History of Rehigh Alzuki

At this time, it was the weekend thinking that Esai would go call them about going over to his friend's house for the day normally. Clearly it was not the case here and his parents saw his injuries as his mom lost her mind "Esai, who did this do you!? If that boy was Rod Vineck has something to do with this I am going after the mother!" Dad tries to calm her down to see a possible situation before jumping conclusions "Before we jump the guns, we need to attend to Esai's scraped forehead first." Breathing heavy with such indignation that Esai yelled at them that momentarily silenced his parents. His parents had become stern at him, "Esai Kinzuma, you should know better to be yelling especially the entire neighborhood would going to think you are crazy!"

Esai retorted back at her "Let them hear about it, not all is right in the world!" his dad quickly sealed the door as his mom is confused about what Esai mean "What do you mean not all is right in the world, Esai you have mother and father who loves you and cares for you!" Snarky with his mother "Oh do we really now? Love me and care for me, I want to know truth about Rehigh Alzuki!" The room was quiet as he is waiting for his mother goes roaring like lion "ESAI, GO TO YOUR ROOM YOU ARE GROUNDED!" At this point Esai didn't care about getting grounded, she might as well take everything away from him. "Go ahead ground me, take away my games, books, and toys. Take away my free time, visit my friends, and whatever that makes this punishment enough as you see fit. Make no mistake I will not stop asking until find out about my biological father one way or another!" His dad was angry with Esai; he was about to reprimand Esai's behavior however, she holds up her hand toward her husband indicating it was alright.

His mother sees Esai in a different light as she sighs exasperatedly "Alright, Esai you win I will tell you everything you need to know about him. I have three conditions that you have to abide by if we are going to talk about him. First let's get you clean up and Esai make me some tea. I haven't had that in eleven years."


Esai honored his mother's request because he knew this was going very hard and seldom the conversation they were going to have. His dad is told by his wife that he had permission to listen about this as Esai brought her mother the cup tea. The table they all seated his mother sips calmly as she places it down. Esai does not know about the three conditions his mother is about to give, he imagines it is going to be a hefty price that he is going to pay that he may or not be worth it. As she intently glances at him back as Esai attentively listens to his mother's solemn voice "Esai Kinzuma, before we begin, we are going to have a short prayer. I want you to say it." Esai nodded in agreement as they all closed their eyes in reverence and spoke what in his heart then finished in their Savior's name with amen.

They begin as his mom explained three conditions "Esai, the first condition is that don't you ever yell at me or father again we do not want you to lose your heart nor kindness around others, do you understand?" No argument there, Esai obligated a yes. Both of his parents smiled with relief. His mother continues "Condition two; you are grounded until I say so, and you will come home early on time with extra ten minutes in case you are running late if over the limit I will extend the punishment with more things to do in the house as well providing extra homework for you."

Nervously gulped with that extra strictness Esai needed to do what his mother said. His mother stares at her empty cup as if this was most the important objective she been carefully consideration "Last but, the most important the project that is regarding Rehigh Alzuki I want it done as soon as possible once that is resolved…I do not want to his name uttered ever in this house again until you are old enough to discuss what really happened in divorce that day. And Esai if you ever get a calling that requires to be away from your family will you visit us or have us in your hearts always?" His dad bats an eye "Skyra, what do you mean by that?" even Esai found that very ominous and cryptic "Mom, what are saying? If it's about going on a mission don't worry about it for a long while—" His mother grabs his hand unexpectedly as he gazes at him. She is on the verge of tears "Will you promise me if ever comes to pass." His dad comforts his mother as solemnly promised that will honor that. My mother smiles sadly "Good let's begin."

Setting the mood that my mother describes my biological like it was a distant memory "Esai in many ways you are exactly like him with his hair except your hair is a bit curlier than his. He was a very handsome man, bit uptight at times and serious most of the time and rarely smiled. At times he is very reckless and irresponsible on certain occasions that lead us to trouble. However, somehow, he saved my life from the Yakuza thugs in Japan, Tokyo." Things are starting to make sense from his mother's perspective she fell in love with him.

Thinking that gave Esai a somewhat understanding biological father "I traveled with him when I was really young, he changed my life. There were many hardships we somehow made through those times. He was leader when travel with Stanley Fie'eiki, Fusina, Bryan Rowan, Kristy, Venos Xvena, Kairin, and Nami Kio." Nami Kio, why does that name sound familiar and worth investigating later? "We were traveling from planet to planet we had never seen before it was an unforgettable journey. It was when we traveled to space. We were space travelers." Dad is now invested to this history that his wife had with Rehigh Alzuki as she go on " Rehigh had inherited a ship that belongs to his father's that been passed down for generations called Alpha-X it is truly fastest ship in the all existence so fast bend it space and time to any given point matter where you are in space or any universes it would find you whenever you are lost or in peril. Truly an awesome ship being except it was too small us that Rehigh had to build larger ship that taken months to build with extensive knowledge about spaceships that he learned on Earth he was truly intelligent man." This Alpha-X sounds like a space worthy ship, maybe worth seeing it one day. Fondest memories that his mother continues "Truly I wish that could go on forever eventually I had to grow up when I wanted to be more than a friend that I wanted to start a family back on Earth. I felt that second best day of my life…"

Second curious what does she mean by that "Second best?" What was her first best day as she smiles warmly "You are my best day of my life when you were born exactly 2195 in United Florida." Couldn't help to feel a bit silly about that however, his mother closes her eyes for moment then turn Esai "Well there a regulations law that restrict unauthorized procreation which we were unaware at time it was illegal to do without letting the government know they which keep careful eye on Population that was fifty billion of people at the time. It wasn't fun trying to explain to the government illegal action which avoided a bullet that day." Woah in his thoughts, Esai did not know there was a restrictive procreation law they must be serious about overpopulating which is why people are encouraging people to colonize planets like Mars, Jupiter's moons, and Pluto. There are the relay rims that can take them one point another across their Universe.

His mother sighed with relief as she finished "Rehigh Alzuki, was a good man before he started getting careless that caused me divorce him and have custody over you. Which is why I warn you that I can see some of his personality that is like his, I want you to avoid having recklessness, get offended easily, can't take advice from anyone, stay silent or leave when getting angry. I know that you wanted to hear more but, I felt that those are the most important answers I can give to you, location wise I do not know exactly where but before he left. He was at some faraway place in Iso Galaxy which is the last thing heard from him after the divorce. Alas I am tired Esai it is time for you to go to bed." His mother just saved his life, Esai gave her kiss on the check and hug as well another hug to his dad. With no hitch of complaint and went straight to bed feeling honestly happy.