First Task & Dance

The time for the first task came around and Harry made sure all four contestants knew what they were facing. He didn't want to have anyone injured.

As fate had declared, apparently, Harry was last and had to face a Hungarian Horntail.

"Death, does your sister have something against me?" Harry asked the omnipresent death

"I don't dislike you" Destiny spoke to Harry and it appears only he can see her "Fate does" she smiled

"Have I offended her?" he asked confused

"The prophesy" she explained

"Ah, tell her I hate her too" Harry said in understanding

Destiny's laughter rang in the tent, Harry's eyes couldn't decide whether to look at her beautiful face, or her bouncing chest. Destiny looked to be light-skin black woman with braided brown hair. She wears orange robes and shares the same eyes of her sister death. She carries a book that is aptly labelled Book of Destiny.

"Don't worry, I already wrote something fun for the two of you" she said while smiling mysteriously

Harry frowned "damn omnipresent beings"


Fleur and Nymmi passed no problem, Viktor struggled but passed and now its Harry's turn. Harry moved to be in front of the large opening of the cave leading to the arena.

Harry looked outside and spotted the dragon standing over its eggs protectively. The eggs were fake as Hagrid refused to risk real ones, proving that at least one wizard has a brain. The fact that it was Hagrid didn't bode well for the wizarding world.

Ludo's voice can be heard "it is now Harry Potter's turn, don't let his age fool you… or he'll punch you"

Harry felt that Ludo needed another hit to get his head right but ignored him and started to transform into his weretiger form.

To those that knew him it looked slightly different. His white fur was whiter, his lines were blacker. The tips of his ears, arms and legs were maroon, almost black and his claws had a golden lustre to them. His eyes were shining blue, but instead of burning flames it seemed to emulate crashing waves.

The dragon instinctively lowered itself, as if looking at a predator. Harry looked back at the dragon and stepped forward.

As soon as Harry was in range, the dragon released a breath of flames at Harry. Harry stood there, not bothered. These flames had nothing on his vermilion flames, let alone his Queen flame.

The audience was at first panicked at the fact that Harry just took the breath and then at awe that he was completely fine.

Harry walked till he was about ten feet from the dragon "I need the golden egg" Harry spoke in Dragon tongue

The dragon looked at its nest and back to Harry "my eggs" it spoke back

"They are safe. These are fakes" Harry explained

The dragon snarled, but not at Harry "I will punish them"

Harry's voice got low and dangerous "you will do no such thing. They protected your eggs and you will do the same to them" he said to the dragon "or I will find you and your children will have to grow without you" Harry warned while releasing his aura

The dragon bowed instinctively. Harry walked towards the nest and took the egg "Remember my warning" he warned and walked out.

The audience was silent for a moment after Harry walked out. Did he just speak to a dragon? Did the dragon really bow to him? What is going on?

"That was AMAZING" Ludo was the first to wake up from his stupor "Harry Potter! What a performance…"

As Ludo continued his rants Harry entered the tent where Poppy received him with several diagnostic spells "How are you feeling Mr Potter?" she asked

"Perfect Poppy" Harry smiled

"That's nurse Pomfrey, Mr Potter" she reprimanded and guided Harry to a bed next to the Viktor as the girls were behind a curtain

"Good job Harry" Nymmi shouted from her place behind the screen, casing harry to grin and Poppy to sigh in resignation


Time flew by and soon it was time for the Yule Ball. Harry was to take Daphne, Nymmi was taking Hermione and Fleur was taking Luna. No one said the champions had to take an opposite sex date.

Harry knew that his cute girls were going to grow up to be beautiful women and today was proof.

Nymmi wore a red racy dress that reminded him of Jessica Rabbit, but without the gloves, instead she wore a shawl over her shoulder. Her hair was orange, saying that Harry was missing a redhead in the Harem. She opted to leave it open.

Fleur wore a silver long dress that wasn't as revealing as Nymmi's but hugged her form like second skin. It was glittering as if embellished in gems. Her veela blood was on turbo in it. Her hair was in an intricate hair due that Harry couldn't bother remembering.

Daphne was wearing an off shoulder long green dress that was simple, but brought emphasis on the necklace she was wearing. It was silver with a green gem fixed between small diamonds. Apparently her father sent her this to 'get ahead' with the Potter Heir.

Hermione wore the dress she wore in the movies, pink off the shoulder, knee high and absolutely beautiful. A different addition was the ornate book pendant gifted to her by Harry for her latest birthday.

Luna wore a light blue dress that looked similar, in Harry's fashion-less eyes, to Hermione's. off shoulder and knee high. The main difference is that its skirt edges were somehow on fire. It was blue like Harry's and burned nothing. She opted to wear her bottle cap earrings as it was a ball… so she says.

Judging y the looks he was getting, Harry showed the right reaction to their looks. After the appropriate greeting of a quick peck to each, Harry escorted his dates to the great Hall where they were asked to wait while they are announced in.

When they entered, Harry saw that the new marauders were already there with their own dates. It looks like Neville finally asked Susan out, and he got ask one get one for free as he had his hand around both her and Hannah Abbot.

The most surprising of the group however was Ginny. Apparently Krum liked the fiery redhead as she was his date.

Harry joked that Ron was conflicted between feeling protective over his sister and being jealous of her. Ron didn't deny it.

