Horrific research and Cybernetic bullies 

A week has passed since that dreadful night, Esai was working like a mad dog trying to figure out what his biological father had done the last twenty years. Miss Dark has been harsh with him about progress about Esai's biological father as time passes. He was hitting it up to the library and even begged his parents to take him to the nearest library. Gotten well acquainted with the library. His dad gets really suspicious about his homework "Son I know the project is important in all but, what about your other homework like Math, English, Reading, and basic things like that. Your mother would appreciate a little break from that because it is not a subject that your mother most certainly does not like right now." It is not Esai's intentions to do this to his mom. He only did it out of protecting who he loves, wanting everyone to live than to die right now.

Afterschool he would regularly research about Spirit Sensitives, his biological father, Darkbringers, and other things to worry about. Esai hates to say that libraries nowadays are extremely restrictive information that they are allowing to reveal to the public due laws that were placed last fifty years ago that were deemed non-essential or inappropriate. Heck even the internet, super limited by certain sites you can access before, would be placed on a watchlist by the government. The Deep Web had been dismantled to the point that it no longer exists. There have been few cases that some of the hackers are trying to reintroduce again without much success.

Esai heard in the past that the Deep Web where they get illegal drugs, weapons, and forbidden information is extremely risky because hackers can dox people while anyone accessing information. He is not a skillful hacker and the consequences would be dire. Another week had passed, gained no information at the task at hand that is remotely important. It was not entirely fruitless work he did type notes on his holo-device that was filled with useful to Esai about Spirit Sensitives that were something of urban legend around here. Found old text that is stored in the archive that dates back during the 1850s about scholars of Europe that is shown a picture a man looks in his mid-thirties which a long golden blond spiky long hair, sky-blue piercing eyes, light tone skin, wearing traditional kimono robes. Strange this man feels out of time in a way that is baffling or mysterious. Wait, is it possible that this man could manipulate the veil like Miss Dark on a larger scale? No one in their right mind would think he is a scholar rather some kind vagrant.

Yet no scholars, educators, historians, heck the conspiracy theorists would find this rather out of place? Wearing a kimono, he must have traveled Asia in possibly his history a bit fuzzy when it comes to History that the Japanese allow the Dutch to trade with them somewhere in the sixteen century that was a long time ago. Come to think of it that is over two hundred years of difference. Wait a minute is it possible that Spirit Sensitives can outlive people on Earth by centuries.

While the scientists made breakthroughs, to expand the lifespan by twenty to thirty years to our life's due advancements today technology is possible to live hundred twenty to hundred thirty years later rather than hundred years only possible cybernetics implants enhancements. They are aliens living among us however, long. This changed how Esai proceeded the world around him, it gave a larger look to the world.


Afterschool, spending frequent visits to Miss Dark office's countless times, Esai began to have unwanted attention from the school staff' suspicious behavior between himself and Miss Dark. That one-time Principal Linsey asked him one time when Esai was close to exit "Mr. Kinzuma I am beginning to take precedence of your visit to Miss Dark's office, a bit unusual. Why do you visit her often?" Considering his answer carefully when he briefly saw Miss Dark walking by then vanishes "I visited her to have a better understanding of my project because I had a difficult time understanding the progress to make sure I do it right and after all I am a bit a teacher's pet." Teacher's pet, good going he thinks something unsavory is occurring "Mr. Kinzuma do not hesitate to report if she is harassing you, we can transfer you to another classroom." Quickly responded because Miss Dark appears menacingly behind Principal Linsey with murderous intent "No, nothing like that beside I really want to have good grades. Last year I didn't do so well. My parents were not pleased with that and they expect me to do better." Crisis temporarily averted when Principal Linsey brought it "Well I suppose there nothing wrong with mentor assistance as long the guidelines is followed, well you better get an A then." No harm came to Principal Linsey since it was no longer required action then she vanished once again.

