Manhunt for the Messenger 

Tani Dark commands Somu to eat up and rest because they are going to join the strike team within two standard days. What she ate was very bland supposedly grateful to that, she had something to eat. As for Somu quarters having no expectations, it had a basic blanket that room had nothing but, a cold steel floor, interior had no windows, furniture, curved walls, and poorly lit lights. What was Somu expecting to obtain a luxurious room by serving a Darkbringer!? As Somu entered the room as the door behind her has sealed tight the walls glowing red with Ni-Kai kanjis everywhere that blocked her spiritual powers of course the Darkbringer would leave her powerless because she does not trust Somu. Might as well get temporally comfortable here with the cold steel floor with her shoddy blanket. Somu could not sleep well because the cold seeps within her entire body made it difficult to sleep or rest. As if she wanted Somu to be alert and ready all time, even if she wanted Somu to be prepared in a miserable way.

Two days had passed and they entered the Iso Universe. It is a correlating unicycle that billions of stars and gases surround it. They zoomed through the edge of the universe where they saw the several dozen Darkbringers Marauders ships the size of skyscrapers. These monster size ships had very wide half diamonds with halo at the close at the edge, opened the bridge cockpit, arm with a laser Gatling gun at the both sides, and thrusters at the very back. These ships are designed to be fast and swift not for long term battles. There was a transmission call as Tani Dark responded "Elite Darkbringer Tani Dark rank thirteen on the bridge." The commander of the ship happens to be a pale skinned outrageous black wild fringe haircut that has a thin scar cross front her face with crimson pink eyes. Wearing a standard uniform cap, poncho that is black, yellow, and red designs and showing her ranking on her front chest.

As the she spoke formally as if she has higher position than her "Madam, Dark we had been expecting your arrival since you give that report that lead us the location of Messenger scum, we are waiting your orders." As Tani Dark established an order "Tanos Fi, prepare to cover the entire solar system if there any other Spirit Sensitives hidden there activate the wrap disruptors that prevent them from using wrap drives to escape and crippled down for containment. Send me the specialist team to the nearest civilization planet the Messenger is mine to capture. Move out!" As transmission ended all the Darkbringer Marauders ships moved out to execute that order. Black Fang accelerated toward the nearest planet as groups of carrier ships followed behind them. There was some resistance from enemies firing plasma cannon as we all evaded the plasma cannon shots. We entered the planet's surface. It is a very platform heavy city blasted through large pipes to get to the next point. Landed on the plaza where all citizens run for their lives. While soldiers down there shooting machine guns plasma against them soon, they dismounted. The Darkbringer soldiers vanished as they ended the soldiers' lives in a second. Tani Dark held her hand out as some large plasma cannon blast came toward them. The plasma energy remains still as she dissipates it to nothingness. Darkbringers are terrifying people; they show no mercy when anyone resists them.

Tani Dark bark orders at Somu "Servant girl, heed me closely we going to find Rehigh Alzuki who is currently concealing his spiritual pressure he is definitely here. We going to separate temporally to search him if you attempt an escape off this planet, I have failsafe Ni-Kai seal will send kill switch to your body that will end in a painful death. Is that understood?" Somu immediately said, "I wouldn't dream of it!" Tani Dark smiles approvingly "Excellent don't disappoint me!" She teleports away. As Somu began her search, she used her telepathic abilities that her mother had taught. It allows send telepathic message to anyone two-yard radius that Somu kept secret from Tani Dark. Somu leaped to the tallest building as there was massive mayhem around her. Concentrating on her telepathic abilities to sending a message to the Rehigh Alzuki "Rehigh Alzuki, if you are hearing this you know you are trapped, they have already blockage the means of escape. It is matter of time before they will find you. Surrender now or the Darkbringers will decimate this planet it is your choice."

Her head begins to hurt that she temporarily stops telepathic messaging. Ease herself up on the fence to maintain her balance. Breathing calmly before Somu moves to the next point to try again. Flames start to arise west side the city. This city visually feels murky with barely any plant life out there. They must have some kind of air purifier filter to be a sustainable habitat. Somu try again at the east of the city that is currently getting torn apart as telepathic messaging again. There is no response, moving to the slums in the south east which look like a downgraded version of the city.

While there many people look at her with fear because they see her soaring down to ground. Somu hate that they thought she was with the Darkbringers as they fled to their homes. This time Somu tried a different approach instead of threatening him, she reveals herself once more telepathically "I am the daughter of Nami Kio who has been captured by the Leader of the Darkbringers who she has sent me to you for your assistance!" There was a slight stir with her mental link. It must be working "Rehigh, please I need your help people are dying out here and you can stop them!" Bitter response to Somu's mind "Away from here foolish child! The man you are searching for has lost all purpose and all the will to defend." Complete dismay goes through her mind "Why!? Do you even care about the people out here dying!?" As Somu went to lock on his location waves heavy emotions brought with it "Child, it matters not if I am here or not the Darkbringers have been growing in numerous ways I am not that capable to take them out." Her head filled with anger toward him "What you are going to do, stay let them capture you? Is that your point!?"