The party was fun; it started calm and official like, but then devolved into a club like free for all dance floor. Harry was able to pull some strings and get the twisted sisters to preform because it was Nymmi's favourite band.

She made sure he got that she appreciated it later that night as he Fleur and Nymmi spent the night in the room of requirements.


Harry escorted Luna to Ravenclaw tower, Daphne to Slytherin dungeons and Hermione to the Gryffindor tower. With a goodnight kiss from each

He was left alone with Nymmi and Fleur. When he turned to ask them if they're ready to move, he saw a look on their faces that was too similar to Ramis's look when she saw him in bed the morning.

Harry knew what they wanted, and he was willing and ready to. Harry led them to the room of requirements and they followed without a word.

Harry didn't need to do anything as a door showed itself in front of them

"Thanks Domina" Harry said and entered


The room was warm, wooden floor and a crackling flame in the fireplace. Harry reached the bed and turned to speak but was stunned quiet.

The girls apparently felt they were over dressed for the occasion and decided to remove them.

Nymmi was without a bra as it was clashing with her outfit. She did have a red thong as underwear while her magnificent breasts hung there for Harry to drool over.

Fleur went the other way as she was wearing a full set of white lingerie, including knee-high socks and a garter belt. Her breasts were slightly smaller than the ones Nymmi had, but her natural charm compensated for it.

"First time with a Metamorphmagus and Veela" Nymmi said with a smug grin

"I'm the luckiest fourteen year old in the world" Harry nodded

Fleur smiled and walked towards Harry slowly, like a cat on the prowl "well, lucky boy, are you going to just stand there" she got closer and put a hand on his chest taking a deep breath of his sent "or are you going to claim us?" she asked

Harry's hand instinctively went towards her tight bottom "stop teasing" he smacked her lightly. Harry knew what his girls liked and how to get them

Harry snapped his fingers and his clothing vanished entirely showing his member to the girls. one of the blessing of a metamorph is the ability to adjust certain things… important things.

The girls' eyes immediately shifted south. Harry smirked and sat on the bed provided by the room "come here" Harry gently ushered Fleur to him

She immediately went to him. Harry began slowly kissing her, slowly, passionately. Unlike what most people think Veela are not sexual creatures. They are creatures of passion, of love.

Harry's hand moved along her curves, slowly taking in all her curves. Harry's hand slowly shifted from just passing over to massaging her curves.

Without realising it, Fleur lost her bra and Harry slowly trickled kisses down her face to her neck and finally down to her breasts. He then carefully took her nipple into his mouth and cupped her other breast with his left hand.

He began playing with her breasts till she can take it no more and actively straddled him.

"Please" she begged softly

Harry looked indifferent "please what?"

She blushed "please fuck me" she spoke softly

Harry smirked "Nymmi, it seems Fleur is a bit shy" he then turned to Nymmi "want to help?"

Nymmi grinned and moved to stand behind Fleur. She reached around her and grabbed Fleur's breast with her left while reaching for Harry Jr with her right. She started stroking Harry's member while whispering something in Fleur's ears, causing the young woman to go red more than she already was.

Fleur slowly reached down to her underwear and shifted it to the side. Nymmi positioned Harry's member up and Fleur slowly lowered herself on it.

With a stifled scream, Harry's was completely enveloped by Fleur. The girl collapsed on Harry after a moment.

Harry held her shoulders in worry "are you ok?" he asked softly

"Y-y-yeah" she replied with a breathy voice. Harry let her recover, while he held her to him as he sat on the edge of the bed and her on his lap.

He was still in her when he felt her shift. Slowly she started moving her pelvic, grinding on his lap. The movement gradually got faster and soon enough she was bouncing on his member. It was not wild, it was passionate and throughout their lovemaking they held eye contact.

A few moments later, Fleur shuddered in pleasure as she reached climax and again collapsed on Harry. Harry gently layed her on the bed and turned to Nymmi.

He saw her on the bed with her legs closed around a her hand in her panties "I see you were having fun" Harry grinned

"Just getting ready for you" she responded

Harry didn't bother talking more and grabbed her leg, dragging her to the edge of the bed on the other side of Fleur "I'll help myself then"

Harry tore Nymmi's panties off and positioned himself. Nymmi, on her back, was surprised. Harry had never been assertive like this before. Her thoughts were abruptly derailed as Harry entered her.

She involuntarily released a squeal as Harry was less than gentle. Harry stopped for a little bit while Nymmi adjusted "Huff, huff, what has gotten into you?" she asked

"You don't like it?" he asked

She shook her head, still panting "no, I love it" Harry grinned at it

"My instinct is guiding me, and it tells me you want me to do this" Harry then proceeded to retreat his member from her pussy till he was almost out and then ram it back inside.

"YES" Nymphadora screamed, Harry repeated it again "BLOODY HELL DON'T STOP" she screamed as Harry picked up his pace to Nymmi's limit

Harry's hand moved towards her breasts. He kneaded them for a bit but then pulled her nipples and used them as a handle.

"HOLY- I'm- I'm" Nymmi was screaming and squirming in pleasure until…

"CUMMING!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Harry pulled out and released all over her.

Harry took a moment to look at the sight of a naked redhead Nymphadora Tonks covered in his essence and panting from their recent activity.

Harry looked at the now up Fleur and grinned while asking

"Ready for round two?"