chapter 6 creating

goes in the forest surrounded by monsters demon beast 7 steps 20 demon beast still 21 from level 1 to level 3 level four demon beasts what looks like a tiger body with wings headed dragon head I decide to kill this one first play intense battle erupts front back and forth dodging left and right quick side step I slept with my sword just barely avoiding the claw of the demon with my sword hurried and counter attacks he's on movement technique and jump back 200 feet there's a hole in the ground where I was standing a little bit ago it's about 333 Zang deep I rushed to the side demon luckily my afterimage was otherwise I would have been dead will I dodged by skin of my teeth has l his head off The flash and I cut demons beast headboff with my sword I got a bunch of blood on me the other day the monsters run away when they see me the dragon died a I thought I collected diamond crystal I chased tham and killed him I go to a lake the wash up I take off my clothes myself a bath I keep the sword beside me still a woman screams the flawless beauty she's she's naked got a good body good curves I was thinking myself oh what a nice pair of boobs good ass to she jumped out the water. it's alright there around here self she grabs a bow and arrow she yells I will kill you she fires a few rounds I quickly diving to make the water Sea mist schott she Sade quiver of arrows she got one more left but before she can pick it up again I got my sword to your neck I sliced her head off I'll look through her belongings her name is su bing er that was the only identification I only thought the selfies I read your soul she blows to embody clan feel better destroy her body better yet make you into a puppet since I got her soul in my hand I take her to a cave set up the formation I got a bunch of material take it out of my godsee is slowly begin the refining process turn it into a weapon slime with no water for I reattach your head but the soul backing attache a seal on her soul the salt and Bonnie are in one I got a refining pot beside me that can change size depending on my will if I take her back into a living thing that can continue to grow but not a living being at the same time livingbeing at the same 1 months goes by in the blink of an eye 5 months go by in the blink of an eye on a 6 months it's finally done is breaking law reincarnation and nature's of thunder is hitting my creation I added wings to back and a wound on her neck is completely healed the refining process is complete. I'm just waiting for the thunder to the impurities out of the material and her 100000 thunder bolts strikes hit all at once formation blocks most of thunder suck butt some slip past and hit her continue like this for about 3 days and night finally complete the new name is Anna Lynn replies yes master jijiji now I got a loyal servant but it's also a weapon I am a demon Crystal in her I replaced it with a higher one when I get a higher demon Crystal