As soon Esai breathed while walking outside those exit doors there was a group of cybernetics groups of kids apparently waiting for him. Seeing lines of silvery circuits blend to their skins there was one tall Latino kid wearing punk clothing, greyish black hair, and with punk sunglass piercing green eyes. As he approaches, menacing as all other kids surround him, Esai is unable to leave. This kid's name is Rod Vineck as he removes Punk Sunglasses as spoken Shakespearean "Laideth a babe to among wolf steel his teeth for the ripening." On guard when comes to these kinds of kids they are dangerous as Esai steady himself calmly spoke "What do you want Rod?" As he waves his hand "Too obedient for a dog, regardless what is durst like you doing with a Sapphire?" If they are referring Miss Dark as Sapphire, she is obsidian rock that can easily cut anyone without second thought "She had been tutoring me with my project." Rod folded his arm as if he was not buying it. "Think you can raccoon us as blotch as day. No, ignorance will not save you." Getting annoyed by this. Esai would happily, leave this conversation as Rod resumes as his plain speech "You spend awfully a lot time with Miss Dark for a nobody and we want in that attention." Retorted sharply to his reply "If you wanted to set an appointment with her, she is more than happy to educate you thugs to decent people. Who knows she might teach thing or two about your fashion?" Rod place hand his hand on Esai's shoulder and gut punch Esai's stomach once as he staggered to ground gasping for air as Rod scornful at Esai's face "Someone needs to teach you some manners that you lacked." Glaring at him as Esai press of a button that signals all their cybernetics lockout "I couldn't agree more." Esai ran from the paralyzed crowd.

Rod curses as Esai fleeing with his life, as this fancy holo-device is useful, but it is a prevention from anyone who has cybernetics parts or machines from misusing abilities or rouge person harming anyone for a minute before they return functional again. Esai ran fast as his leg could carry, he had to hide from them. Someone shouts his name "Esai get over here!" Esai recognizes his friend's voice Isaac. Going to him as he shouted directions "Quickly down here!" There was a large manhole that we both hid in. In the poorly lit tunnel that with large wires and pipes could go on forever.

Silently listen to marching footsteps shouting, "WHERE ARE YOU!?" We waited patiently to be sure that they were completely gone. We both collapse with relief as Esai graciously thanks Isaac, his best friend "Isaac I am grateful that you save my life back there." Isaac nods his head "Man, without me you would have been decimated by them." As they got up and climbed up the ladder Isaac started walking home with Esai, he as prudently asks "Esai I know that your parents don't allow friends over without finishing homework and all but, you have been a stranger lately." Choosing words carefully since Miss Dark is lurking in the shadow as they speak "Sorry about that I wasn't expecting to be deeply engrossed with homework so much." Isaac sigh disappointingly and stop Esai by swiftly standing front of him "Esai, I had been observing you; baggy eyes indicate deprive of adequate sleep, looking over your shoulders as if you are being stalked by something or someone, and frantically searching in library for answers as if this was riding on your life." Completely astonished by this reveal of his deduction skills "When the heck did you become Sherlock Holmes, Isaac!?" Isaac smugly answered, "I had been watching some classic movies and holo-vid shows that I learned how to observe people closely better." This is unusual even for his friend "Isaac as cool as what you did, don't you think that was much to think I am being stalked by someone." Esai does not want to discredit him, only discourage him from continuing this because he is unaware that Miss Dark is silently watching them from the roof. Esai mystified knowing where she was three blocks away from them as almost if he had felt it.

Knowing Miss Dark allows her presence to be known somehow, Esai knows where she is at. Make no sense at all. Isaac was trying Esai's attention for a while. "Hey Esai you spaced out on me, are you okay buddy?" Quickly diverted him "Maybe this next weekend we could hang out, play some Video Games and possibly help me get past that level four that I have a hard time passing." Isaac completely forgot what he was talking about earlier "Sure thing Esai, I will hold you to that then see you later." He walks away out of site. Esai knows Isaac can very insightfully guy to have conversation with whenever he gets the chance to.

Unable to fathom that Isaac Tatsuya was able to analyze him with exact preciseness of Esai's situation that he is in. Seriously doubt he would drop the subject like that. Right now, he must go home to figure out how to appease Miss Dark because she is becoming an impatient woman and a ravenous beast in need to kill someone. Collected numerous notes about Spirit Sensitives however, Esai doesn't have enough information about the Darkbringers and especially his biological father. He needs his mother to give him information about his father, pronto or his life will end shortly.