The confrontation 

Three days had passed since Esai woke up in the hospital bed. They must have been extremely strict in monitoring him. Esai's vision focuses as his dad was worried sick gave him a hug "Esai, don't you ever do that to me ever again." Then return composure as he was sitting on a hospital chair with eagerness to tell the news about mom "Esai, while you were out the doctors discovered that she was regaining her strength back, mom will pull through right now she is just resting to recover. As for you they found nothing wrong with you they speculated that you had hyperventilating and took off the environment suit. Whatever you saw must have been terrible to see."

Thinking back, it was terrible that nearly Esai had a nervous breakdown before he had visitation of the Gods. Changing the subject, Esai went to ask dad "Dad when I can leave? I am ready to go." Seeing his dad staring at Esai sort of weird and feeling uncomfortable "Uh, dad what's with the glance? That is making me uncomfortable." Dad said something that was astounding to Esai "Have always been this bright, son?" What? Esai playfully punched his dad on the shoulder "Oh, come on dad, had I always been a brilliant one?" Ugh, beginning to sound like Leo now Esai dreadfully thought.

Dad seemed to be relieved by seeing Esai smiling "It is good that you are smiling, it makes you shine more. Well I did fill out the forms so that we can leave as soon you are ready. Spare clothes are by that chair over there." As he pointed out as he suggested. Esai voiced his thanks to dad as he left the room to allow him some privacy to change. Esai unbuttoned the hospital gown as he put on my boxers then his t-shirt, pants, and finally his shoes. Looking around the room it seems like a simple room basic stretcher beds, hologram tv, and window. Then out of the blue there was teardrop streaming down his check. Why did he cry, Esai wiped his tear complexed tone? It was an emotional ride that is for sure, Esai guesses that make partial sense but, something else is bothering him. It is an omen of some kind, maybe indicating that he may never see this place again. Nah it is probably his imagination, or could it be?


Esai's friends were not there when he got back to school, he probably talks to them later when he gets the chance. Another boring day of school. However, something felt different and ominous about the air of the serious tension. Could not shake off the feeling no matter what Esai focused on even the teacher scolded at him for not paying attention. Later he had to go to the restroom splash water on my face just to snap out of it. Took a minute to relax before going back to his class since the time limit on holo-device.

Esai was about to leave then suddenly he felt a strong presence that sent unbelievable chills to his spine. For it was behind me when he turned around it was gone. His feelings do not lie now, I really need to go home now! Okay maybe he needs to calm down after the day of the test pretty much Esai bombed it bad. Missing three days of school doesn't excuse laziness because the teacher had told him. Talk about an insensitive teacher if you had your mother collapse on your birthday and was close to dying that you were sympathetic. Esai spoke to himself. School was over as the bell rang, Esai called dad if he could pick him up from school, on his holo-device. It shows that dad was preoccupied "Sorry, son you are going to have to walk home. I won't be able to come home either because I had my shift changed at the last minute and won't be home until very late. Sorry and bye." As the call ends on my holo-device. Strange some kids would stay around after school for activities seeing this place empty seem unusual. Then it hit him that presence back in the bathroom somehow felt familiar. Unpleasant realization hit Esai…struck behind the neck…

Snapping back to life, cold sweat dripping down his face. Alarmed that Esai was back in his classroom the difference was deafening silence and dark as he viewed the outside classroom window. It was night!? No, no, no! Esai was outside and was about to leave before someone struck him behind his neck which was sore. He had to leave this creepy classroom before the security would have called the police by now. Running out the locker conveys from the classroom to the hallway that feels like a crypt especially when the shadows are shaded. The shadows of the hallways Esai had always hated this place especially when he is alone. When scanning around the hallway there were circular designed halls the support columns in showed the library across from here. Looking toward the right, there's a faculty office where the people slave away on the holo-computer or miscreants go to get scolded by the Principal Linsey. Then their exit doors quickly went toward it. The doors are heavily locked down by reinforced steel that stands a nuclear blast at least ten times before it gives out. Honestly, Esai thought the shadows moved, for a second which was rather unnerving, probably a small bird.

Running toward the cafeteria doors it usually locked tight. Frustrated that Esai move toward quickly the down hallway that was echoing throughout the school. There was another exit that led toward outside recess should be right by the corner. It is locked tight, you gotta be kidding, exclaimed Esai! He exhausted every possible exit to his knowledge. At this point he is going around in full circle and Esai not going to bother go through the vent they are locked tight too. He is trapped having no means to escape. Sit at the corner of the wall and slouch with no effort. There was one thing that his feeling was telling me that he was not alone in here; there was a familiar presence that was nearly forgotten weeks ago.

