The Weekend Arrives

It was the Saturday, Harry and FADA had just finished their morning run and it was time for breakfast. The week was relatively uneventful, other than the flying lessons on Friday going sideways because Neville's broom was shit.

Neville was fast enough to dismount it before it went too high, and Susan caught him mid-air. Harry offered to postpone the lessons till the new brooms he was donating arrived, earning himself a few more points with the public.


Harry and co were just finished with breakfast when Ron piped up "let's go to the clubroom, I need to talk to you guys" he requested which the people complied with

Once they got there, Harry asked "what's wrong Ron? You've been acting oddly since yesterday"

Ron released a deep sigh "of course you'd notice" he spoke shaking his head. He took out a letter and showed it to Harry "mom sent this to me yesterday morning"

Harry took the letter and began to read it with the others assembling behind him to read it as well. After a moment Harry released a deep sigh mirroring Ron's.

"Let me guess, Dumbles?" asked Daphne

"He's the only one that could get Molly to use her children as spies" Nymmi confirmed

The content of the letter can be summarised as, get closer to Harry, and report everything about him, disguised in motherly worry.

"I'll kill him" Ron clenched his fist and was going red in anger. He calmed down fast when Tracy put her left hand on his shoulder and held his hand with the other.

After a moment of eye contact between the two "are you ok?" she asked

Ron nodded "for now, thanks" he smiled at the short girl

She shrugged "my pleasure" she answered removing her hand from his shoulder but not the one holding his hand

The group enjoyed the scene, but didn't mention anything or comment that they still held hands. The twins didn't want to say anything because Harry taught Ron several prank spells that were truly nasty and they didn't want to be receiving… and they cared for their little bro too.

The group moved on with the discussion and decided to play along by having Ron report insignificant but somewhat uncommon information, like the marriage contract between Harry and Daphne, or that Neville has a crush on Susan, which got Fred and George hexed by two blushing Puffs.


That evening Harry went to the room of requirements, to get the Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. When he got there a door appeared as if waiting for him.

"Hello Harry" Harry heard as he entered the room. It was empty save for the diadem on a pillar in the centre of the room and Domina standing beside it

"Hello Domina, looking beautiful as ever" he complemented her, earning a small giggle "I appreciate finding the thing for me" he pointed at the diadem

"No worries, I cleansed it too" she smirked causing Harry to falter

Harry looked at Domina for a moment, as if judging her causing the castle to squirm, a few seconds later he Narrowed his eyes "did you also exorcise the spirit that was possessing Quirrell?"

"Y-yes" she answered softly

Harry released a deep sigh "guess I have to change my plans" when she looked confused he explained "I was planning to use his return to declare cause for a blood feud with several death eaters to get their fortune and power by right of conquest… but now that plan is gone" he whined like a kid

The Lady Hogwarts didn't know what to do in this situation "um, sorry to interrupt but, um, who are you really?" she asked, surprising Harry

After a moment Harry smiled "I'll tell you if you accept me as your master" he offered

"Deal" she instantly replied and Harry felt a sudden surge in energy move into him and then back out. He felt similarly when he bonded with Jimmy… but more… MORE

Harry looked at Domina surprised "Did you just…" she nodded "and I'm…" she nodded again *Sigh* "sure, why the hell not"


Harry, had, that same night, stolen the sorcerer's stone. No need for bait if there was no one to bait. Stealing it was simple, ask Hogwarts to retrieve it for you. Harry is not lazy, he's efficient.

When he got the stone, he immediately asked Domina to retrieve the vanishing cabinet and place it in his room.

Harry entered the room to the sight of Domina standing by the cabinet. Harry scanned the cabinet using his divine craft/sense. It took him all of five minutes to fix it… how dumb is Draco…

After fixing it Harry excused himself from Hogwarts and went through to find himself in the Hanging Gardens… over the forbidden forest

"Ramis?" Harry called out

Harry was suddenly enveloped by the softness of Semiramis chest as she apparated to him "Welcome back!" she said as she hugged the life out of him


After calming Ramis down, and then Grayfia when she came as well, Harry presented the sorcerer stone to the two to get their opinion… they didn't care. So Harry scanned, copied and then absorbed the copy into his Rex Tigris.

Harry felt odd for a moment, before his magic started flowing out in waves "system, what happened"

[Host has gained, through the consumption of the Philosopher stone, immortality and increase in magical energy]

"How much increase are we talking about here?" he asked

[… Exponential]

"Example?" Harry tried

[Similar to consuming an entire Bijuu for chakra]

Harry took a moment to understand what is happening "why didn't this happen when I absorbed a phoenix feather, or tears, or when I absorbed a full dragon heart, or even the unicorn blood?" Harry asked, confuse (freely given blood is ok)

[The sorcerer stone is made of pure magic with a slight bit of divinity mixed into it. In order to make it, a phoenix soul must be consumed… unless it's made through divine means]

"Like my craft God inheritance" Harry nodded "this means a phoenix was killed to create this… why would Fawkes follow the student of the man who killed the phoenix…" Harry's eye widened. That must be it, but he needed confirmation before making an enemy out of a phoenix

"Baca" Harry called out to nothing, only for a blue flash to show and the blue phoenix Berry to appear "hello there buddy. How do you like the gardens?" Harry spent some time with his familiar just catching up

"Right, so, I'd like you to check something for me…"