In the principal office

Knocking on my door because Esai forgot the passkey card this morning and it was late afternoon. The door was opened. It was his dad but something felt grave today when he spoke "Son, come on in. We need to talk." Already know he is going to be grounded he might as well get this over with. Walked inside the house when his dad closed the door and mom was waiting for them in the living room. Esai sat across the couch where his parents stood to have a serious conversation of him coming home late without calling them. Before he could say anything both his parents warmly hugged him then stopped hugging after as his mom clarified "Esai, the school office called saying you were surrounded by the group of cybernetic children I was worried something terrible had occurred to you I couldn't bear the thought of losing you." Dad sighed with gratitude "Son, I am very grateful that you are all right from that ordeal but…" Seeing his dad's grave face told him all "Dad what did the office say exactly?" Both his parents glace sadly at each other then to Esai when his mom spoke "The office said that Principal Linsey may want a word with you about possible violation of the law with Rod Vineck along with his parents about suing us." Sadly, said his mother.

This outrageous that of course he would pull that "That's not fair, why us sue us!? We should be the ones suing them for assault when he punches me in the stomach. I'll prove to you!" Pulling his t-shirt up to show the mark before them. When they examined his stomach to see if something there and even scans it with their holo-devices. It detected nothing as well they were not seeing it "Esai we see nothing of such." That was not possible, Esai went to look at the mark there and there was nothing. How could it be? Esai felt that punch was equivalent to having a brass knuckle to the gut; it would have shown a bruise at least. This would make him seem like he was lying but, Esai did not lie "You have to believe me! He really punches me!" Dad placed both his hands on his son's shoulders and dismissively said "Everything will be alright, you had a hard day. We will resolve this problem together, go to bed." Esai stiffly accepted it and said, "Yes dad." Esai went upstairs to his room and collapsed on his bed feeling miserable. He did not sleep well that night.

The next morning, Esai did his morning prayer and scripture study before going with his parents to school. They drove there at the school and the anticipation was dreadful, entering the Principal Linsey's office. His office was a standard desk office along with a holo-computer wall that displayed holo-projections of his Degree and Awards, and the room was small and there weren't many things to put in. It is crammed with space when waiting for ten awkward minutes for Rod Vineck and his parents. Finally, Rod Vineck and his mother who has half buzzed hair red and blue color with skimpy tank top clothing that is revealing her chest and tears that she was forced to wear a standard jacket that she wasn't too happy about it plus have these V tattoos on her neck, cheeks, and hands. Esai sees better looking tattoos than hers, Principal Linsey promptly asked his parents and Rod Vineck's parents "All parents are presented with their children let begin. Mr. Michael Nelson and Mrs. Skyra Nelson the charges that are against your son Esai Kinzuma misusing holo-device to get back at Rod Vineck who has cybernetics. Is this true Mr. Vineck?" Rod Vineck pretends to be traumatized from the experience "Yes, Principal Linsey I-I only wanted to be friends with him before he loses his mind activated holo-device to paralyze me. w-was so scared when he started kicking me while I was down." What nonsense is this false premise that is not what happened.

Ms. Vineck when to verify her son claims "Yeah, it is true my son would not shut up about it until I see kick marks as you could see here." She rolls up her son's shirt to reveal bruise marks. Obviously, those must be self-afflicted what a masochist. She continued slightly stern "Who would want to hurt him? He is a social butterfly who wants to make friends left and right. After seeing bruises, I am afraid what kind of damage would cost to repair the cybernetic implants that can be costly to have specialists to surgically fix or replace." True what she said that repairing the cybernetic implants cost forty thousand to hundred thousand credits to pay.

Esai does not like the implications that are taking place. Principal Linsey to turn Esai asking him a yes and no question "Yes or no Esai Kinzuma did you hurt him?" Esai answer truthfully "No, Principal Linsey." Principal Linsey turn with disbelief toward me "Mr. Kinzuma I found that answer hard to believe, especially the evidence is very clear that your son's delivery was intended to harm Rod Vineck." Esai cannot afford to be angry with the fact that he does not believe him, his parents have him at best interest at heart but, it rather hard denies what they see. Principal Linsey pull up the charges as spoke solemnly "The consequences of misusing holo-device to harm someone is called Assault which is severe felony that you will be fined fifty thousand credits plus any compensation to additional repairs and this will be notify to the police and be on your criminal record." Dad got up from his chair sternly called out the Principal Linsey "Now wait a minute what about my son's defense someone else must see it happened or holo-video recording showing the event does this school have any?!" Clearly Esai's dad is angry that no one in the school defends his son.

