Awakening from the Darkness

Crying in the darkest deeps of Somu's mind. In the corner that Somu is allowed to move ten inches before the Nu-Kai kanjis that appears as tendrils forcefully sends her flying back hard to the wall of her mind. Somu's spirit is a presentation of her will; it is also greatly strained from her soul by those same Nu-Kai kanjis appearing everywhere in her mental room saying, "Restricted agency to move." If she moved Somu any further, she feared that her willpower would fade out being trapped in her own body forever. Somu might as well embrace her servitude for life as she is going to be serving Tani Dark. Her sick twisted will is overshadowing Somu's will if only she honed her mental training as her mother often scolds "Somu, this technique will protect you from someone invading your mind or control your perspective through manipulation of the veil to make you believe what they want you see and don't see." If Somu had been more diligent she would not have been overpowered by her that easily.

Never knew her will was that weak until it was scattered by a Darkbringer. Somu's will and determination are diminishing…what was she talking about earlier? Feeling herself phrasing in and out feel rather nice does not hurt feeling groggy. When Somu was going to deep slumber heard a voice calling her name "Somu…"it was quiet Somu didn't hear clearly it took her time fully to comprehend it was wishy washy "Somu…I do not know if you could hear me or not I know you are related to Nami Kio…"Her eyes glowing with strength as continued restoring her own fortitude "I do not care if you beat me to a bloody pulp…"Her eyes stared be aware her body's eyes seeing a boy's cheek swollen with bleeding side of his lips. There was quite a crowd surrounding them, her vision started grasping normally as if Somu got her back body only partially still under control by Tani Dark. As it appeared her captor is still shifting the veil because normally someone would have stopped this.

Being partially trapped inside her body causes her to forget things because her memories are getting smothered by veil thickening. Involuntary punch to the boy's face as he falls to his knees as if Somu is going to execute him with a deathblow. When Somu was about to finish the job, her spirit screams stop. Immediately ceased doing a deathblow as everything looked sort of normal. Hearing all the kids screaming finished him while she heard some minor voices to stop. It was afternoon at the school yard. Tani Dark stare at her saying "This would suffice, that was my quick indulgence before we leave besides, I grown weary of his stupid smile." Seeing that he had enough Somu was about to leave but he grabs her shoulders and whispers to her ears "Somu, if you go see my biological father that you seek out please warn him…may the Holy Spirit guide your way and Goodbye." He passes out. He knew her mother's full name which is strange to hear from the mouth of a stranger. Whoever you are, a boy with spiky hair, ponders Somu's heart. She hopes one day she would return the favor.

As Tani Dark lifted the veil back to normal, the kids seemed confused about what happened and why they all were surrounding this unconscious boy. His friends went to help him up as one boy with brown wild crown spiky hair reached to his sideburns wearing green shirt glares at her with contempt "WHY!? He only wanted to talk to you! You went psycho on him you animal!" There another boy with orange brand on sparky tank top with blond beach bum hair that need to comb degrade his dignity with his lame punchlines "Girl, I was gonna take your fine fire but, you are green dump rat ya loose Uzi!" To think he had any dignity is Somu being generous with him then a small boy who is related to another boy who stares with contempt as well "To think you are misunderstood you certainly proved me wrong! You are completely the opposite! I hope a dog bites your arm!" Being here on Earth, people already want Somu gone. One genuine person who tries to be kind to her is that boy who she beat up. Somu cannot afford to be here anymore. Not when her mother needs her the most, with Rehigh Alzuki he can help Somu. As soon they arrive at the Iso Universe. Eagerness to leave "Let go we are wasting time here let's get the Messenger!"

Tani Dark places her hand upon Somu's shoulder which sicken her with resentment "Good, you will make a good servant to me yet." She teleported themselves to her Darkbringer Military ship hidden in cloaking devices. She raises her left hand as if the ship had scanning security. As it accepts as the original owner as well it scanned Somu also as a servant. As the back of the ship opened the lift as they walked in. She spoke a voice command "Black Fang take us out of this rotten planet open miniature portal to the rendezvous point!" The Black Fang's computer accepts the command as the back of the ship lifts close and air locks tight. Black Fang launches up the air then once it reaches acceptable height, they leave the planet surface. As Somu views the planet Earth that is filled with advanced cities less green which make no different planets that she had seen before there nothing special. As Black Fang zooms in the portal.