Turning in my project early

It was the first time Esai slept good in months when Monday came around. As he became motivated to go to school again which is strange for a change. Had he breakfast then left for school. Could not help to feel goofy smiles around when people noticed his goofy smile. Going to the main entrance to the main hallways to go to the classroom. As Esai took his seat at his desk, Miss Dark seemed to be not enjoying his face that is currently grinning. When the classroom was empty that remaining was only Esai and Miss Dark in the room. Seeing her teacher's desk that's containing black container metal showing sigil that he never seen before. A solid crimson red sigil fang spiral giving it a dark presence for some reason. Seeing that Miss Dark annoyed by his presence "Useless person who gives nothing but arbitrary information. Might as well get this over what do you have to give me."

Esai uplinked his holo-device as he answered confidently, "Everything from my conversation from mom's audio recordings containing information about Rehigh Alzuki weaknesses and location of galaxy you find satisfaction." Esai edited some certain parts that were not necessary for Miss Dark to listen to only key cues that she will be looking for. Miss Dark mildly surprised by these recordings as he stood there thinking this did not feel right that gave away that he potentially killed a lot people just to get him.

This decision Esai may ultimately regret for rest his life but, this was survival just thinking that made him feel worse. Miss Dark smiles wryly at him "These recordings will essentially help the Marauder Darkbringers that happen to be scouting out that sector that happens to be close by. I will be preparing to leave in two weeks prior and will be bringing my servant girl along too." As Miss Dark stares at him proactively "Hope you don't mind, Kinzuma. Because this is such a rare opportunity that I am going to spare you as this will be the last time you will be seeing me again." This is the cue to thank her although it made me sick to his stomach "Thank you Miss Tani Dark sparing me." As she half folded her arm while leaving the other hand out blushes "Ah, you are going to make me blush, boy, after at this point can call me Tani now. You have my permission to leave." As Esai leaves the classroom, his last objective is to try to wake up Somu Kio. At least that is what he can do for her.
