Dumbledore was panicking. He lost contact with Severus a few days ago. The fact that all death eaters are missing, including the ones that fell to the imperius curse, gave his heart quite a stir.
Add to that the movement of Madam Bones towards taking over as a minister after Cornelius fled because of the outrage against him, and you have a catastrophe.
After losing his position in the ministry, he still had lines to pull from the background to control certain events. The most prominent was Cornelius. If Bones takes over, he will have nothing.
He needed to do something and to do it fast. The first thing that came to mind was Susan Bones, the niece of Madam Bones, but quickly discarded that idea. No need to draw her ire.
He then focused on her friends instead. Who can he use to control Susan, to control Amelia?
He needed someone easy, gullible, and respects him.
*first week of year three*
"You asked to see me professor?" the boy asked as he entered the Headmaster's office, leaving the door open
"Ah yes, Ronald, how have you been? I heard about the incident" the old goat took the visage of a caring grandfather
"I'm doing well sir" Ron replied "am I in trouble sir?" he looked meek
"No, no my boy" Dumbles then took a more sombre tone "I simply worry about the fact that you are maybe falling into darkness"
Ron's eyes widen "I- I would ne-" he was stuttering
"It's going to be alright Ronald, no need panic" Dumbles calmed the young boy "there is still time to come back to the light" he explained "and save all your friends"
"How?" Ron quickly asked
"First thing to do is to remove the problem of course, the source of the darkness" Dumbles then paused
"A-and?" Ron asked completely ensnared "what is it"
Dumbles took on a sad look "Harry" he spoke, here it comes
"But he's my friend" there it is
Dumbles kept his sad look and spoke in a regretful tone "I know Ronald; he's dear to me too. Be that as it may, he is already too deep in the darkness and will soon pull you in too" Dumbles looked down in sorrow
"But- but what about the others, they won't listen to me. They like Harry" Ron looked shocked and surrendered to the fact that his friend is 'Dark'
"That is why you can't tell them, you have to show them" Dumbledore smiled weakly, playing his part perfectly "killing is never the answer, and he taught you to kill. He is teaching them the same. If their parents were to be notified of such by a member of the group itself, they will remove them themselves" He explained the plan
"So I need to tell the parents that Harry is teaching us to kill? That's it?" Ron asked
"You must also tell them how he is teaching you the path to darkness my boy. It is only fair they know the whole truth" Dumbles gently admonished
Ron suddenly had a thoughtful look on his face "I think that was enough" he spoke then turned to look behind him "don't you?" he asked
Suddenly, several people appeared as they took off their invisibility cloaks. In total there were three women. They were Madam Bones, Dowager Longbottom and deputy headmistress McGonagall.
…They looked upset.
"As head of the Hogwarts board I hereby strip Dumbledore of his position as headmaster of Hogwarts. Effective immediately" Longbottom spoke, staring daggers at the wide eyed Dumbles "Minerva, yo9u will be the temporary replacement till the meeting of the board"
"Albus Dumbledore, you are hereby under arrest for attempted child abuse, child abuse and the abuse of a position of power" Amelia moved to complete her arrest
Dumbles looked panicked and pulled out his wand, only for the wards to slam down on him "Thanks Domina" Ron spoke
"Of course my lord" she spoke as Ron changed to look like Harry
"It was you" Dumbles's eyes widened
Harry laughed "it was me, DIO"
No one knew how to respond to that. Harry just scratched his head smiling warily "Sorry, always wanted to say that" he explained
"Moving on" Madam Bones decided and turned to complete her work "resisting arrest was just added to the list of charges Dumbles… I mean Dumbledore" she quickly corrected, a tinge of pink brightened her cheeks
"This is preposterous" Dumbles spoke in outrage
"Yes it is" Harry spoke coldly. Everyone's eyes widened at the pressure he was releasing "the fact that you've been allowed near children for this long IS preposterous. I will make sure it won't happen again… one way or another" he promised and no one could deny
They believed him
Ron was pacing in worry in the UDA classroom. He was worried when the headmaster called on him, so he told Harry.
As if expecting it he released a Patronus and went to professor McGonagall's office. Then from there he went as Ron to the headmaster's office alone, only telling Ron to go to the UDA class and wait with the rest.
As time went by, Ron grew more worried about his friend. He was about to burst when Harry came into the room.
"Is it done?" Theo asked, calm as a cucumber
Harry nodded and sat down next to Nymmi, putting a hand around her as he did; he then pulled a strand of his memory and projected it on the wall in front of him.
The memory played for all to see, laughter and exclamations of disbelief rang in the room periodically, but by the end, everyone was smiling.
"Now we have to see the populous' reaction to this" Susan interjected
"I have a plan for that" Harry spoke up with a grin
The next day, the story was published but did not vilify him. Instead it painted the picture of a hero whose mind lost its power to age. It made the writer seem regretful and morose that such a thing happened.
Usually, the article would be considered an attack against Dumbledore and his avid supporters would rally in outrage, but by using the 'I regret to inform you' method as Harry called it, one can say almost anything and the people will buy it.
Dumbles was not imprisoned, as the article gave him the perfect excuse not to be but it didn't matter. He lost his position as Headmaster of Hogwarts, is confined to the psyche ward in St Mungo's, and his reputation is ruined.
Dumbledore, for once, felt like a pawn instead of the game master "the world is doomed if Harry is allowed to live" he spoke to himself, not seeing those on the other side of the one-way mirror as they agreed that this man is crazy and extremely dangerous to children.
The rest of third year went by uneventful.
Auror McGregor retired as auror and became a fulltime professor of DADA.
Astoria was cured from her family's blood curse by using a ritual found in the Black family library during the previous summer. Apparently it was placed there by a Black.
She soon happily joined Theo and the Patil twins in the Harem. Her father was more than happy to marry one of his daughters to a Nott. Win win situation.
Harry's name spread further as he funded the orphanage Madam Bones opened for all magical children, especially considering all the newly orphaned children, after the disappearance of the death eaters.
None enjoyed this more than the bored elves that wanted work.
Other than that, it was ok.