Unspoken truth

This cannot be happening everyone is shocked as this happens in his home. All Esai could do is to pray to God that his mother would be okay. Isaac, Abel, and Leo were speechless about this. His mother's breathing is ragged indicating difficulty to breath as Esai uses his scanning on his holo-device that is equipped to scan medical conditions as holographic light does surface scan. His mother screamed in pain as the holographic light scan did her harm. Esai's dad scolds him to turn that off and Esai does so immediately.

Waiting long agonizing five minutes before the paramedics are through the doors of our house since they override code only in an emergency. The two of the paramedics had this hover portable bed that they set aside while they examined his mother "What is her pulse Carrel?" He is getting radio contact with the doctor on the line while the young woman who is named Carrel was about to use her device to scan, motion Esai his hands told her to stop "Scanning her with the holographic light harms her as she is sensitive to it." Carrel stops and try another approach as she physically places two fingers on under his mother's neck to examine my mother's pulse. As soon as she does that, she removes her fingers instinctually as both her fingers are sizzling with heat which is baffling to everyone in the room.

She cussed with pain as the other paramedic is alarmed and explains to the doctor "Doctor Ricardo, we are dealing with some kind radiation exposure requesting to use a containment field to safely bring her in the ambulance unable to properly examine her." Doctor Ricardo cautions "Precede to evacuate everyone out the area immediately to have the quarantined by DGMQ there could be radiation outbreak." The paramedics told everyone in the house to leave as they used a special handle by placing four of them corner by mother's head and feet. They simultaneously click the handles causing my mother to be floating temporally and remove her swiftly to the hover portable bed.

Everyone left for safety reasons as were all outside the whole neighborhood is wondering what is going on. The paramedics moved his mother in the back of the ambulance. The paramedics told them that they could follow them as soon as they arrived, which they did as his dad started up the electric car. The ambulance's siren rang loud throughout the neighborhood. As they follow suit. His dad follows them to the nearest hospital close here about twenty blocks from here. Thankfully, we did not have to go far as they rushed to the front doors of the hospital that is small. Following the paramedics taking her to the IR when we are told to stay put by the other nurses. Esai and his dad had no choice to go to the reception room and wait. His dad could not sit; he was pacing around nervously to hear the news about mom. While Esai waited in the neatly organized chairs. Esai's head is slumping down placing both his hands on his forehead in disarray about the situation.

How could this happen to his mom, Esai questioned. She was fine two hours ago before she collapsed on the floor. Reflecting about what happened to the one paramedic woman who had her two fingers burned it looks like third-degree burns that crazy but that does not make sense his dad was able to touch his mother's forehead and claims she was cold as ice. Never heard of a person getting burned by touching someone unless they are on fire. Esai had to ask his dad if it was true that his mother was cold before her skin burned someone's fingers. As Esai stands up from the chair to approach his pacing dad. This hospital is more noisy than his school seeing nurses and doctors moving like traffic as well the humanoid machines efficiently moving their destinations.

Esai asked his dad a question about mom's condition as the busybody crowd made it hard to hear "Dad, did you say earlier that mom was cold before that woman got her fingers singed terribly?" His dad could not make a coherent word for his distress greatly "Son...I j-just can't talk right now would you please…g-go to your seat and wait please." Before Esai could protest, his dad placed his hand out for me to stop "Son, please pray to Heavenly Father right now to give her strength she needs more than ever." Following his father's direction and sitting back down on his previous chair. Having prayer in his heart as well pleading "Father in Heaven please give my mother the strength to be well, oh please Father give the doctors the knowledge and the wisdom to operate well on my mother. Oh, please Father I do not want to lose her…" Esai broke down into tears as his father came down to comfort him by hugging him as Esai's own dad of whom he never seen his dad cry before. As it was one minute before one doctor who called us "Are you Michael Nelson the husband of Skrya Nelson?" his dad responds quickly to him "Yes, I am her husband, what is her condition." The doctor is a Latino in his fifties with buzz cut hair, a mustache, bronze eyes with glasses, and wearing a light sweater to his doctor's coat. His face is very grave and he had already told it all. The doctor said, "You two better come with me it is serious."


Walking to the hallway with flux of mind imagining the horror of what his mother is in right now. There were harsh cacophony noises as Esai went through the crowd like the river current. There were men in environment suits as we went to the lower levels of the hospital; there were two guards standing by the doors making sure no unessential personnel entered. The Doctor showed his identification on his holo-device as he told the guards that we were authorized to go in. The doctor told them to wear lightweight environment suits, so they all avoid being contaminated. As the doctor explained "Your wife's condition is not like anything we dealt with before, it is not any recorded known diseases nor known radiations exposures." There were decontaminated doors as we halted as the doctor had premeasure cautions "We manage to stabilize her at cost with few of our specialists got severe burns and serve hypothermia even some humanoid machines got permanently shut down because their system got fried. We are unable to predict the outcomes of this, so we have her carefully monitored at the safe distance. Please follow directions as you are told."