Suddenly there was a beam of light shot nearly took him out, when Esai evaded there created a huge hole wall. Then out of the shadows was a girl that he had not seen since that day since Esai got beaten. That green hair does really give her away even if she is wearing a hoodie. He shouted at her "Somu, I thought you left to obtain your goal, why return!?" Somu shows her cold face by raising her hand that is charging up in the sphere "It is simple my goals have changed I am here to kill you!" Flee away from her soon she blasts her shot at him, leaving a large crater in her wake. Screaming in terror the entire school echoes as she yells "DIE!" Sprinting through the main hall as a wailing shot that nearly fired him. Debris nearly crushes Esai when a shot hits the ceiling breathing hard Esai not sure if he could keep up the running forever, she will see it as a moment of weakness that will be the end of him.

Running out space to run because she demolished the way to classrooms. Wait beginning to notice a pattern here she is deliberately missing him as if she is trying regaining control. Maybe Esai quips he could gloat her into shooting a huge enough reinforced steel door that he can get out. Completely skidded on by the main exits and gloat "Hey moss hair, your aims are trash give me a larger shot and you might nail me!" Her eyes glitz as she yells with wrath "Fine you ask for it!" Waiting for her release the blast by timing it clearly one slips up and it is over. Against his judgement, Esai leaped immediately and a bright flashing light incinerated the doors.

So much for withstanding ten nuclear blasts. He was home free before she urgently shouted, "Wait don't go there!" Why should he listen to her however, there jumps out from the literal shadows as Miss Dark grabbed him by the throat with a deranged smile? She throws him through the walls of the school. The force was so great it bursts like the potshot. Debris and dust everywhere as Esai crashes on the fence of the neighborhood that faces the plant to the hard ground. Thinking that he was dead there was no way he could stand up possible that Esai had broken every bone in his body. Tani Dark claps as her beating red eyes glows the night "Truly you are Spirit Sensitive! If you were some human kid, there would be smearing blood everywhere that would remain a bloody paste. Not bad!" It still hurts as Esai coughs with pain "You, psycho red eyes!" Standing up steadily he is sore all over several scrape marks on his arms. Tani Dark is sadistic and ecstatic as she licks her lips "I am going to enjoy this because I have nothing to lose before I disappear forever." Clenching his teeth with anger without thinking Esai bull rushed against her "I HAD ENOUGH!" She smiles widely roundhouse kick to Esai's face sending him flying across that totaled the playground.

Standing back up with rage, he continued by swinging his fist at her. She twirls Esai's arm then lands a combo punch to the ribs then flips him over to the ground. Then she was about to land a blow. Rolled away from her, that she created tremor like erupting volcanoes! Chunk of metal school street that meant to last a long for centuries lasted a minute. The metal chunk grinding against the floor that Esai had to duck down nearly graze him. Nearly passed out because of how close to death. Tani Dark hands started to electrify as purple sparks she laughed then sickening realization that Esai is standing on solid metal. She slaps both her hands on the metallic floor. The current electricity flows at such speed. Involuntary leaped away as bright purple light lit up the night. Fifty feet in the air advancing toward the field of grass as his landing was clumsy.

Breathing hard with fear now, because she used powers in such a degree is terrifying to imagine what else she could unleash. Tani approached at a distance with scorn "Kid you think that you're unlocking these spiritual abilities in the middle of battle would somehow turn the tides, because you can jump good? Guess again, I had more battle experience than you have in this moment!" She vanishes as Esai frantically searches around. Esai panicked where did she go!? Suddenly invisible forces pummeled all over his body as he stumbled to his knees. Tani yanked his hair, pulled his face up to hers, her expressions filled with boredom "Kid, I have to say it's getting obnoxious constantly beating you to the ground. You are resilient. It's possible that you have built up some spiritual resistance toward physical attacks. I want you to scream with an agony boy, before I kill you. I'm going to hit you really hard." As his eyes beholds incomprehensible speed that her fists seemed transparent, like an illusion, it felt like a vibrating jackhammer to the gut. Esai blaring in pain as her body writhed with pleasure "That's more like it, kid!" clenching his teeth with excruciating pain as his body screamed to make it stop. There was a momentary pause, the wave forces suddenly stop, she feels satisfied as her fist transitions into a knife hand "Kid you did not fail in screaming bloody murder, it is high time to end this. Die Esai Kinzuma!" This is it, seeing her knife hand in slow motion, preparing a fatal end. Something deep within myself commands his both hands as the true samurai likewise caught the blade.

