Bad Memory

*In a flight to the US*

"So let me get this right, you don't remember me?" Colonel James Rupert "Rhodey" Rhodes asked his best friend

"I mean I remember a few things, like calling you Rhodey and having a driver/bodyguard called Happy" Tony then furrowed his brows "I know there is a Pepper Potts and I know I care about her… but not sure as what…"

A strange glint came over Rhodey's eyes "she's your girlfriend!" he snapped

Tony looked at his friend weirdly "she is?"

"Suuure…" Rhodey was really bad at lying

Slowly, a smile spread on Tony's face "cool" he said

Tony realised he needed an excuse for his behavioural change, basically, a reason to be less of a prick. A traumatic experience can change a man's direction but not his nature. Minor amnesia added to a traumatic event however, can explain anything.

"You should probably greet her like always so she wouldn't worry" Rhodey suggested

When Tony looked quizzically at Rhodey he explained "with a kiss"

"Like a kiss kiss?" Tony asked

"Yup" Rhodey popped the p

"I guess that would be cool" Tony smirked as if imagining it

Rhodey 'stealthily' snickered to the side at his prank


A few hours later the plane landed and Rhodey reminded Tony to do it 'the usual way'

With exchanged thumbs up Tony exited the plane to see Pepper waiting for him at the bottom of the stairwell with a smile.

Tony went up to her, making her confused for a second, until Tony lifted her off her feet and kissed her deeply. He made sure to work his dragon musk just a bit for extra effect.

After about a minute, he let her down and he can feel some disappointment from her. After gathering herself she slapped him "what do you think you're doing" she snapped at him

Tony, (acting) surprised held his cheek and replied "aren't I your boyfriend?"

She looked at him oddly for a second before narrowing her eyes "explain" she commanded

Tony stood straight "well Rhodey said we were dating"

Pepper looked confused for a second "what do you mean he said we were dating? We never dated"

"But I remember you. I remember I care about you" Tony said, looking confused

Pepper felt her cheeks burning so she decided to find another target "RHODEY!"


Tony was in the car with Pepper, on their way to the press conference; Tony's wrist bracelet vibrated, indicating the completion of the two missions he sent his girls on.

With a smile he returned to the awkwardness that was him and Pepper "so-" he began, only to be interrupted

"Don't even think about it" Pepper warned, refusing to look in his direction

"You know I looked forward to seeing you" he spoke in a calm tone

"Yeah, well sorry to disappoint" she spoke with some longing in her voice

"I wasn't disappointed per say, just a little…" Tony paused to look at Pepper when she turned "ok, I was disappointed, but not at you. I was disappointed at us. I thought we were closer"

"Yeah well, it wouldn't work. You love women too much" she shrugged acting as if it didn't hurt her

"I do" Tony admitted causing her to frown "I also don't think it's a bad thing. Women are beautiful creatures" Tony spoke looking straight into her eyes, activating his charm at max for a split second

It worked like a charm as her face turned bright red. She turned around looking out the window and said nothing more.

Tony smirked and started mentally communicating with his girls, looking as if he's sleeping.


Reaching the press conference avenue Tony 'woke up' and went in to make a statement. As he entered, he saw Obadiah Stane was there entertaining the press "Ah here he is" he smiled

Tony smiled and hugged Obadiah, casting a spell on him, silently. Tony then turned to the reporters who exploded with questions. Harry took a page from Madam Bones's book and stood there silently, saying nothing but looking at the reporters with a board expression.

The reporters soon noticed what he was doing and were confused. It took about thirty minutes but all reporters went quiet looking at the silent Tony who smiled "thirty minutes, rookie numbers. I believe you were told you are here for a statement from the recent terrorist hostage, me?"

When one of the reporters wanted to raise his hand he immediately felt a chill go down his spine as Tony stared him down like a piece of shit "I have been in this country for less than two hours and my own countrymen already want to use my suffering for a headline. You want a statement? Here is my statement" Tony looked at each of them

"My weapons… MY weapons were used to kill our soldiers" Obadiah wanted to stop Tony but couldn't move "I will not stop till I find EVERY SINGLE ONE of those BASTARDS and make them PAY with BLOOD" Tony then breathed to calm himself "until then all weapon production are halted"

When he saw the reporters fighting themselves to ask questions or remain quiet he continued "no, the staff won't be fired. I'm not sure how long it will stay closed. I will not open it till we find how the weapons reached the terrorists. I don't care about the stock prices, lives matter more" Tony then glanced around as if sizing everyone "thank you for your time" he then turned to Obadiah "come along"

As he passed by Pepper he saw a look of surprise and a bit of awe there as well. Tony played it cool and continued moving forward while maintaining his serious face… he was pissed after all.

"Happy, take Pepper wherever she wants" Tony told Happy when they got out

"Wait, what about you?" Pepper asked

"I have to talk to Obadiah, I'll grab a ride with him" Tony explained and moved to Pepper making her stiffen

Tony laughed "you're cute you know that" he said as he hugged her "take care" he spoke

She stood there for a second watching him leave "you too" she whispered

Harry rode in the back of Obadiah's car and cast a spell on the driver.

He had things to do.

People to kill.