As we got decontaminated by passing through the doors. The nurse with an environmental suit told us "One visitor may enter at time due to unpredictable circumstances. We want to avoid liability and the limit is five minutes of visiting." There was a view window that is bullet resistant showing my mother inside a transparent tent cannot get a clear picture of her. His dad told the doctor "Allow my son in that room, I will visit last in last." The doctor approves as Esai was allowed in that room. The moment Esai enters that room, he feels some kind spongy sensation throughout his body like life is being absorbed almost as if death is the room. However, his feelings are telling him something else worse entirely. As cautiously approaching where his mother is laying at.

His eyes are filled with absolute horror, it was undoubtedly the worst possible thing to imagine as Esai flashing back as his mother's image exactly as she was; healthy, beautiful, and recognizable. Whoever was laying there was not his mother, whoever is laying there has tubes of life-support on her vitals, oxygen mask, with an advanced hologram monitor that shows her body condition is an absolute wreck that no human being could possibly live through. As he struggled to move forward to examine further of his mother. As Esai gets a clear view of her it is soul crushing to bear as continuing to see her skin that is once fair and smooth is deathly pale shriveled to bones.

Esai's agony of seeing her mother completely broke his heart that caused him to fall on his knee as if he was about to have a panic attack or even heart attack. There was nothing that could prepare Esai, his mother being in a disfigured state of barely living which as the doctor on the monitors would try to warn Esai not to blackout. If he loses consciousness there was nothing for the doctors nor his dad could for him. They have no other nurses nor humanoid machines could help pull him out for most of incapacitated.

"Esai please try to relax and breathe. We can't afford you to have a mental breakdown because we have no spare nurses nor humanoid to save you from overcoming your shock!" A stern doctor speaker commlink.

"This hazardous suit makes it uncomfortable…to breathe…" Esai faintly spoke on his commlink.

"Son you got breath they will not let me in. They had warned about no one being able to help you out until the other recovered! I can't afford to lose you too!" Dad's desperation runs through his voice on the commlink.

That Esai it was difficult as lightheadedness and short of breath symptoms started manifesting. He tries to balance himself as tumbles upon the wall that clashes with thud. As the doctors and his dad worried, he might damage his suit by scratching his helmet's glass. While Esai breathes hard as he is walking toward his incubated mother, incubator lines are connected to his mother's body. There were voices of that screaming at Esai's commlink that caused his ears to ring with disorientation.

It was chaos as there was no direction for Esai to place himself and find peace while in turmoil. As he starts to have symptoms of tunnel vision as he feels he is losing balance as his nerves lose some feeling. As he begins to realize that he is going to blackout as he might not get help for however, his oxygen tank can last two hours before getting exposed to whatever diseases his mother has before it can kill him. Esai could not help to pray with all his might to not pass out as his strength is leaving his body and his vision is blacking out.

While that he was at his limits held out for five seconds before he finally succumbed as his body went weightless as he fell to the floor. His helmet smashes his glass protection as it scatters many pieces.

Deafening sounds as the doctors and Esai's dad screamed with horror as there was nothing they could do for him. Esai's dad was going through the decontamination door. While there were several doctors who had to hold him back.

"MR. NELSON WE CAN'T LET YOU GO IN THERE!" One of the doctors strained with effort holding him back.


"GIVE ME BATON TASER NOW!" As Ricardo barks with order.

While there many tried to hold him while one of the doctors went to get the baton taser as the woman got by the cabinet locker. As she was about to strike with the baton taser until there was a distinct command of the author that was mighty with authority.

"Cease to be violent and be still." A voice that is in the air commands.

Instantly there was they stopped what they were doing until there was a bright light that flash that was blinding that everyone had to cover their faces. There was a shift in the room that caused everything to hold very still. All the people that were in the room stood frozen as if time had stopped moving forward. While Esai was unconscious during this time there was a voice that was quite familiar. It is quite a whisper that is warm.

"Esai…" As the voice spoke toward his ear.

"Esai…" There was stir within his body as the voice repeated.

"Esai…" At last he woke up as slowly as he stood up as the voice finally went through to him.

