Stupid Cup

Harry's third year ended and the fourth year was about to start. Harry and co enjoyed their summer and trained their magic, went to the quidditch cup and overall, it was a productive summer. Though Harry did feel like he forgot something

Soon enough the fourth year began and Harry was sitting with the Ravenclaw house as the Sorting feast came to an end.

As it ended Headmistress McGonagall announced that this year Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-wizard tournament"

And Harry remembered what he missed "Crouch Jr" Harry mumbled, his eyes widening

Harry waited for the feast to end before going to his room and calling Lady Hogwarts.

"Yes my lord?" she answered

"Is anyone in the school under a polyjuice potion?" he asked hastily

Lady Hogwarts looked as if to the distance and through the walls for a second then answered "no, my lord"

Harry heaved a sigh of frustration "If a marked death eater enters the perimeter of the wards, let me know immediately" Harry ordered

"Yes, my Lord" she replied

"Oh, and Domina" Harry spoke more calmly. When she turned to him he hugged her body of light. By coating himself in magic, he can touch magical constructs, and Domina loved it "I missed you"

She smiled and returned the hug "me too Harry"


Soon the 30th of October rolled in and the entire school was outside waiting for the two schools to arrive. The weather was slightly chilly and Harry was proud that everyone above first year could cast the warming charm.

Suddenly Harry spotted the Beauxbaton carriage flying towards them. A minute later the carriage landed and the door opened. From the door, golden stairs extended towards the ground.

That day, Harry saw the tallest woman he'd ever seen in both lives. She was more than 11 feet tall; she would tower over even Hagrid.

"Good evening Headmistress McGonagall" the half giant woman spoke

"Welcome to Hogwarts Headmistress Maxime" McGonagall replied

As they were exchanging their pleasantries the Drumstrung ship broke through the water surface of the black lake. It had an odd shape, harry will make sure to scan it later.

Soon enough they disembarked and Harry had another head he forgot to take with the rest to take care off.

"Head master Karkaroff" McGonagall greeted

The man nodded curtly to the ladies "Headmistress, headmistress"

"Why don't we convene inside" McGonagall ushered everyone in followed by Deputy Headmaster Flitwick and the rest.


The Hogwarts students were led into the great hall and seated for the 'Grand entrance' of the other schools.

Hogwarts signalled Harry that a death mark entered the wards, and only one.

Soon enough, Filch Came into the hall running, whispered something to McGonagall, she whispered back and he ran out again, much to the amusement of everyone.

McGonagall stood up and called for attention "please help me welcome the beautiful ladies of Beauxbaton and their Headmistress, Olympe Maxime" the door opened to reveal several young women in what seems to be blue silk robs.

They entered the Hall with a spring in their step. Their movement is precise and enchanting, their headmistress walking with pride after them.

Harry saw Fleur among them, though she didn't see him as his house table was not near the middle path. Harry discovered that day that he has a thing for women in silk uniform.

Soon after, McGonagall called in the Drumstrung students. They walked in wearing fur and walking in a single line as if military. They held staffs, though Harry doubted it was little more than decoration, and twirled and sparked the ground with. It ended in some fire mixed with break dancing.

Oh yeah, there was that one dude, Viktor Krum, walking in like he wants to fight someone and Ron fangirling over him.

Harry remembered how sad Ron looked after Bulgaria lost. It didn't help that the twins rubbed it in either.

"Please one more round for our guests" McGonagall added while spreading her arms

"Hogwarts welcomes you" Lady Hogwarts showed herself "I had the elves prepare rooms for those wishing to stay in the castle instead of the carriage or the ship" she announced "enjoy your stay"

As she vanished, a look of disbelief showed on the guests "was that…" Karkaroff wanted to ask but couldn't finish the question

McGonagall looked ever so slightly proud "Yes" she spoke curtly


Soon the students were seated and Harry was hugged in his favourite way, a hug from a beautiful girl "I missed you Harry" Fleur spoke in clear English

"I missed you too Fleur" Luna was standing behind Fleur with her arms open "where is my hug" she asked with a cute pout

"Come here you" Fleur engulfed the petite girl in a hug while laughing "I want to see the rest too" she spoke excitedly"

"Maybe later" Harry calmed her down "it seems they have more to announce"

Barty Crouch Sr and Ludo Bagman revealed the blue Goblet of fire, announced that only adults may compete, McGonagall added an age line to prevent those bellow seventeen from placing their names in the Goblet.

The big reveal of contestants will be the night after 'for eternal Glory' or something, Harry didn't really care. He's not competing.


Next night the contestants were announced. Viktor Krum of Drumstrung, Fleur Delacour of Beauxbaton, Nymphadora Tonks of Hogwarts and of course Harry Potter of Ilvermorny…

"WHAT?!" Harry bellowed and darted to McGonagall taking the piece of paper and examining it "this is from a first year History of magic homework" Harry growled and everyone heard him

"I'm sorry mister Potter, but if you would follow me" Crouch asked as he went to the great hall's back room, where the three champions were waiting

"Harry?" Fleur and Nymmi both exclaimed

Harry entered the room grumbling while behind him was a raging Karkaroff "this is unacceptable, why does Hogwarts get two"

"I would like to know that too" Maxime added

"We'll know soon enough, won't we Mr Potter?" McGonagall asked and everyone looked at him

Harry grumbled but then spoke up "I wouldn't enter this tournament by choice; it's a stupid death trap for the entertainment of sickos. Now one of you better tell me there is an exit clause in the contract" Harry looked furious, and everyone but Ludo got that

It became apparent when he spoke "I'm Sorry Harry bu-" was as far as he got as he took a right hook from Harry who seemed to apparate right in front of Bagman

"I was asking for an intelligent response Bagman. If I wanted the response of gambling addicted baboon I'd make sure to ask you" Harry growled and then turned to the rest of the room "now that the room's IQ shot up I'll ask again, do I need to compete?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the knocked out Ludo and McGonagall spoke "Yes" proving the hat right in sending her to Gryfindore

"if that's unanimous then get me a copy of the rule book, I'll look myself" Harry spoke and then turned to Crouch "explain"

"R-r-right" he stutters and with one last glance at Ludo he turned "he first task is designed to test your daring; Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard and will take place in 24 days on the 24th of November" he concluded then glanced at Harry "that's all"

Harry didn't care and left to the UDA classroom followed closely by his girls.

When Harry got there he found people gathered outside the UDA classroom and even more inside "before you ask, no I did not enter myself, Yes I will have to compete in the tournament, no it wasn't my choice and no I don't know what the tasks are. Now, any questions?"

Colin Creevey hesitantly raised his hand slowly "are you going to win?" he asked

Harry's face morphed into a vindictive smirk

"No, but I'll have fun"