Unlike the original story, the school was supportive of Harry, especially considering he hexed Karkaroff who was revealed to be Crouch Jr. the whole thing was a mess.
Apparently he had Karkaroff held in a trunk like he did moody in the original story. Hogwarts couldn't detect him because he was an expanded space inside an expanded space outside the castle.
Even though he caught Crouch Jr, and Crouch Sr was arrested as well, he still had to compete.
The good thing was that Hagrid came back. It seems his expertise were called in for dealing with dragons, though he still sucked at keeping secrets.
Harry didn't care; he continued his schedule of teaching UDA and messing around with his girls, sometimes going on dates to Hogsmeade with his ladies. Hermione was miffed that he was skipping classes, but her disagreement was snogged away effectively.
*the second weekend of November*
"You called Harry?" Nymmi asked as she, Hermione, Luna, Daphne and Fleur came into the room of requirements
"Yes, please grab a seat" Harry was sitting on a round table with a box in front of each of them
The girls were confused but did as they were told. Luna, bless her heart, grabbed her box and sat in Harry's lap "I like this seat" she explained
The girls smiled at her antics and sat in their own chairs, prompting Harry to begin "right, uhhh, god this is not easy"
"Are you breaking up with us?" Nymmi asked calmly
"What? NO!" Harry immediately answered
"Are you dying?" Hermione asked wide eyed
"No!" Harry replied exasperated "and you should cut down on your drama addiction"
"He's afraid we would break up with him" Daphne supplied
"Yes" he replied "I'm like you too much to lose you" Harry pursed his lips in a wary smile
"Ok, tell us, what did you do?" Hermione asked
"These boxes..." was as far as he got, as Luna opened her box and took the white sphere in it to her heart.
The sphere was absorbed and Luna's eyes widened "that makes a lot of sense" she exclaimed as information flooded into her mind
She smiled and turned to Harry, who smiled back and gave her a deep kiss as a thank you "as you saw, the boxes contain a contract of sorts, once you place it on your heart then you accept me for all of me, which is much more than the current me"
"And what does the contract entail for us?" she asked
Luna piped up "Power!" to emphasise her point she floated everyone and their chairs and table in the air
"You need more control Luna" Harry pointed out as he stabilised everyone and lowered them back to the floor
The girls shared a glance and took out the spheres "here goes nothing" Nymmi spoke and then pushed it into her heart. One by one the girls followed suit.
*one explanation later"
"So, you guys can't share who I am due to the contract, but I thought you should at least know who… what I am" Harry concluded and looked at his current girlfriends
"Question" Hermione piped up "so how old are you exactly?"
"Hmm, mentally I think eighteen or so as it's a combination of both lives, physically I'm fourteen, though I don't think I qualify as human anymore" Harry nodded
"What do you mean not human?" Daphne asked
"Is it like veela?" Fleur asked
Harry smiled calmly and conjured a dagger and handed it to Luna "would you?" he asked
Luna nodded and immediately stabbed the table, going straight through it. She then took the dagger back out and stabbed towards his hand.
The girls all shouted in surprise but then something odd happened, the dagger stopped. As if stabbing a flexible metal, the dagger just paused there, unmoving.
"Genbu" Harry spoke, as if it explains everything. He then took the dagger and cracked it between his fingers "Byakko" he again said "any other questions?" Luna raised her hand "yes Luna?"
"Did you sleep with Semiramis and Grayfia yet?" she asked causing the girls eyes to widen and look at him for answers
Harry took a deep breath and spoke calmly "Sleep with, yes, but we didn't have sex"
"So you stayed in bed with two very attractive women and did nothing?" Nymmi questioned
"Not exactly nothing" Harry frowned "but please keep in mind I just got fourteen, physically I mean"
The girls nodded and Daphne asked "so, what's your real name?"
Harry smiled mischievously "Harry" when he received a half lidded deadpan look he continued "Alexander Harris, given to me by the orphanage matron"
The reason they didn't know as much about him through the sphere as Bella and Cissy did is because of the intensity of the contract. For Bella and Cissy, they were practically enslaved to Harry, like an elf or Hogwarts swearing her service.
For his girls, it was much milder. The spheres insured they don't betray him, and that was all. This means the price he needs to pay is much less as well.
The girls spent the weekend learning about Xander and his life. The real awkward talk came out when Harry started explaining the multi-verse theory.
"So… we're a story?" Hermione asked
"Yes but no" Harry replied then took a moment to think about it before explaining "do you know the theory about the monkey and typewriters?" Harry asked and Hermione nodded but the rest were confused
"Ok so the theory goes like this: if you put a number of monkeys in a room with typewriters, eventually they will be able to recreate every literature work in existence" Harry explained
"But that would take… millions of years" Daphne interjected
"Or just a hundred" Luna added
"Exactly" Harry exclaimed "now imagine the same, but with infinite worlds"
"So… there are worlds where up is down and left is right?" Hermione asked
Harry smiled "it could be just in name or in concept as well. There is literally a world where people get stronger by sitting in a room for years just meditating" Harry laughed
"And you... what? Want to take us with?" Nymmi asked
"Yes" Harry nodded "though I should mention that time in this world will stop while we are in another world"
"Have you done this before? I mean been to other worlds" Fleur asked
"No, this is my first" Harry answered
"*Sigh* anything else you want to tell us?" Daphne asked
Harry fidgeted for a bit "Um… Semiramis, Grayfia and Sebas are not exactly… human"
"Like you?" Nymmi asked
Harry shook his head slowly "More like a demi-god a devil and a humanoid dragon…"
*on the hanging gardens*
"This is too much to take in" Hermione exclaimed
"Tell me about it" Nymmi snorted
"It looks like I need to increase your lady training Nymphadora" Ramis's Face broke in a smile that wasn't a smile
"Sorry" Nymmi quickly apologised and sat straighter
The rest laughed at the byplay "that is basically it" Harry concluded as he showed them everything, including Bella and Cissy.
Hermione was miffed about slavery till Harry pointed out the alternative… death. He also explained their rights and what he provides for them in return for their service, effectively drowning her argument in logic.
Nymmi didn't know how she feels about seeing her aunts in maid uniform. Harry noticed this and offered her one, which drew the other girls and made a day of it.
Harry realised he had another fetish that day.