Ch 2: Where is my golden chance to shine? 1/2

"Jee-Han, what's wrong with you? You haven't touched your break fast since coming down from your room. Are you insinuating that I don't know how to cook?! I swear to God if you..". While his mother was 'worried' about him and 'gently' urging him to eat, Jee-Han was blankly staring out the window while questioning his self-worth...

~Earlier this morning~

'...and with this I should have covered the basics for now. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a hidden gem waiting to be polished..' thought Jee-Han with a creepy smile on his face -not that he noticed- while looking at the memo written in a blue box floating quietly before him as if speechless of his smugness:

[ Plan A: building foundation

Step1 : create the most useful skill in the arsenal of any respected gamer out there 'observe'-sama.

Step2 : exercises for each attribute to rise it without leveling up.

Step3 : quietly look for information about the super natural since it's impossible logically speaking that I'm the only one to have superpowers and quite arrogant to think so without raising any suspicions by using 'observe' since it doesn't cost anything and so doesn't leave any traces.

Step4 : depending on the information gathered, find a local neutral/good faction trust worthy enough to join to have a backing and stay under the radar by showing enough potential to not be canon fodder but not too much to be sent to the lab.

Step5 : amass enough wealth to buy or borrow the basic knowledge for the skills he has in mind.

Step6 : find a way hopefully from the skills mentioned above to hide his real strength from others until he can stand by himself without fear of being abducted on the fly.]

Confirming the content, Jee-Han calls out in his mind 'skills'


-gamer's body (lv max)

It lets the user to have a 'video game character's body' and all it's perks. Derived from the title 'the Gamer'

-gamer's mind (lv max)

It lets the user to have a calm train of thought no matter the situation while still feeling the emotions that comes with it. Immune to negative status effect related to the psych and mind. Do note that negative status effect related to the soul can still occur if the level difference is 100 or more due to high resistance against it

-observe (lv 01~exp 0.1%~stage: information gathering)(mp cost: N/A)

It allows the user to gather information about the object of observation. The details depend upon the skill level and difference between fighting potential.]

Having acquired the skill necessary to start his plan A, Jee-Han comes down the stairs after a quick shower to have breakfast with his new yet familiar mother.

Unfortunately for him, the shock of the discovery leaves him without appetite.

~present time~

Jee-Han snaps out of his self-pity when he feels the anger emanating from his 'sweet' mother "what? No, I couldn't even think of such blasphemy to your cooking oh great mother of all mothers!" He immediately makes a dogeza while her gaze for a variety of reasons..

[Han Jung-Sook

Lv: ???

Rank: ???

Title: ???]

"Hmph! That's more like it. Now eat and tell me what's on your mind." His mother returned to her usual self after affirming her authority and continued eating while paying half attention to him and the other to the t.v. news.

Quickly checking the relationship tab and confirming her high affection for him and that she is indeed his mother and not an imposter, he asks the burning question in his mind "Um, mom do you belong to the super natural?" A pin drop silence envelopes the dining room that even the t.v. seemed to turn mute on it's own.. before being bombarded with notifications that he fortunately or unfortunately turned mental to not obstruct his vision while in combat, otherwise he would have no vision to see an ice cold glare directed at him with an overwhelming killing intent that would have had him frothing at the mouth unconscious if not for gamer's mind keeping him sane and conscious.

[ killing intent detected! Skill 'killing intent detection' acquired!

Skill 'K.I. detection' level up!

Skill 'K.I. detection' level up!

Skill 'K.I. detection' level up!

Skill 'K.I. detection' level up!


Skill 'K.I. detection' level up!

Lv max achieved!

Requirements not met, unable to evolve it for the moment!

Mind invasion detected! Resisted!

Mind invasion detected! Resisted!

High Mind invasion detected! Resisted!

Greater Mind invasion detected! Resisted!]

Wrath and confusion could be seen on his mother eyes, and considering the notifications he had a pretty good idea what's going on so he immediately spoke " MOM! WAIT! IT'S ME, JEE-HAN! I AWAKENED A POWER TODAY THAT'S WHY I NOTICED SOMETHING! DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS SO FAST!"