Sometimes it's better to surround yourself with people. Just people, doesn't matter if you know them or not. Maybe go to a bar or a club, just anywhere but here.
Anywhere but here alone.
When you're alone, the voices comeback. They are loud, persistent, mean. They want you to die. They tell you that you're useless. They tell you no one needs you. They tell you to kill yourself.
And you might just do it.
You don't think anyone will understand you. They will keep telling you to 'shrug it off', that everything will be okay, that you will get through this. And when they get tired of saying those they will leave you, telling you that you're 'too dramatic'. You are left, yet again. You are alone, yet again.
The voices, they shout stronger. They are laughing at you, telling you they're right. They mock you.
You do nothing about it. You just stand there, alone again in that void of depression that you've always been in, that space of darkness that you've had for a very long time, surrounded by unseen voices, those from the back of your head.
But you must control them to stop yourself from committing what every depressed person long for; the hug of death around your neck.
So what do you do? I talk and talk, it doesn't matter if it made sense, i just did it to keep my mind of things.
Like what I said, sometimes it's better to surround yourself with people. Just people, doesn't matter if you know them or not. Maybe go to a bar or a club, just anywhere but here.
Anywhere but here, alone with the voices at the back of my head.