Clasps both her palm and knuckles that her fingertips were close to Esai's face nearly touching by an inch intense force cause the grass to dissipate to a lifeless field creating a massive hole that could go on for miles. Hearing every entire neighborhood window scattered, fences, and car alarms going off everywhere. Unfathomable, it was like a bomb went off and destroyed the school that was a building that is now nothing but a pile of rubbles. Tani Dark is stunned by sheer speed letting go his hair out of fear "WHAT ARE YOU!?" Esai twisted her wrist back and kicked her face to get away from her. Awkwardly landed the very hazardous ground. Tani Dark fuming with anger echoing "KINZUMA!" Barely could stand now. His body began to weaken as she furiously charged at him "KINZUMA DIE!" Unable to react there was one swift kick to her face. One green hair appears right next to me "You Alright!?"

Beyond alright, Esai was mad at her "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?" Somu was perplexed "Whoa, Esai what's with hostilely I just saved your life from that crazy woman right now, give me some gratitude here!" Before Esai could retort he coughed out blood out from his hand "Ishydie I need to go the hospital now!" Somu went to him "Esai we got to leave now before she gets back up!" as she reaches her hand out offer help, he did not trust her at this point "Somu, you have the gall to help me when you tried to vaporize me!?" Somu protested "Esai, I was under the influence of Tani Dark I was forced to obey her bidding, please Esai be level headed and leave before it is too late!" His spirit told him, he could trust her so reluctantly as she helped him back up "If you do anything contrary, I will not hesitate to end you." Somu giggles a bit as she slyly disses him "Oh, it wouldn't be too hard to knock you over because you're a wreck!" Her words stung a bit as he accepted the defeat "Alright you win let's go." She grabs his hand as they run far from here. It was short lived when Tani Dark's eyes filled with bloodlust knocking Somu aside as Esai helplessly yell her "Somu!" Tani Dark glares hatefully at Somu "I will deal you later!" she kicks me toward the ruined foundation of the school.

Sharp cry when Esai made contact, feeling lightheaded. Tani Dark reluctantly complimented him "Really not easy for me to say that you are one entertaining kid, to make this fight memorable for me before I disappear from this area." As she places her hand toward his face with dark spiritual energy filling "Alas you must perish." Bluish and blackish glow charging, his eyes widen fear unable to anything. Somu pulls her hand away as it releases a violent beam wiping out numerous houses north of here. Enraging Tani Dark she swiftly body slams Somu to ground viciously bashing her "I CHANGED MY MIND I WILL KILL YOU INSTEAD YOU DISLOYAL DOLL!" Somu screams for mercy. Esai tries to get up but he falls to the ground with all the unsettled rubbles, crawling like a mad dog. His body is at the last of its strength what he can do now he is in no condition to fight very close to collapse. There was a voice that Esai did not recognize that is within his head "Esai, use Vida Blast she will not see it coming. It will save her life." Esai could not help to question him "I do not know how to do that?" Instinctively both his hands placed each carpal together gathering yellow energy coming within his body and spirit transferring to his hands screamed "VIDA BLAST!" Bright beam of light flashes the night as it goes toward the right arm.

Tani Dark did not see it coming that it completely vaporized her arm off with a roaring scream. Tani Dark is scorching smoke that was once her arm shrieks again at his name "ESAI KINZUMA!" As she clenches his ankle remaining with one left arm twirled him around creating cyclones in seconds. Too weak to even yell because after she finally released him to the sky as a final message "Try survive in space you Spirit Sensitive scum!" As hearing Somu cry for his name "ESAI!" However, Esai heard another voice that was more prominent that caused a heartache "ESAI!" it was his mother wailing as he ascended to space. As his final tears shed for my family imagine them one last time to see them alive again. As Esai began to lose air in space he got farther and farther away from Earth to the point Esai didn't see it anymore. Slowly losing his vision before he was taken away to another life. So much being a Messenger Esai sadly thought, before he could even prove himself, he was going to die. As this may be his last moments to see infinite space. This may be funny, Esai thought he saw strange neon yellow lights flashing at him approaching in space. This manifestation might be his madness of his mind that Esai finally lost. Unmarked grave in space. As he closed his eyes one final time…