As there was some significant change in the room as it felt more tranquil and warm, it ran throughout the entire area. As Esai could not recall what happened but he felt familiarity as he could see through the fractured helmet glass. He sees the doctors and his dad frozen in place with their faces covered with their faces as if there was bright light that blinded them. Before Esai could investigate what happened the same voice that had called him before and had asked him.

"Worry not about them, for their pressing matter for you must attend to take off the hazmat suit for this area is purified and is no longer a contaminant for it is safe for you to breathe in." As the voice starts forming translucent personage as Esai's eyes start to see a bit clearly. As took of the hazmat suit for it was rather uncomfortable and constrictive with his breathing. Esai dropped the hazmat to the floor without care for it as he went to see this personage.

The translucent personage wore pure white robes that wore pure white scarf hood while wearing white ribbon blindfold upon his face. There is a robe sash that folds on his left side of his shoulder as his waist has white ribbon obi that neatly tied on his left side. His skin had brightness that was too blinding to glance at. There was strong familiarity that he could not forget as he put two in together.

"You are the –" Esai was about to say his name before the Holy Spirit sign language to for him respectfully be quiet.

"I am glad that you can recognize my voice Esai Kinzuma, truly you are the one who shall be appointed." The Holy Spirit smiled warmly.

"Appointed what do you mean by that?" Esai is confused by this.

"I am here on behalf of God and your mother's prayer that she could not bear to explain fully to you of her pleading message." As the Holy Spirit explains.

"I am ready to receive this message please." Esai awefully and respectfully asks.

The Holy Spirit turned toward him as he spoke about his mother's message and spoke with a river rushing from his voice.

"Esai Kinzuma son of Rehigh Alzuki and Skyra Kinzuma you are not the firstborn but, you are the second born." His words had peace in his soul as he was takeback by this.

"Second born who was born before me that I was not aware of?" Esai asked again.

"You have an older sister named June Kinzuma who had been offered by an evil spirit who calls himself 'Sealious' by deceiving your biological father, Rehigh Alzuki. Whom your father had foolishly hand over to." As the Holy Spirit turned to see Esai's expression had hardened by this revelation.

"Why would he carelessly hand over my sister like she is discardable! What worthless man! Who broke my mother's heart! Mine heart as well." Esai turned away and could not help being disappointed with his own biological father.

"Your father cared deeply for you and your sister believing out of desperation to cure her from a spiritual sickness had been consuming you and your mother since. He would not listen to me, do not fault him for he is only a man." Esai softened his heart and could help to feel sad about what he said.

"Forgive my follies, my mother does not speak about him because he had done something heinous that warrants me to say that out of ignorance." Esai spoke humbly as he faced the Holy Spirit again.

"Good, that you are understanding. For this purpose, I will warn you, who you will eventually have to face one day. Beware of Sealious for he is not to be taken lightly for he is truly an enemy of God. Which you must develop quickly in spirit and be steadfast in your foundation do not lose your faith." Then as he approaches closer by placing his finger upon Esai's bosom.

"You have two spirits that are dwelling in your very soul. I am not at liberty to say his name but, in time you will come to know him. As the other spirit is the most vile and monstrous creature is called 'Spirit Eater' that is living within you, it had been docile for a time until you began to develop spiritually it's slowly awakening as once it becomes fully aware. It will wither away and devour your body and spirit in the excruciating pain unlike anything you have ever felt." The Holy Spirit solemnly warns forebodingly.

As soon he had said that Esai felt a second spiritual black heart beating with an unnerving sensation that caused him to fall to the Holy Spirit had caught before Esai could fall. The Spirit had placed a blessing upon Esai to suppress the Spirit Eater asleep while longer. Esai begins to recuperate.

"Are you alright?" The Spirit concerningly asks Esai, he is clearly shaken by this experience.

"How can I prevent this from happening?" Esai frightened his eyes.

"The Spirit Eater feeds on sins, pain, darkness, and negative emotions to sustain itself for it is constantly on spiritual hunger to survive for it is no longer capable to maintain structural form that is no longer recognizable. Must, keep true to the straight narrow path and never lose sight of the Savior. You will have a long difficult trial ahead of you. That will change you for better or for the worse it is entirely up to." He spoke openly.

Feeling overwhelmed by this profound experience Esai nervously spoke "I hope I can do this without shirking and despairing. Hope in confidence that I can find my sister even if it means that I have left everything behind me." Esai has some brightness and a bit of sadness in his heart.

"Esai Kinzuma…" As the Spirit took a moment for Esai to reflect as they both walked toward Esai's mother as promised by the Spirit he would take care of her.

Seeing clearly what his mother was again how terrible a state she is in as Esai could not help to feel sorrowful. As the Holy Spirit uses his divine powers as all the incubators were all removed without his mother feeling anymore pain. As He places his hands upon her failed head as the healing process begins her body begins to regain her muscles a celestial light glows to restore her as she was.

