Visions of the Kinzuma family

Bewildered, where she was at, still at the ship the last time Somu checked in matter of fact one million light years away here. She is having a lucid vision. Her mother had taught Somu that lucid traveling can be dangerous if one is not careful but always cautious because evil spirits can attack her during this. Somu's unconscious body which she had to make a mental note didn't wander off the course as her mother had cautions. Never thought, she would be grateful of all her mother's teachings that had kept her alive so far. Observing this home, it is a diner room that contains a simple chandelier hanging over the ceiling. Table that had a simple wood design except it was off the wood table has some kind hollow built in hologram projections that seem solid enough to eat.

The woman that is called Skyra Kinzuma. She is gorgeous. She has long curly dark brown hair, with honey brown eyes, slim, and light tone skin wearing business clothing. The husband has brown combed hair to the right, hazel eyes, medium muscular build, and light tone skin also wearing a work uniform. As for the boy he has large wavy spiky hair that is dark brown, dark tone skin, his eyes seem to black at times but, brown as like his hair color, also wears blue and black stripes shirt. Skyra Kinzuma asked her son "Esai-kun how was school and how about the new teacher. I heard she was very attractive. '' Playfully teased her son. Esai blankly responds as if he was deep in thought about something "Oh, yeah she uhh…attractive a lot my classmates and my friends thought she very attractive often popups in conversations." The dad of Esai would be concerned "Son is there something that matters, you barely eat your food?" His parents caringly glance at their son. Esai is to be distracted by something she can tell by the look on his face.

Esai scratches the back of his head if he is thinking about how to respond to his parents, "Well I am thinking about how I may need extra help on my project that I am very keen to get started on." Their interest is piqued and eager to listen to his project about "Go on Esai, what's your project is about?" Esai nervously spoke as if someone was pulling his teeth. "My project is going to be a research-based project about my biological father Rehigh Alzuki." Somu's eyes beam with joy "Heavens, be praised finally for leading to finding Rehigh!" Could not maintain the feeling to spin with joy since she was in an astral plane.

Despite her joy she is feeling right now apparently it seems that it released open wounds for Skyra Kinzuma that she is shouting angrily in another language that Somu does not understand. That moment Esai and his dad are frightened from Skyra's wrath. She is like what her mother said, Skyra is fierce about everything. Poor Esai tries to explain that it was only for his project but his mother is too angry to even listen to him. She went out of the dining room. Shortly after the husband follows to calm her down. While leaving Esai alone at the dining table he went upstairs quietly while his parents were shouting in another language that she still does not understand. Regardless, Somu followed him to his room.

To describe his room, it seems to be a typical boys' room with hologram posters, books, toys, and a very messy room. His room is bigger than her lucky room. Esai unstraps his holo-device and uplinks to the holo-computer. His holo-computer seems to be booted up, typing his password to login. Something is alarming to appear on his screen, a message that reads "Try anything foolish as to reveal your parents, police, or friends about me, I will slaughter them immediately in front of your eyes. There are specific Instructions that I have left you that quite simple to follow:"

*Location of Rehigh Aluzuki in detailed manner about where he was hiding.

*Weakness that will provide me anything useful to use against him.

*Information about how he resurrects.

*If possible, location of other Spirit Sensitives.

*Never share information about this to anyone other than me and you.

*Delete any copy of the original Instructions so no accidental read from anyone.

*Weekly report to me about your progress so you would not lose purpose in this assignment.

As the last message said, "Importantly I will be watching you from the shadows to be sure you won't stray off course. As I said before you have until the end of the term" Obediently he follows the instructions, deleted the original copy from his holo-computer and his holo-device.

Suddenly Somu felt someone glaring sinisterly at her and as well Esai. The woman was standing outside the window in front of us wearing a uniform that she recognized and loathed, it was a Darkbringer uniform. However, the Darkbringer woman sternly is aware of Somu "I know where you are and where you live remember I am watching you from the shadows. Even you girl." Esai seems confused by that last part but that was directly to Somu. Her presence was choking Somu's astral spirit that her fear causes her to return immediately to return her body that Somu gasp for air. Everything is back the way it was last left, inside her private quarter. She got up with a determination "Esai I will rescue you just please hang in there before my arrival."