Entering the Solar System

"Entering the Milky Way's Solar System, destination to Earth. Somu Kio." As the AI displayed the distance to Earth "We are near the smallest planet known as Pluto. Distance from Pluto to Earth is proximity 3.035 billon miles that will take eleven hours in at the short wrap jump to through space." Somu thought about it as she brushed her green hair then asked again "Is there possible outcomes of obstacles?" AI did its calculations as they displayed the holo-projector as Somu sat down near the seat once the AI finished possible outcome "There are several factors may call for use auto maneuverings for there asteroid belt fields that require precise movement for safe passage." Extra precautions measuring the pressed button by control panel activated cloaking device.

The AI advised that "It would be unwise to use that during the short wrap jump it drains the energy rapidly, Somu." Confident enough that something might go wrong as she rerouted the auxiliary power, even the emergency conservative power to cloaking device "I rerouted all power to cloaking device once we reach to Earth's Stratosphere to remain undetected from the radar of the humans. Most importantly there is someone expecting me to show up which is the Darkbringer woman who had seen me in the lucid dream." The AI acknowledges her logic in the matter "To avoid unnecessary preempt traps from the enemy, you wanted to remain hidden." Somu got up to make necessary preparations "Yes, I am going to my private room to make a strategy to face a Darkbringer, keep this ship running while I do that and warn me if any danger is okay?" The AI acknowledges and keeps it in memory banks. She now knows that Darkbringer is using Esai Kinzuma to search for the location of his biological father Rehigh Alzuki. Somu searches for him too. This rather complicates the situation, what if this Darkbringer not only recognizes her but can sense me coming before she arrives on Earth. Somu must find a way to distract her. She must reflect and meditate upon these matters.


Somu accidently fall asleep after her mind sort of lost focus, she hadn't decent sleep since my mother got abducted by the Darkbringer almost about month. Somu had nightmares and glimpses about her mother being tortured Darkbringers who are trying to get information from her. Somu's mother would not give them an inch to them. Which in infuriate the Darkbringers more that they shocked her as she screamed in agony. Somu woke up sweating then alarm beeping. Rushed to the cockpit and immediately took control of the ship. Flipping the switches activate plasma shields as she exclaimed to the AI "Talk to me what's happening." The ship gets hit by lasers as the AI replied with urgency "The ship is operating twenty percent capacity would require immediate action!" Turning the ship to evade the lasers line of attacks. Twenty percent capacity not good must flee to Earth there is no way Somu can dogfight against fully prepared militarized Darkbringer ship. Curses the only thing she do is evade the shots. Strange how is this Darkbringer is missing every shot as she approaches Earth as if she is planning something. Never mind that thinking will get me kill. Closer and closer to Earth's Stratosphere she is closer to her goals however Somu may have to abandon her ship in order survive the reentering. Evading the shots as Somu move closer to the Earth's gravity then suddenly she realize that every shot she had evaded is directing me certain coordinates.

Before Somu could move away the enemy designated spot the lasers that she previously missed made laser line nets which tore the shields apart before Somu could react. One deadly shot tore a hole in the ship. As the ship enters the atmosphere the AI gets fried as the ship takes speed in the freefall. There appears to be a lake it would be safe to bail the ship. Somu blasted the hole in the cockpit big enough to escape, she summoned energy surrounding her as a barrier to protect her body from harm. Made contact with the lake deep enough to avoid the debris of what left her ship. The strange part about this lake, extremely salty at that point it was easier to arise to the surface that she gasps for air. Quickly swam toward breach, she reached it as Somu just collapsed there. Laying on the sand as she turns her head toward the sky at nighttime. Gathered her bearings happily to survive the crush. Before Somu could move away she sensed a dark presence approaching her.

Immediately on the defensive when the Darkbringer woman uncovered her hoodie "Must say you can sense me too; you must be trained well." Yeah right you allow it to sense you. Somu charged at her, she side stepped aside and uppercutted "Amateur!" Somu flip backward on moisty sand. She is angry now, drenched and sand on my clothes. Dashed side to side trying to psych her out was a surprise for her. Expediting her own hand is gathering spiritual energy. When Somu silently mouthed "Spirit…Spirit…" when she stood there stretching out her hand inviting Somu to attack her. Somu gives her best shot by finishing "Spirit blast!" Brilliant blueish and whitish beam of light unleashed upon my hand against Darkbringer's face. Instantly the blast engulfed her. The blast's range went up to space and cut off spiritual energy upon my hands. As the brilliant light that was illuminating the surroundings had gradually lost the light and once again darken to night. Just Silence in the air. Someone just started clapping out of nowhere. Her eyes could not believe that the Darkbringer survived that!? As she applauded at her "Darling, you are just full of potential, you are no doubt a true Spirit Sensitive!" Fallen to her knees as Somu tried to stand back up. Her legs would not respond at all and shouted, "What did you do to my legs and how did you not get vaporized!?" As she grins wickedly "Oh, now you wanted to know, it is simple you're too slow." As she grabs Somu's hair she cries in pain as her enemy lifts at her face level "Secondly I concealed my spiritual pressure that you would be hapless to detect me." Somu sobs knowing she is going to die and surrenders to her "My life is at your hands. Just finish me off." She caresses her hand upon Somu's face as her crimson red eyes blazed with laughter "Oh I would love to kill you to sate my bloodlust but killing you would be a waste. You are useful to me, you have information about other uses as well." Horrified by this, Somu would rather die, she yelled for help "SOMEONE HELP ME, ANYONE! MOM!" Sharp struck her neck. That was a thing remembered.

Slowly Somu regains her consciousness, head spinning. Her eyes are a bit hazy right now seeing the metallic corridor that is red and black designs showing a crest on the wall. Somu wobbled toward it to see clearly was a crest that brought her absolute terror. It was Darkbringer's crest corrupted version of the Spirit Sensitive crest showing an angelic spiral while the Darkbringer has it inverted. Somu must escape this place and attempts to use her spiritual powers changing a blast "Spirit Blast!" No warmth in my hand, nothing came out as Somu examined her hand. She tried again and again shouting over again "Spirit Blast! Spirit Blast! SPIRIT BLAST!" Nothing comes out. Then Somu felt something that was blocking her spiritual abilities on her wrist, a bulky restraint engraved in kanjis Nu-Kai the Darkbringer's language saying "Sealed spirit" in defeat I slid back of my head to floor sobbing. In the shadows Somu thought that it was a Darkbringer woman who had kept her captive and prepared herself for the worse. Standing up expecting this evil grinning face to show itself. Out of the shadows came out was…her mother