The source is the space between universes. It is where the origin of creation stems from and it's where the Nexus is positioned. It is near all universes in existence and yet near none.
At the moment, the master of the Nexus is sunbathing on a beach in the ocean with several very attractive women. It was a magical sight, in more ways than one.
"So only one world can be active at once?" Hermione confirmed
"Yes, according to system, only one world can be active at a time or none at all. It's why back in your world time is not moving" Xander explained
"But you can have it active?" she asked again
"Not if I want to travel to another world" Xander replied with a careless smile
"Ohhh, I see, so the Nexus will always be active?" she nodded in understanding
"Nope, only when I want it to be" Xander replied again stumping Hermione. She has been trying to wrap her mind around the time stopping thing for the entire morning and it was noon now
Xander laughed and decided to explain it right "basically I will run a lottery where the system decides my next destination and conditions" Xander shrugged "after that all worlds but the one I'm going to is put to a stop, unless I say otherwise"
Hermione nodded and moved to aske more but was interrupted by Xander carrying her and walking towards the water "as much as I like the sight of you in a bikini, you wore it for a reason. Let's go and enjoy the water" Xander spoke and walked into the water with her in his arms making her blush
He loved that he can still do that to his girls
Viva Dragon Musk
Xander and the girls spent a week in the Nexus to have fun and for Domina to test out her new body. Xander can create anything but life, a functional body without a soul included. He based it off of Nymmi's to give Domina the abilities of a Metamorphmagus.
The tests were conducted mainly in the bedroom as Domina had to work off ten years of blatant teasing. Imagine seeing your favourite food in front of you and you can't touch it, for ten years.
That was another thing. She literally moaned after tasting Niffy's cooking. She also had to learn about the various functions of a woman's body… Yeah.
Xander brought twenty House elves with him just to be sure. Including Jimmy, Niffy and Mr Dobby as the group called him; he likes being called Mr Dobby.
To avoid future trouble, Xander also created trinkets that, if worn, can negate the electromagnetic parts of their magic. It was made of Uru of course.
The week passed by too quick for anyone's liking.
Xander was on the beach again. the girls all standing behind him "ok, system, take me to a new world"
[Affirmative. Initiating world Lottery…
Initiating starting position…
Good luck]
"Wait, aren't you gonna tell me-" whatever it was he was going to say was stopped as Xander woke up with a startle and a gasp
That was the thought he was having. It was like someone punched a hole through his chest… oh wait
Harry stirred and wanted to move, but then he heard a voice
"I wouldn't do that is I was you" a calm voice of a man came to Xander
Xander looked around and saw a man shaving next to a mirror. Xander then looked around the place he was in, it was a cave.
"Where am I?" Xander asked
The man scoffed "a cave" Xander said nothing but kept looking at the man "the ten rings cave" the man elaborated
'So I'm…' Xander's thoughts were interrupted when he felt new information enter his mind. As if realising who he was allowed a path for the memories to enter
Xander sat in a meditating position and actively used his occlumency to control the images and memories to store them correctly, so that he doesn't confuse Xander with Harry with the current him.
"Tony?" Xander or Tony now opened his eyes to look at who he assumed was Yinsen
"Yeah, I'm up" Tony replied "give me a second. It's not every day you find yourself with a hole in your chest"
Yinsen nodded and left tony to get his head together 'system, explain' Tony called
[The Lottery result was to reincarnate as tony stark in the MCU at this event of his life. All abilities but magic are supressed till you will them to activate. Functioning on Tony Stark's human level abilities and magic]
'Why is magic not suppressed?' Harry asked
[As a counter measure to unforeseen circumstances]
'I see' Tony fell into contemplation 'I need to get to work' Tony smiled 'activate all abilities'
Tony immediately felt the change in his body. He didn't know he missed this feeling till he felt it. Tony expelled the shrapnel's but kept the magnet for appearances sake.
Now what is he going to do?
Tony waited for night to come. He created a shadow clone and sent it through the shadows outside the cave. Once outside the camp, Tony's clone summoned the shadows of the dementors and sent them towards the ten rings camp.
Tony subtly cast a muggle repelling charm on the door to his and Yinsen's cave. He didn't want any terrorists to barge in while running away from the flying nightmares.
While the dementors were doing their thing, clone Tony went to the Nexus and got the girls and the Hanging Gardens out.
"This world is dangerous beyond measure, so be very careful" Tony warned and then turned to look at Lady Hogwarts "Domina, I have a job for you"
The next morning, the entire population of the camp, minus the hostages, was dead. Tony's clone was clad in the snake balance breaker when he entered the camp. His first stop was towards the security room… cave.
He destroyed all footage and bodies, erased all memories concerning him or the dementors and even healed Tony.
When Yinsen asked who he was, he replied with a wave which left a puff of smoke which turned to shape letters that say "Snake Eyes"
"Snake Eyes?" when Yinsen looked back from the smoke, his saviour was gone
Tony had secretly dispelled the clone "C'mon Yinsen, we need to get out of here" Harry called as he walked to leave
Yinsen, still wide eyed, shook himself out of his stupor and walked after Tony "did you see that?" he asked excitedly
"You mean the ninja that can control smoke to talk for him? Yeah I did" Tony said as he hurried down the hall
"And heal people" Yinsen said while gesturing to Tony's now healed chest
"Yeah, that too" Tony rolled his eyes "look, we have to get out of here before more show up, so let's talk after" Tony tried to calm Yinsen down
"Right, right, um…" it was working and Yinsen started to think "we can call for the military if we get to the communications room" Yinsen suggested
"Great. Let's do it" Tony replied with a small smile
Compulsion charm for the win