As there was no more look of pain upon her face any more like she was sleeping like a baby. Esai could not help to have tears in his eyes as he shows gratefulness to God. The Spirit ushers Esai as they went to a certain area, they must perform appointing. There was a group of men wearing white robes that had hoods that covered their face that conceal their identities. As Esai could not help wondering who they are.

He could not place what they are, maybe they are witnesses of sorts or they are place holders. As he was told to stand in the center as he was instructed to the Holy Spirit call by their names which Esai could not hear which is odd there was no verbal sound. As there were two bright beings observing the procedure setting apart. They depart from these called Messenger's Gifts or Messenger's Instruments that are something that could not be tangible. Esai does not understand fully as they after finishing that he would understand as he grows with experience.

He was placed in the middle one last time as the two began that were full of light and grace approaching him. Esai tried to take a glance at them but, their brilliant presence caused him to turn away for they were too bright. However, there were these markings of nail imprints on his palm hands and wrists as well nail imprints of both his dorsal feet. Esai thought he saw the spear scar on his right side. Esai was not imagining it but he keeps these things in his heart as they lay their hands upon his head. As one does the voice that presided that left a warm-hearted as He spoke with authority and majesty.

"Esai Kinzuma son of Rehigh Alzuki, you had been called to be a Messenger whom I had chosen. You be my mouthpiece for the people of the Factions who are my other Sheep that you will be my steward for." Esai felt an overwhelming magnitude and weight as He continued.

"You shall have access to my Guidance such as: Revelation, Vison, and Gift of Interpretation all Mysteries. You will gather all the Factions had been scattered for too long restore their homes again once the time is right. You shall go forward teaching all the Factions openly and secretly to repent and teach Remembrance of Me." Esai reverently listens.

"I Bless you that whenever you need comforting and be able forgive yourself if you could not accomplish all the goals, I set you out to do so. I bless you with the additional abundance spiritual strength that is required for this mission. I Bless you that you are able to learn quickly both in spirit and knowledge." He pauses for there going to be a shift in tone.

"I will give you a warning of caution Esai, beware the dangers of doubts, lofty goals, failures, and harboring negative emotions that you will encounter. Teach with kindness, love, and respect for others but do not allow other people to disrespect you. Avoid contentious fights if possible and only fight in defense. Only kill if it is necessary, show mercy when it is right." Esai is stunned by this and as He continues.

"Be a good Example wherever you go, teach with Principles and Doctrine that they had forgotten and remind them of who they are and who they should be following. The worldly things that the Factions cared about are not important. They should look for Salvation and Eternal Life that family is more important than vanity and riches of the world. Avoid revealing yourself as Messenger for there are people who have hatred for the Messenger would not hesitant to murder you." Stern with his words as Esai felt the weight of that.

"Be wary of Renai Kokai for they are Anti-Messenger who have been around since the first Messenger came to be. The Renai Kokai will try to assassinate you and try to defraud you in front of others. Trust those who can be respectful of you and companions that will you down the line. Careful of whom you trust because certain individuals are spying through someone's eyes." Esai was not entirely sure who would want to spy on him other than the Messenger.

"You will have higher understanding through refining and honing through mastery of spirit, heart, mind, and Faith in Me. Never lose heart when things get difficult and challenging, always look forward no matter what. Turn for Scriptures studies and be Prayerful to have balance in spirit and heart. Do not forget to repent yourself and keep moving forward. Now Depart and go forward to Esai Kinzuma the Messenger." As soon they removed their hands upon Esai's head, the immediate strength of spirit amplified intensely that Esai fell to the floor but gently passed out.

The celestial presences had vanished through halo stairs as soon they all left the time had resume back to normal. There was shout of worries of doctors and Esai's father came rushing in with their hazmat suits. As Esai's father went toward held him with his own arms to get him out of the room. While the other doctor went to assessed Esai's mother if there was any damage done but, they could not believe what they see.

"Doctor it is a miracle, she is going to pull through!" One of the doctors spoke gladly.

"How is this possible that she was at the verge of death somehow she recovers?" Ricardo was mystified by this.

All the doctors had no idea what had occurred but they managed to move the patient without getting harmed. They moved Esai to a stretcher that he can carefully observe if his condition has changed. While his father frequently has his son's side while this was happening however, does the same with his wife. However, Esai's father could not help to feel this was divine intervention. Esai's father could not ponder what happened; he felt like he was missing some of what happened to his wife and his son. Regardless he was grateful that it had happened now he got to wait and see.