Harry decided to finish the other juggernaut drives that day, but he was facing a problem.
"Death" Harry called
Out of nowhere a voice called "Hey Ha…" death had appeared and was excited but stopped when she saw the look Ramis was giving her *ahem* "yes, my lord" she changed her tone
Harry smiled "I need to activate the Suzaku inheritance to avoid imbalance, any suggestions?"
Death thought for a moment and asked "it represents life, fire and light right?"
"Yang, fire, light and summer" Harry corrected
"Same difference" Death shrugged and took out a light orb "this is a soul that I think will help you awaken the inheritance"
Harry tentatively took it and asked "what is it?"
"Heaven Bird, or as people call it nowadays Thunderbird" looking at the confused look from Harry she explained "it has the ability to control the weather, yes, but it can produce its own light. It's the closest to a pure light based creature I can give you, next best thing is a marmite, but it's no bird"
Harry nodded and absorbed the thunder bird soul. He instantly felt it. His hair flared and burned as if made of fire, his fingers had talons on them and wings of red and gold burst through his back. His eyes turned Gold in colour and red lines tattooed his body.
Throughout all this Harry was enjoying the warmth and the purity of the energy he awakened. Fire danced in his hand as the sand beneath him turned to glass.
"Harry?" asked death
"I'm here" Harry smiled at her. When she saw his smile she immediately felt at piece "I'm going to activate the Juggernaut Drive, ready?" he warned after a moment
The drive was the same as the previous one; he had to supress Suzaku and absorb it. The form of Harry outside didn't change but the flame turned hotter and a red demonic mask came over Harry's face.
It took even less time than with Seiryu but he did it. For his effort he received a bow, which consumes energy to conjure fire and light arrows.
He repeated the same method with Byakko which gave him a white Katana that is practically as strong as his soul, which with the four beasts, is a lot, and is as sharp as his mind… maybe not that sharp.
Inelegant =/= witty
Genbu took him by surprise as he thought he'd face… Genbu. But instead he was facing two black knights, one had a snake theme going and the other had a tortoise theme.
It took longer than the rest because Harry had to fight two opponents instead of one, but they were weaker than the rest, which is nice.
From the tortoise he gained a black Hammer that is able to be summoned back after being thrown, and is able to call upon shockwaves if used to strike the earth.
And a black dagger from the snake that is infused with darkness that can corrode anything it touches, except the wielder of course.
Harry saw that he didn't gain a new form and it made him think, was the Dragon-Man form, the original. If so, what did he get?
It was then that Harry remembered the sword on the waist of the Dragon. None of the others had one at first, but the dragon did. Harry summoned the wooden sword and scanned it with his god sense.
The Katana is not a typical sword even beyond the fact it is made of wood, as it has the ability to cut through the use of water in the air as an edge for the blade and so, it has the ability to use water to send cutting waves at enemies.
Harry was impressed but also disappointed. The power of the beasts inside him a proportional to his, and yet he feels he has yet to touch even the tip of the iceberg on their abilities.
Back in the Gardens Harry sat down with Ramis Grayfia Sebas and Death to discuss his new power. As each individual beast awakens, Harry gains more power in his normal form.
"You can fight me for training" Grayfia offered "I am a high class devil and have gotten stronger through you" she explained
"I would like to volunteer as well, I am a master in hand to hand combat and can help you gauge your strength" Sebas also offered
"The problem isn't my combat prowess" Harry spoke "the problem is my control over my power. Even if you can resist it, my friends can't resist the aura I'm emitting, even if they cancel each other out.
The aura Harry is talking about is comprised of the characteristics of the beasts. Byakko is dominating, Seiryu is calming, Genbu is intimidating and Suzaku is charming. Byakko's aura is the reason Harry's words have so much weight in them.
Awakening the last beast and the juggernaut drives of all four made the auras go haywire so that only people of certain power level can go near him, or they will turn mad and will need to be obliviated.
Case and point, Bella.
The poor woman instantly bowed, then peed herself while getting drunk on Harry's natural scent otherwise known as dragon musk.
They had to obliviate her and make sure she stays at the other side of the gardens from harry at all times. The problem is, it is not an energy, so Harry can���t use his perfect energy control on it, and so, they are discussing ideas.
"Why not use the clone thingi you do?" Death suggested
Harry thought about it, truth be told he hasn't used his chakra beyond training it, may he can use it to fix the aura problem "I'll see if it will work" Harry nodded and left the girls and Sebas to train.
Sebas soon left, leaving the girls who were suddenly blushing, death included. The awkward silence continued till Ramis mumbled "Damn dragon musk" which prompted involuntary nods from the other two.
Dragon musk is the natural scent of a dragon. It's always dominating and smells like the best thing in the world to woman and other female sentient creatures while smelling either intimidating or nothing at all to males.
And the scent grows stronger with the Dragon emitting it.