Don’t die

Ron was sitting in a questioning room in the DMLE. He had a cup of water in his hand, while his head was down. His eyes were empty soulless. He had to kill them after all.

Three people in death eater clothing ambushed him from the forest near the borrow, when he was practicing his flying. They were waiting for him and cast to kill, so as he was trained his first reaction was to roll out of the way and fire counter spells while moving for cover.

He was able to hit one of them with a stunner, but he was immediately enervated. Training said to cripple so he cast several cutting charms while keeping his distance.

If you can escape, do it. Harry instilled it in his mind, but he couldn't, because then his family would be in danger. With little choice he retaliated with everything he had.

The first's legs were taken with a bombarda, the second and third however weren't so lucky as they were hit with a cutting curse to the chest and forehead respectively.

After emptying his belly of the breakfast he had earlier he immediately stunned the shivering man on the ground to prevent him from going into shock then called on his parents, who then called Madam Bones.

When she arrived she saw the scene and looked at Ron oddly, she asked if she can take him for questioning, to which his mother agreed without asking him. He wanted Harry there and maybe Semiramis too.

He was soon led to this room where he was asked to retell the story of how he, a TWELVE year old, KILLED two men and took the legs of another. He finally understood what Harry meant when he said wizards have no common sense.

A few minutes later the door opened and missus Tonks walked in "how are you dearie" Andromeda asked kindly

Ron looked surprised "wha- why are you here?"

"Your father called Harry and he called me. You should see him out there; he's throwing up a storm" she smiled


"Of course I have nothing to do with those mongrels, I'm an upstanding citizen" an older 'gentleman' spoke with an indignant expression on his face

"Then why was your son with them?" Madam Bones asked

"Imperius of course" the man spoke

She sighed "Lord Flint, I wish to question Heir Marcus fli-"

"No" he interrupted

"Not your choice" she reiterated and wanted to press but the office door opened with a burst

The Pink toad entered the questioning room with 'righteous' fury "what is the meaning of this" she screeched "why has the minister's orders been ignored"

"I didn't receive any orders from the minister" Madam Bones leaned back on her chair unbothered "all I got was your words, no signed orders" she smiled

Umbridge scowled "my word is the minister's word"

"Did he say that? If you bring me a signed order I will follow it, otherwise get the fuck out of my department" Madam Bones's tone turned dangerous at the end

It took Umbridge ten minutes to leave and comeback with the new orders, effectively crippling the investigation. Madam Bones smiled kindly and followed orders.

Umbridge felt uncomfortable with that last look, but what can that bitch do... right?


Umbridge's instinct was proven correct when the next day the entire event was released in the papers including the financial statements of both Lord Flint and the minister, clearly showing the transfers.

It was that day that Harry introduced investigative journalism.

The outrage was as expected, especially since the day after they showed how several 'noble' families bribed themselves out of Azkaban with the imperius excuse. The financial statements of every corrupt ministry employee were released on an international scale effectively destroying any semblance of a clean ministry.

It was then that Bones decided to announce her resignation publicly as she felt like she is "trying to clean the sewers with shit".

Her popularity was boosted as the phrase "a cleaner minister for a cleaner future" was posted in the papers to promote Bones.

See, Harry felt it was only fair to destroy their fucked up system since they tried to mess with one of his own people. He wasn't done though, he wanted to make Flint to pay personally and he will make sure of it.


Minister Cornelius 'Fuck' Fudge was panicking, this wasn't just about losing his position. This was about him getting killed by the nobles. He had kept his records as backup in case they betray him, but they were missing, and now they are in the public's hands.

He's fucked.

He was running away, he needed to leave. Fudge collected his luggage and started towards his floo, maybe go somewhere warm, it's getting oddly colder.

Cornelius paused. It was still summer, 'what is goin…' his thoughts stalled as a familiar feeling surrounded him.

Cornelius looked back; only to come face to face with the darkest dementor he'd ever seen. Fear engulfed him as the dementor closed in.

That was the last day for Cornelius among the living.


In another place a man can be seen sitting, chained to a chair in the middle of Darkness while looking at a young man who seams bigger than a mountain, sitting on a thrown like chair infront of him.

"Lord Flint" the boy only spoke these two word but it was as if he spoke into the man's soul "your actions have showed me how… what's the right word?" he asked the silver haired woman standing behind his shoulder

"Lacking? My lord" the woman's was smooth as silk, and tone just as noble

"Right, they showed me how 'Lacking' my actions have been so far. It is for that reason that we are here, no?" as he finished lights torches starting getting lit one by one and all around them were other marked death eaters, all chained to chairs, all fifty.

Harry smiled "I tortured what the requirement to qualify for a death mark is out of Carrow" Harry's eyes turned cold "one family, must either contain a muggle-born or being completely muggle" Harry's tone was still cold but his aura flared, causing several people to wet themselves "you will forever exist in darkness, as death is too good for you"

Harry got up and summoned a white blade and took a quick draw stance. The woman that was with him vanished and Harry lowered his stance as a sense of dread grew among the death eaters.


With one swing, the room was quiet

Until Harry spoke "ARISE"