuck his tongue out at


That evening, before dinner, was the first meeting of the new club sponsored by professor Flitwick who, as a head of house, doesn't need the headmaster's permission.

"Welcome to the first meeting of the Fight against Darkness association, or FADA for short" Harry greeted the people coming into the abandoned classroom "I will be helping you all pass the exams for DADA, if anyone has doubts about my skill step forward, while the rest please stand next to the wall"

(explanation for name in the author notes)

Harry had separated the classes to pre O.W.Ls and post O.W.Ls. Monday and Wednesday was for pre and Tuesday and Thursday was for post. This means today was for the Pre.

Many people came since Harry had the Group spread the news around. To be trained by the Harry Potter, is a great chance for many, but also disbelieved by some as well.

Draco Malfoy had heard of this club, and wanted, alongside several Slytherin, to humiliate Harry like Harry humiliated him, and so went Draco's thoughts refusing to even acknowledge Ron.

Harry saw several Ravenclaws and a lot of Slytherin step forward with a couple from other houses "no offence, but I need proof to entrust my O.W.Ls to you" a fifth year Claw spoke

Harry nodded and took out his wand stepping forward "DUELERS WALL" he shouted and Ron, Neville, Theo and Susan formed the barrier, surrounding Harry and the group "if you exit, you will not complain again. You either stay and learn, or leave and trust someone else with your future" Harry spoke in a no nonsense tone

Susan stood at the side of the barrier "WANDS OUT" she shouted and lifted her right arm and brought it down "DUEL"

Harry immediately sent a stunner at one of the fifth year Slytherin who was down instantly "what are you waiting for you daft morons? It's already started" Harry shouted, sending another stunner at the dumbfounded group

Soon enough they started retaliating, but they already lost about a third of their force. Harry bopped, weaved and blocked all spells sent at him, while slowly dismantling them, one by one.

Soon enough, Harry was the only one in the barrier bounds. The students were enervated and standing at the other side of the barrier. Several of the Slytherin students already left in anger, including Draco.

Harry looked at those present" anyone else want to question my qualification to lead FADA?" he asked

When no one answered, the Duelers wall was taken down and Harry smiled the smile the Group knows very well "your first assignment starts in the morning, before breakfast, and it is to…RUN"