As he responded angrily "I am here to atone for my sins! If death or imprisonment to pay for my sins, then so be it!" Somu fell to her knees with absolute despair "Allow myself to get captured just to find you and you are adding insults to my injuries that I came here for nothing and worse with no hope!" Filled with grief as her mind is clearing up from the veil, memory is still kind of foggy as if that boy that Somu had beat up back on Earth asked her a favor "There was a boy back on Earth who asked to warn you, presuming he is your son his name…" Her memory started to clear up from the veil as his name appeared as "Esai Kinzuma." Suddenly there was a spark of life in him as he appeared behind her by the alleyway "What about my son? How is he doing?" Staring at him, seeing he has a full-grown beard, dark skin, brown eyes, slightly sunken eyelines, most noticeably black spiky hair that is more pronounced identical to Esai Kinzuma.

Wearing ragged robes that he wore to match the surroundings of the slums. He asks again "How is he doing?" Somu is not sure this is an appropriate time to explain his son's status when the Darkbringers are ravaging the city for him "I am not sure this is the proper time or place to be speaking here…" As soon as Somu said to him he waved his hand toward the air then appeared No-Kai kanjis that are circular in shape and turns his hand like a key. Everything just frozen in motion. Completely still and no activity no more explosion or rather it remains in stillness. Astounded, she had to ask how he is doing that "How is this possible!?" As Rehigh told her urgently "I could only hold this time for five minutes in this sector where all the Darkbringers and inhabitants in this solar system are temporally still." As he sat down, he invited Somu to speak.

There are still a lot of memories that Tani Dark had messed up through the veil "Forgive me sir, my memories had gone through rough manipulation of the veil." He pauses for a moment "A Darkbringer who could manipulate the veil is truly a rare gift because not everyone could do that only those who have natural affinity in spiritual power or born with it. Word of warning; do not allow anyone to fool around with the veil. It causes a severe memory loss for the physical mind and impedes the developing spiritually to interfere with the natural veil that surrounds everyone. The purpose of the veil is there for a reason I can't get into right now. Limited time we have." Somu quickly explains that his son is very kind, gentle, and a bit determined. He laughs a bit "Skyra had raised him well, as your request to help I cannot fulfill it for I am no longer the Messenger." Shocked, Somu demands why he can't help "I came here for your help and you can't! Why!?" Rehigh turns his head away as if it is something, he was not fully comfortable to speak about that "It is not something that you could truly understand, without the high abundance of Spiritual energy that is given by God. Without His guidance I cannot do what I used to do with my Spiritual Abilities that were diminishing as of late. The time manipulation I used to hold for an hour now reduced to five minutes which is a significant difference."

Showing his Spiritual Pressure is not great as it once was. He says standing up "I still do have the skills and mastery but the requirements to do so will be difficult to pull off. Facing an army of twenty thousand Darkbringers back my day would be difficult but now, I could possibly only face a thousand or less now." Somu could not believe it. "So essentially you are becoming weaker as the day goes by!?" Sadly, he nods his head in defeat "Messengers are there to inspire, be examples, and bring everyone closer to God. As late I am officially disgraced Messenger as I diminish to an ordinary Spirit Sensitive who is in process of repentance hopefully obtaining God's forgiveness." Once again, Somu broke down "I would never see my mother again. I have to be a slave to the Darkbringer for the rest of my days!" He places both of his hands-on face her "Don't despair, my son will be called the New Messenger to take my place."

Something comedically struck Somu as she turned her head stiffly toward him "I thought, heard you saying that your 'son' is called to be a new Messenger who happens to be back on Earth." He nods his head and Somu palm slap herself in the head frustratingly aggravated "Are you serious that son is The New Messenger!?" Somu grabbed him by the robes of his throat to reiterate "Your son whom I beat up with no problems at all. IS THE NEW MESSENGER!?" He politely answers "Yes he is, what do you mean by beating—" Somu completely cut him off by screaming angrily "ARE YOU AN IDIOT!? YOU PLACED EVERYONE'S FATE IN THE HANDS OF INEXPERIENCED BOY!?" Do not shake your head yes it better be a no, Somu angrily thought! To her disbelief he defies her expectations he said undoubtedly "Yes" Somu shrieked for the entire planet to hear her anguishes. Then the time stop resumes back to chaos the sounds of explosion are back.