Second Year Fun

The start of the second year in Hogwarts was anti- climactic when compared to the events that took place just before. News spread among the darker families to stay the hell away from Harry Potter or he will take your family from you.

It didn't help that Harry's shear presence was overwhelming as he still hasn't gained perfect control over his aura but enough for it to be subtle enough.

The two most important auras to control are Genbu's intimidation and Seiryu's dragon musk. The first is self-explanatory and the second is to avoid having girls drool where he went.

Meaning the aura's that are spreading now were Byakko's domination and Suzaku's relaxation auras, Giving Harry the image of a kind king.

This annoyed several people of the faculty. The first is Dumbles, as he saw Harry as the next big bad dark lord. His reasoning for this was that Harry chose to kill Luscious instead of forgiving him for killing his schoolmate, Draco.

The second is Snivellus Snape, who hate Harry, just because and would rather he curse the boy instead of sitting to our third person, Gayderoy Lockfart, the undisputed pounce of pounces and the most vain of the narcissistic.

The new DADA professor was boasting about his achievements to whoever listens and doing his best not to show his irritation. He was a celebrity damn it, why were the fans looking at the Potter boy and not him.

Harry was sitting on his table enjoying his time with Luna as she joined him in Ravenclaw, not ignorant but actively ignoring the faculty and the students, in favour of his girlfriend.

Ginny on the other hand joined her brothers with the Lions. And the sorting feast went without a hitch. Till Lockfart was introduced and Harry sighed as he knew it'll be a long 15 minutes to come.

"Hey Cho" Harry called to his house mate

"What is it Harry?" she replied

"I have a feeling UDA will be needed this year as well, spread the word" he told her with an exasperated tone causing the girl and surrounding students to laugh


Since Harry's words spread throughout the school by the next day, very few people were surprised by Lockfart's incompetence. And the fact that he gave a quiz the first day about himself, just cemented it.

Lockfart was so deeply seeking attention that he went as far as to intrude on UDA's training sessions, and interrupted Harry on several occasions.

Harry wanted him out and so told Madam Bones that he 'suspects' that Lockhart was obliviating people and taking their glory. Proof is in the writing.

The next week Lockfart was taken in for questioning and no one can say a thing, as she took the time to accumulate enough discrepancies in the books to entail questioning.

The next day the story was published exposing the pounce and questioning the ability of the headmaster to choose people for the job.

It was also then that auror McGregor returned as a 'temporary' DADA teacher, of course, much to the displeasure of an old goat.


Time went on and it was time for the Quidditch try outs, where Ron kicked Flint's ass when the slytherin team came to disrupt the try outs.

Ron was a naturally tall boy, add to it the training he got from Harry and he was standing there wide eyed as Flint was nursing a broken knee while wailing uncontrollably.

"Mr Weasley, explain yourself" the voice of professor Hooch broke the boy out of his stupor

"I didn't do anything, he pulled out his wand and I reacted" he said with a panicky tone "the kick was only supposed to drop him, not break his knee" he explained

Soon enough Babbling and Snape came with Poppy who took Flint and went back to her office/clinic. This left the two professors and the newly arrived McGonagall bickering

"It was him that pulled the wand first" Babbling spoke fiercely

"He broke his knee, I don't care who did what it was a blatant violent assault"

Harry interjected then "I think that would be my fault" when everyone looked towards him he continued "every summer me and the rest train, since the ministry prevents us from training our magic, we train our bodies instead"

"And how does that explain Flint's broken knee?" Snape interjected

"We train in martial arts, the art of fighting unarmed. Ron's reaction is from the training in a martial art called Muay Thai. The problem is, he never sparred with anyone who wasn't a martial practitioner" Harry calmly explained and turned to Ron "want to demonstrate?" Harry asked to which Ron nodded

Theo walked out of the crowed "I'll go. I am his usual sparring partner"

The two stood there in stance, robes with Harry and ready to rumble, then it started.

They say people learn better when they are younger, and Ron and Theo learned from the best. Their movement was direct and violent, even if it was a demonstration, they didn't want to lose.

Punches and kicks, knees and elbows the two clashed again and again, empowered by their magic, unnoticed by them were the looks of awe on the faces of the wizards and witches watching.

It continued for a few minutes with no clear winner, until Harry called a stop where both fighters immediately ceased their aggression and looked towards the audience.

Harry looked at the open mouthed professors and sighed "I think you broke them" he called to Ron and Theo

"you're the one who taught us" Ron spoke then corrected himself "I mean Sebas is a great teacher" earning himself a smack on the back of the head by Theo

"Think before you speak you dumbass" he whispered harshly causing Ron to scowl but let it go as he deserved it

The whole thing got settled when the students testified that flint pulled out his wand and so, Ron got off with a warning and a howler.


Sometime later Christmas came along, people were Happy gifts were exchanged and Christmas left. The main highlight came on valentines, where Harry learned that several girls surrounded Ron and Theo and confessed. Apparently they were the new hot thing.

And the best part for Harry was the looks of panic on the young boy's faces. No matter how much a twelve year old boy trains, they will still be a twelve year old boy.

Harry later found out that Tracy and Lavender fought over Ron, while Theo coolly started dating both of the Patil twins.

Ron took the idea from Theo and suggested it to the girls. They were hesitant but agreed to try it out. They were later invited by Nymmi to a secret get together of the girls' only club, an unofficial club for the ladies in the group, or with the group.

In there was also the new member Cho Chang, who started Dating Cedric. The girls just sat down and talked, complained and had non-fattening sweets, courtesy of Harry's genius. It was a good place to unwind.

The best part about it though, was that lady Hogwarts was there too.


The year ended without a hitch, and soon enough summer came. Traveling, training and now, dating the group, now called Marauders, in honour of those before them, enjoyed the summer…

Until someone tried to assassinate Ron.

They fucked up!