The group had taken their time off, trained and had fun all around. Now it was time for the new school year shopping and what do you know, Gilderoy Lockhart is having his book signing and cramming the bookstore full of fans.
Upon seeing this, Harry immediately changes his looks to that of the twins "I'm one of yas" he pointed at them
The twins looked at each other and spoke simultaneously "what's in it for us?"
"Funding for your joke shop" Harry smiled
"Deal" they both agreed
"You know, we should be more surprised"
"That you know about that"
"But who are we kidding"
"It you"
They spoke in that weird twin talk thing, finishing each other's sentences.
Most of the ladies opted to go look at the 'Dashing' hero, while Nymmi and Ramis decided to stay back as they felt the Hero is not really that.
Inside the book store, the pounce was signing away happily while Molly and Hermione were among the fan girls. Susan had slightly more restraint and opted not to go into fan girl mode.
The guys on the other hand just wanted to leave as the screams of adoration were getting on their nerves. Harry and co finished as fast as possible, but that's when Luscious Malfoy and his pet ferret decided to come in.
Barbs were exchanged, and before it can go any further Harry decided to intervene and so he revealed himself "Lord Malfoy, the Weaslys are with me, if you insult them I will take it very personally" Harry warned
Luscious, under severe stress from losing his enforcer Greyback, losing his reputation after the history of the Malfoy family was revealed and losing a large amount of money to quiet the information to no avail decided he will take something from Dumbledore too.
Luscious has more of Slytherin in him than average. He decided to fight another day. After all, he did what he set out to do.
Harry took the little black book from Ginny's books and went out after Malfoy as he left the store. Upon spotting the man, Harry called out to him.
"Wait up, you forgot your book" Harry called as he was a few feet from Lucy
Luscious turned with wide eyes "I don't know what you mean"
"Yeah you do" Harry's friendly demeanour then vanished "I'm calling a family blood feud"
"You can't prove anything" Malfoy smiled smugly
"But a horcrux is enough to get all parties involved under a truth serum" Harry countered then smiled predatorily "I wonder what else the DMLE can find"
Malfoy started cursing under his breath "what do you want?"
"Dobby and Narcissa" Harry's expression returned to its cold demeanour
Luscious, upon hearing this lost it and attacked, his son not far behind him "who do you think you are. I will kill you and your friends. AVADA…" he continued raging and while Draco used stunners, his father went for killing curses.
Harry expected it and dodged, easily side stepping the spells. He then pulled out his own wand and continued dodging.
When the opportunity came Harry moved, he repositioned himself between the two and as the enraged Malfoy cast another killing curse his eyes widened, a soft no was all he can speak as his spell hit his own son.
Harry stood to the side watching, the berserk curse really did its work. He didn't feel good about a twelve year old dying, but a future Nazi killed by his father who is also a Nazi didn't sound that bad.
Harry watched as the weeping man cradling his son turned towards him "you will die-"
Harry always wondered why wizards were so dumb. If you can conjure stuff like an intricate chair, then you can conjure a gun, one shot and bam, dead wizard.
The people, surprised by the gun shot sound, started looking between Harry and the newly renovated head of Malfoy Sr. Harry then vanished his conjured weapon and headed to Gringotts to wait for the aurors to come.
He was not looking forward to dealing with Madam Bones.
Harry and Madam Bones were in the middle of a heated discussion when Narcissa Malfoy burst through the office door with a grumbling goblin behind her "where is he" she shouted and then spotted Harry and pulled out her wand "YOU"
It was then that she was hit with gender equality as Harry, in adult form Grabbed her wand arm's wrist with his left and her upper arm with his right and threw her to the ground over her shoulder. It was lights out for her right then and there.
Madam Bones and LongFang were understandably shocked at the shear speed he moved in. noticing their gaze Harry shrugged "Sebas is a good teacher"
Madam Bones frowned in thought but decided to leave it for another day "I'll call an auror to arrest her" she gestured to Narcissa
"No" harry stopped her
She looked at him confused "excuse me?"
"Well, the Blacks may have worded the marriage contract between Malfoy and her to look flowery, but they basically sold her for an Heir as they kicked out Andromeda Tonks and damaged Bellatrix too far through their mind spells"
Madam Bones paused for a second "and you know this how?" she asked
Harry gestured to LongFang "he interpreted it" Harry said as the goblin gave a toothy grin
She shook her head "and why did you stop me from arresting her?"
Harry took a deep breath "because Malfoy attacked me, an Heir of a most ancient most noble house without warning I could file for blood feud, where the winner of the war between families involved takes all…" he then smiled warily "I, as the victor, dissolved the house. Meaning I practically own her now"
As this was not a duel Harry had to be taken for questioning, and as his magical Guardian Ramis was there with him.
"Why isn't he in cuffs?" a loud screech was heard
Upon looking in its direction Harry, Ramis, Bones and auror shacklebolt saw a large pink toad hopping their way.
No, not umbridge but an actual toad.
See when Harry knew he had to visit the ministry he had sent Ramis to potion Umbitch, to make sure she would be busy while he was questioned.
'Looks like it didn't work' Harry thought to himself
"Ok, before that, what happened to you?" Madam Bones asked
"None of your business" the toad replied… then croaked
"Then don't interfere with mine" Madam Bones replied coldly "let's go" she motioned to the party to follow
Taken aback, the pink Toad was frozen for a second. Then with a huff and another croak it hopped to complain to the minister.
Speaking of, the minister was currently in his office not planning to move an inch. The last time he moved against the potter brat, it resulted in his utter disgrace. No matter what Dumbledore says, he is not involving himself.
Harry was questioned and he even offered them his memory of the incident… slightly modified, Just to be sure and a much richer Harry emerges.
The next day paper would speak about what happened, the attack, blood feud and how Harry chose to disband the house as they bring a bad name to the nobles of Great Britain.
Some were outraged for losing another noble house; some didn't care, but most loved it as Malfoy had enemies with both the light and dark families.
Harry was now sitting in front of Narcissa. Beside him is Bella and Grayfia as Ramis had Guardian things to do, like paperwork for taking over the assets of a noble family.
"Narcissa no-name" Harry called out to the woman as she seethed with rage "You hate me because I killed the man that killed your child?" he questioned
"HE WOULDN'T HAVE DIED IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU" she shouted, tears flowing down her cheeks "it's all your fault"
"I wonder how many mothers felt like you when your husband took their children" Harry continued
"But why Draco, he was just a child" she countered, not bothering to deny it
"Again, it wasn't me Narcissa, I only killed the killer" Harry spoke more softly
The woman collapsed on her knees and hands sobbing "what do I have left, then. I have nothing and no one"
Harry took out a small white sphere "then join me, like your sister did"