Tony left his mansion in the care of his girls and apparated to the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. He then took out his wand and used the point me spell to find the closest Steve Rogers. It took a few minutes of flying but he found him,
Capsicle, in all his American glory, was just sitting there under a layer of ice. Tony took all of five minutes to carefully dig up the man and apparate back to the clinic on the Hanging Gardens.
The defrosting took a few hours, which Tony personally supervised, and then it was all about the wait. Tony made a clone and left it there to welcome the captain back to life, he had other things to do.
Tony soon arrived at the mansion hearing laughs and giggles from inside. He entered his place and followed the sound of laughter till he reached the bar area, where his girls were drinking with Pepper.
"HARRY!" Daphne shouted and jumped him, hugging him like a koala bear. A few seconds after she disengaged herself from him and apologised "Sorry, I meant to say, TONY!" she again jumped him laughing alongside the others
"You know how to pick 'em" Pepper smiled "and I certainly see the charm" she spoke with a heavy tongue
Tony laughed "well I at least got drunk you on my team, any advice on sober Pepper?"
Pepper put a finger on her chin in thought then smirked and got up walking towards the recently freed from drunk Daphne Tony "well, I would suggest kissing her like you did on the day you came back" she smiled seductively and went in for a kiss
Tony wrapped his arms around her as he knew what was going to happen. A second after their lips touched, she was out.
"You gave her a remembrance potion didn't you" Tony asked Luna. The potion is simple, you take it and the next day you will remember everything about the previous day. It's great to counter obviation but works for all purposes.
Luna smiled "Yup, it's not the only way she'll join us, but it's the fastest and the one that'll give her the least regrets" she explained
Tony's gaze swept through the room as the girls all looked at him with a smirk. Not seductive, not sexy, just smirks.
Harry looked at each of them with narrowed eyes "what happened?"
Nymmi giggled and spoke "Pepper knows a lot about Tony, so we made a fair trade. She tells us about Tony and we tell her about Harry" she explained but not really
"And…" Tony urged
Hermione responded "She told us about the freshman party"
Tony's eyes widened "and what did you tell her about?" he dreaded
"The talk you and I had when I wanted you to make the female care potions and your reaction" Grayfia spoke as she wrapped her hand around Tony while he was still carrying Pepper
"Oh c'mon, we agreed it never leaves us" Tony complained
Luna piped in "and it never did. The circle just got wider" Tony saw that knowing smile and let it go
Pepper woke up the next morning in a bed that's not her own, in a room not her own and clothing not her own. She looked around, fighting her hangover down, and noticed a vial with a note that read drink me.
She sniffed the contents of the vial, shrugged and downed it. She immediately started feeling better, until the memories of the previous day began resurfacing, specifically the one about her asking him to kiss her… "SHIT"
Wearing the provided robes and flip-flops she went downstairs to find the girls. She really liked them, Luna especially. It gave her the feeling of having actual friends beyond those from work.
Even if each of them can burn an entire city down with ease.
She found the girls sitting in the dining room having breakfast. Luna was the first to notice her "Pepper, good morning"
Pepper smiled at the bright eyed girl who warmed her way into Pepper's heart "Good morning Luna, ladies" she returned the greeting
Daphne had a bit of pink peppering her cheeks "I apologise for my actions under the influence yesterday. Fire whisky has a certain influence over me" she apologised
Nymmi added "yeah, it lets her loosen up that posh act of hers" she smirked at the glaring Daphne
Pepper chuckled "don't worry Daphne, I thought you were charming" Pepper gently smiled "I don't think I had such a good time since..." her eyes widened "since collage" she surprised herself
Nymmi reached to Pepper's shoulder "you got hit with an adult lifestyle" she nodded solemnly "we almost lost our selves to it as well" she explained
Hermione added "it's a good thing that Harry or Tony, now, was there for us. Otherwise we would've lost our passion in our responsibilities" she spoke as she was the one that had the problem most
Pepper nodded "so where's Tony now?" she asked
Nymmi spoke "he's going to talk to some captain" she explained and while odd Pepper nodded
As she was taking a sip of the delicious tea, Luna spoke "it's not a captain, it's the captain" causing Pepper to do a spit take
Harry woke up when his clone signalled that the captain is about to wake up. The clone stunned the captain and signalled for Tony to come.
Tony took about fifteen minutes to get there. As the clone saw him he nodded to him and dispersed. Harry entered the room and enervated Captain America.
The captain groaned but then immediately went on guard. He looked around taking stock of his surroundings. He was wearing pyjamas that Tony conjured, his outfit and shield were on the side on a table, and a man was standing in front of his bed with a smile.
"Where am I?" he asked as outside the window is a garden, which doesn't tell him much
"My private island in 2009" Harry smiled at the incredulous look on the captain's face
"Come again?" Steve asked
"Come along Cap" Tony spoke with a smirk as he moved to leave the room
The captain took the chance to move towards the table to retrieve his shield. He was fast and in a split second he was holding his shield, ready for battle as he faced Tony.
Tony raised a brow "what are you doing?" he asked
The cap paused "I don't know you and you tell me I'm some seventy years in the future. I can't take a risk" he spoke with resolve
"Right sorry" Tony apologised and extended his hand towards the captain "Name's Tony Stark, you might've met my father?"