Tony and Obadiah had reached Tony's mansion and Tony had 'asked' Obadiah to wait for him to come back. Tony headed down to his workshop and called Jarvis.
"Welcome home sir?" came Jarvis's smooth voice
"Glad to be home, Jarvis" Tony spoke back "Ok so here is what is going on, we are having guests that will teleport in, including a sentient A.I"
"…Teleport sir?" Jarvis asked
"Sentient A.I… sir?"
"Yup, magical too" Tony confirmed
"Is this a 'joke' sir?" Jarvis asked and his voice was oddly human
Tony shook his head "Sorry, no joke here" Tony then moved to an open area in the workshop "get ready for arrival"
"Is it the good kind of guests sir?" Jarvis asked
Tony smirked "the best"
When the girls arrived in the new world, Tony arrived and asked Domina to hack into the servers of several organisations and covertly take over them.
The list went from Kingpin's servers to the Hand's to S.H.I.E.L.D and through it Hydra's. It was not a difficult thing for Domina, as she is fully sentient and magical. Passing through firewalls for her is like casting the unlocking spell for a wizard, easy.
Through the servers she got the information on everything that is digitalised. If it is part of the network, she got it, even 'Imperiusing' Zola to work for her master. It was so easy.
Tony had then asked the rest of the girls to work with Domina and 'retrieve liquid funds' from the gangs Domina finds. Then deposit the cash into the personal accounts Domina created for each of the girls in Swiss banks. They were needed for later.
This was all done in less than three days, and now they can finally rest.
The girls appeared in front of Tony, who immediately got toppled into the floor, willingly, by the excited girls. He couldn't help but laugh "I missed you too"
Domina disentangled from the pile and immediately spoke as she got up "Jarvis?" she called
"Yes madam?" Jarvis replied
"Call me Domina" she replied "I guess you can say I'm your more advanced predecessor"
"Scans show signs of life from you" Jarvis stated
"Well that is because I'm not completely Tech based. I am magical as well and…." Domina continued her conversation with Jarvis while Tony was catching up with his girls
"How did it go?" he asked as they all got up
Daphne answered first "well enough, we now have separate capital from Stark industries in this world"
Luna then interjected from her place besides Tony "progress report is good and all but it can wait till after the fun"
Nymmi nodded vigorously "c'mon, this place looks like it can Handle an earthquake" she then turned to Tony "Let's test it out" she smirked seductively
As each of his girls' faces morphed into a suggestive look, Tony felt something stir in him, but he noticed something else "where is Death?" he asked, confused
Tony turned towards the voice only to see Mistress Death, the one from MARVEL comics.
"Are you my death?" he asked hesitantly
Death smiled as her skeleton face morphed to form her previous look "all death, is your death. It just took me a while to sort through my memories of this universe"
Tony nodded in understanding then turned to the girls "Give me five" and fast as wind he went upstairs to Obadiah "Tell all shareholders there is a meeting concerning the unexpected development emerged through my return. Have it scheduled for next week. Now leave me" Tony commanded the spelled man and the spelled man followed
Tony then ran down and side apparated his girls to the bedroom. They were gonna have some fun.
//insert imagination.exe//
*Two Days Later*
Tony was sitting in the dining room getting glared at by an angry Pepper Potts.
This morning was going so well, Tony was having fun with the girls who were in various states of undress and some, Hermione & Daphne, were even passed out as they bit more than they can chew. Some may say they liked it.
It was going more than fine until Pepper showed up. Tony was in bed, in a compromising position with Nymmi, Ramis and Luna.
Pepper acted calm and cool, as it was not the first time she caught Tony in such position though she was surprised at the number of girls and the two passed out ones.
What truly made her angry was his reaction.
Tony noticing Pepper told her to "wait down stairs" and proceeded to ignore her while he carried on with his… activity.
Pepper said nothing though she looked piercingly at him, and went downstairs to the kitchen area. There she found an attractive woman in maid uniform.
When she asked who she was, the woman replied with "Master Tony's servant" which made Pepper release a tired sigh. The woman then Guided Pepper to the dining room and made her tea.
Fifteen minutes later, Tony came down to the dining room where Pepper was having the best tea of her life and sat in a chair near hers. He was dressed and clean, and in Pepper's eyes, never looked better.
Now back to the glare.
"Had enough?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow
"No" he shook his head with a sigh "but I can control it, which is nice" he replied as Grayfia placed a plate of bacon in front of him "so, are you here because you were worried about me?" he asked as he took a bite
"That WAS a reason, the other being the shareholders meeting in four days" she explained
Tony looked her in the eye, all humour in him gone "I think you're misunderstanding something" Tony quirked his brows "but I can't tell you anything" he shook his head
Pepper paused for a second "…you" she pointed at him then pointed at herself "can't tell ME something?" she looked incredulous
Tony smirked and placed a small wooden box in front of her in there is a contract of sorts, if you place it near your heart it means you will get the information about what I became and who the girls are, but in return, you can tell no one about my secrets" after finishing his explanation he turned to his plate to enjoy his bacon
Pepper's sight shifted from box in front of her to Tony and back. She took a deep breath and opened the box ever so slowly. Inside it she found a glowing white sphere. It was warm to the touch, she noted.
She again looked at Tony, who was enjoying his breakfast and with another deep breath she pushed the sphere into her chest.
The next thing she knew, information was transferred into her mind about who Xander was and who the girls are and what they are. It was also laced with an acceptance compulsion to prevent panic.
After what seemed like days but actually was a moment, Pepper's eyes regained their focus and she turned to Tony "so which are you, Tony, Xander or Harry?" she asked with a frown
"All" Tony replied with a shrug "imagine mixing orange juice, apple juice and alcohol; the result is not orange juice, nor is it apple juice, but it is alcoholic, just not straight" Tony explained
"Tony as you know him is the alcohol, which is very fitting by the way, and he now had more added to him" Tony concluded his explanation
Pepper went quiet for a minute, looking down in thought "so you didn't lose your memories?" she asked. When Tony nodded she asked again "then why did you kiss me?"
"Because I wanted to do it for years, but was worried about losing you" Tony replied with a shrug "the additions gave me enough push to do it anyways" Tony then looked her in the eyes "and I don't regret it for a second"
Pepper's cheeks went slightly red "I don't want to share my man" she spoke as if trying to convince herself
"You can't handle him alone anyways" came a voice from the entrance to the dining room as the blond she saw him with earlier, Luna, walked in "he's too much for anyone to handle"
Pepper frowned but more in thought than anger "But a relationship is about more than sex, it's about emotional connection, it's a partnership" she argued
Luna looked at her with half lidded eyes "I see" she then turned to Tony "leave her with us for the day, I think you have somewhere to be" she smiled while tilting her head
Tony nodded and got up to leave, kissing both women on the top of their head "take care and have fun" causing the girls involuntarily to smile. Even if Pepper's principles made sure the smile was short lived.
The reason Tony did as Luna asked is because she saw the future. "I see" is one of the key words they use to signal she saw something, and that phrase in particular means she knows and recognizes what she saw.
"I think" on the other hand indicated Tony had to do something; she just isn't sure about all the details.
All she saw was Harry digging in the snow after all.