"No, No, NOOO!" Struggling to get up as her green hair bushes against her face. As the Darkbringer woman who is laughing had lost her mind. This woman who had tormented, tortures, and killed her own people without any remorse even children as she done to Esai. As Somu crawl with absolute determination to bring her long due justice. The rubbles of the ground are loosely as some piles fell on my arm ignoring all my soreness. That pain is nothing compare what she did to Somu was atrocious. There still lingering pains within her soul that cause Somu much sorrow. As the laughter pick up volume as she soon drawn near her. Seeing her kneeling on the ground her back arching backward toward the dark knight. Somu changes her hand position to a knife hand that is glowing with spiritual energy. Going front to face with her tormentor, she gritted her teeth expression of her hatred as she either braindead or not caring as she kept on laughing. Every breath she takes offends Somu that she released all that roar to impaled through the chest with ease. Withdrawing her hands with no delay because Somu do not want to touch that filth longer than necessary. Thanks to the spiritual energy surrounding her hands there was no blood. As Tani Dark fell back as she struggled to breathe as her red eyes went lifeless.


It was finally over, her influence upon Somu had her head clears up from the thick cloud of veil that was roaming in her mind. The veil went back the way it was supposed to be and her mind stabilized back to normal, at least what is considered normal. All things considered Somu do not think things will be the same again. The whole area of the school that was surrounded by the veil suddenly dissipates, concealing the battle grounds. There was a riot of people panicking, then came out the police officers scouted through the crowd like grass. Seeing that it was not the best place to be here anymore. There was nothing left for her to do anymore nor this planet. As Somu soars away in the horizon. Tears flowed down as she could not help to feel guilty about preventing Esai Kinzuma from dying. He sacrifices the last of his strength to protect her by incinerating Tani Dark's arm off. Before he got thrown to space, Somu was unable to return the favor. What more sins does she have to carry now. Since the boy was the Messenger while the moment lasted. All this had been in vain. At least now he will rest, will not wail beyond the grave.

Leaping through the buildings as morning rises as she had fought all night, it seems like a long time ago. There is one tall building that is known in downtown that has Black Fang conceal in cloaking mode. Since this is the only means of getting out of this planet, Somu had to reconfigure the system of computer utmost priority especially when it has a huge target on its back. Hop over the balcony rails that show four ventilation cross the apart there was a roof entrance ten feet away from her. Using her spiritual senses to see if anyone decides to have fresh air before going to work. Visually observing their route working of ordinary people dealing with their lives. Seeing varying kinds of people who have light in them and some who have darkness. Somu recalls once that her mother often said that people on Earth have the highest potential to unlock spiritual abilities if taught correctly. It is forbidden to teach them because if humans have tasted literal power it can be the catalyst of true apocalypse. Plus, her mother says that humans have similar truths that we have, and these sacred texts teach the same existence of God and the Creator. Never been much believer until recently feeling of Higher Power in Ex-Messenger that approving of such Ones existed.

Cautiously taking a few steps to speak an override code clearly "Darkness suffocates the Light, overriding new user 'Somu Kio' to registering new password 'Travelers of the Knowledge' grant me entrance!" Black Fang's systems scan her as she places her hand up to complete its registry. It flashes green as it opens its hatch as Somu enters inside the Black Fang as soon it seals its hatch behind her. Black Fang's system welcomes her as if Tani Dark no longer existed anymore. However, there is still some of her lingering spiritual presence of her in the ship. It is not a welcoming feeling, hopefully it will diminish in time or replace it with another ship for the better one. As for now Somu must find other Spirit Sensitives to convince them to help her, to rescue her mother. She is all she has. Going up to the cockpit to place her coordinates to the ship navigation computer. Seeing available galaxy maps there was quite a large amount of traveling records that had been left open.

There were many possible options that she does not know where to even begin. Darkbringers are lurking everywhere that she wants them to avoid at all cost. Waiting here and thinking about it will not get her anywhere, so Somu decides to take a risky gamble to randomly select her destination. Black Fang lifts in air as it went to appropriate height, to space attaining clear area that activated the portal. Leaving the Milky Way Galaxy in minutes. This ship is fast, meaning that she can travel fast without restrictions as long as Somu does not foolishly hit anything during the trip. This maybe the last time she will visit here again might well give the last glance of the universe. Seeing the silvery light was a breathtaking sight that is pleasing to the eyes. There is no turning back here once the warp drive is activated to the vastness of space.