Bippity Boppity I got All you Moneity

After some convincing, to not just drive like a maniac to the nearest hotel for a quicky, I took Richard's number down promising to call for a hook up, and hurried back to my house. I had to give him a cock and bull story about losing my phone, so He would stop hassling me for my number. Never give anyone blessed with you your number it gets rough. I have a confession to make, I am a giant nerd. Yes, I said it be appalled I understand, but I am. If it is electronical in the least I will know how it works inside and out in a hour. Computer hacking is one of those talents I really came to by accident. You see when a certain MMORPG* hit the market, cough WOW*, I became an addict nearly overnight. I stopped working, I barely went out to feed, and even stopped eating and drinking. Technically speaking I don't have to eat, but I do lose weight if I stop so let's just say I looked like Skelator. To make ends meat, because you know it has a subscription fee, I began hacking into bank accounts. Yes yes I know how evil, well I am a demon so no duh. I finally stopped playing so much because Satan himself actually threatened to take me back to hell if I didn't stop missing my quota. Stripping was killing two birds with one stone, but I still hacked now and then. Now I was about to big time. I could explain in great detail, but I think half of you would be lost and the other half stealing my techniques. Let's just say I did some computer magic, and suddenly fifty million of Sloan's hard stolen money became my stolen money. I grinned at the multiple off shore accounts, and decided I had earned so much needed gaming time.