Principal Linsey notion his hand towards to calm down Esai's dad "Mr. Nelson, please calm down, regarding the holo-video recordings they been hacked by recent hackers that most of the videos that we once had in schools' achieve are corrupted or stolen we have no way to recover it." Mother rose up with disgust "What kind school are you running!? With this tremendous amount of incompetency!? How did you not interview the witnesses beforehand before making this charge!?" Principal Linsey seem to be hesitant about this then Mrs. Vineck step up annoyed "Look this is already taking too long are you to filed out the charges or not?" This infuriated Esai's mother "What are you looking for an easy pay you Reijī! As you look like, you never work your day of your life." His mother heatedly retorted.

Things about to get heated here as Mrs. Vineck get triggered "What mean by 'Reijī' and never worked the day of my life!?" Esai's dad explains simply to her as to her son "As the word 'Reijī' mean lazy in Japanese. As your son must have self-afflicted himself just look like a poor victimized liar just trying to get out of trouble." Rod Vineck wanted to protest to against Esai's dad. Mother finishes off this argument "Go ahead charges us if you want to but if you do, we will after the school for failure to keep safe for all children to the media and to the court." Esai's mother and dad told him to come with them.

Before they could go Miss Dark my teacher came out of nowhere when she opened the door "Before anyone goes. I actually have a clip of the footage that explains what happened exactly." Principal Linsey is shocked "What!? How did you get this footage when all the archives were compromised?" Miss Dark calmly explains she linked holo-device to the Principal's holo-computer "I called in some favors to recover this data that was professional help that's all you need to know." As Miss Dark winks at Esai again which causes him to shudder. As the screen has exposed the lies of Rod Vineck's claims and his mother is extremely flustered and leaves without her son.

Rod Vineck tries to come up with excuses to try steers away from the bad light he is shown in. Principal Linsey reprimanded Rod "Consider yourself lucky that you are getting suspended from school than going to prison right now for false pretenses now get out of my office!" Rod had no choice but to leave with animosity towards Esai and Miss Dark. Principal Linsey composed himself and apologized to Esai and his family "Pardon my inadequacies for not taking necessary steps to view the situations fairly. You may all leave and Young Kinzuma Return to your classroom whenever you are ready." Esai's Parents went to thank his…kind teacher? His mother with gratitude "We wants to thank you for preventing any unnecessary lawsuit Miss…?" Esai's mom spaced out a bit on her name because she hadn't formally met his teacher. Miss Dark politely introduce herself "Miss Tani Dark." Both of Esai's parents both say thanks while Esai is hesitant to do "Thank her, Esai. She went through this trouble to finding that footage to prove your innocence." Reluctant to do this but, Esai has no choice but to bow and thank her for her assistance. While bowing he felt her sinister gaze as almost as if she laughed. She must have placed the veil around them in the entire office.

As Esai lifted his head to see his horror that she was holding his parent's captive "Oh, Esai Kinzuma, when were you going to introduce your family to me!" As she laughs like a lunatic the presence of room changes from a boring office to very dark atmosphere. Esai's body started to tremble involuntarily with fear that he nearly collapsed but Esai felt something preventing him from going down. Miss Dark with wonder of how Esai had not collapsed yet "Ooo, boy I have to say not many can withstand Dark Spiritual Intimidation most would fall unconscious or even had their hearts stopped. Your spirit is manifesting spiritual resistance toward my dark spiritual energy." His spirit is resisting her powers. Is that why he has not collapsed completely to her?

He struggled to move toward her demanding "L-leave m-my p-parents a-alone!" Both of her hands were by his parents' throats "Boy stay where you are, or my hands will instinctively rip out their throats that will be extremely messy." Gritted his teeth out of frustration that could not do anything to help his own parents. Esai's body couldn't stop shaking, on top of that it is difficult to breathe as she advances toward him with his parents at her side "I wonder how long you can hold out before you drop like lead however, that defeats the purpose of having you alive Kinzuma." Grunting with pain could barely stay conscious as she is condescending, "Remember kid as much time I give time for you to live I am a very impatient woman. I have superiors to answer to. They are very displeased with me that I haven't come with any leads of surviving colony ark ships of Spirit Sensitives and The Messenger." Colony Ark what is that even mean?

When she expressed her distaste about Earth "I hate this planet too many Mingled Spirit Sensitives and Darkbringers to tell them apart from the humans they rather got comfortable here not realizing Edom got destroyed nearly forty-one years ago. Forgotten who they are to point that they become lowly humans which sicken me." Miss Dark finishes her thoughts before Esai's eyes go blurry in vision "Keep wasting my time I will make your life a living hell before the deadline happens. Just give me the information on Rehigh Alzuki the Messenger." Then his mind went quiet. Before Esai realized it, he woke up. He was at his desk if nothing happened like a normal day in another absolute madness.