Departure of the school

Seeing it all over the social media, news, and even among the new students' school that Leo Esaki attended Gerald Wright Elementary School. The West Valley Elementary school had been demolished like a bomb had been set off. There were rumors of some kind terrorist organization somehow got experimental bombs that contain no radiation which is not possible. The news presses try to get the FBIs information about this possible declaration of war from neighboring states. The FBI had to come up with inserts of their typical coverups "It is possible that a meteorite could have unfortunately landed in an area we will investigate before ruling anything out." Obviously, that they are weaseling it. The FBIs are separated from the main government that they keep to themselves neutral from any affiliations even the states they become the government mercenaries demand an absurd amount of credit that no one in their right mind would pay for. Hundred million credits to reveal that information. With all that resource wasted they are trying to make a quick buck. Fortunately, the state of Utah has their own form of secret agency that is called UCA which stands for "Utah Central Acumen" they are reliable people to depend on. However, they have yet still determined the cause of what ruined the school.

Leo would wait for very late at night to wait for his foster parents to sleep, once the time was right. Sneaking around the ruin's streets of the West Valley City. There was some archive of the time massive magnitude nine leveled the entire area back in 2020. Leo had to visit his former friend's house, which was Esai's home. At least once, seeing the house of his home is somewhat of a piece. However, it been vacant for three days because Esai's parents told of those who was his friends "We will be moving away from this place and never return here, we will be moving to the Draper will we be mourning…for Esai." Suddenly this place was down. It was a mistake to be here but he had to find out what happened. There were drones machines that were making their sweep when Leo quickly hid in the bushes. While these drones scan around for potential intruders there was lucky break that the drones detected a movement from elsewhere.

The place is heavily guarded with motion detectors, thermal scans, security IDs scan, and humanoid machines that are patrolling around the fences. There is no way in heck that Leo is going to even attempt to go through that without getting shot at or arrested for trespassing. Leo had to see it with his own eyes because seeing on Holo-TV did not give him conclusive closure. Seeing the ruins of the old Elementary school crumbling mess that left him gust. The air here is dusty like chalk. Better not be a hazardous air, oh who trying kid here Leo sarcastically thought. The building is very old and had some outdated materials that were due to change. Just wanted to say one last goodbye to this place as well a proper farewell to a friend who supposedly died by meteorite impact or bomb. Leo dreadfully spoked quietly so that no one could hear him "Hey Esai, I am not sure you can hear me or not. It is me Leo Esaki." There was no response, just humanoid machines marching around that sort of hyphens his anxiety as resuming his farewell "I know that I am least expected to talk to or hear from me. This is nerve-wracking, never truly thought I would be speaking to you like this rather than attempt jokes to make you laugh than this." Thinking about it, Esai did not like his cringy jokes that much. Leo kicked the rocks with frustration "Oops!" quickly moved away to hopefully get distance to run away the damage was already done. Sliding down the piles of rocks thinking the alarm would alert the patrols. However, there was no sound which made him curious why it did not sound the alarm. As he cautiously peeks over to see the machines inactive. Because see parts of them everywhere the limbs and innards circuits fritzing electrical sparks like they got sliced in half.

Seeing the exterior of the machines smoothly cut like butter. Leo did not dare touch the machine knowing that would get him into trouble for touching it as if he was the one that did this. Searching for the gate of the door opens it for him "What's going on in this wacky world!?" there these large portable tents that are lined up like a maze which he had no clue about where to go. Leo had an impression to go on the left corner, not fully understanding why. Bad time to have a heart attack in a place where as Leo sees a transparent tent it is decontamination chambers. There were unusual feelings that were in there. Opening the decontamination doors seems like a morgue room. Rubbing in his tummy, going to be sick why did he come here. There was one body that is lifeless seeing too many horror movies that the body will jump scare him and kill him. Each step is dreadful and is like a heartbeat as Leo got closer to the body. The light illumined of a familiar body. Luckily, there is a black blanket covering the chest to the feet. As finally he arrived at the operating table it appears to be a woman who is deathly pale as her skin pale as well. Wait, that is Miss Dark!? Leo fell to the floor with fear "Why is she here!?" Why is he freaking out as if Leo knew her before? Then there appear hooded figures that came out of the shadows, as Leo nervously spews a joke "Scared of your own shadow, they are about to take me away!" There were about three of them, two of them were ladies and one was a guy.

One woman sounded disgusted "This kid supposed to be the leading hope to our people's survival that one prophecy mentions one remaining 'pure' Lenois remain on Earth that greets us with a terrible joke?" The man said to the woman "Quiet, we been waiting years for this to happen when the that Darkbringer broke that ancient law that all the factions agreed not to use spiritual powers to harm humans that'd she slaughtered twenty thousand and hundred thousand injured to use the spiritual blast that went adjacent from West Valley City to Canada. Creating serious international tensions between the states and countries. This country that was once called 'United States' is now called the Divided States had already gone to civil war that permanently divided this country about a century ago." This confusion as Leo spoke up "This making my head spin a loose screw what's this got to do with Miss Dark?" The other woman explains to me "He loves to over complicate that will I get the point. This woman who is Darkbringer left a tremendous mess as well broken an ancient law which could lead wars among the humans while us all the factions want to avoid this conflict by creating a temporary truce with the other four Factions on Earth to cover it up to avoid a war. We already suffered the effects of wars from Edom and even on Earth that got tired of it."

Right, avoid war but, never heard of Edom as Leo asks them "What is this 'Edom' you speak of that as if you all speak it's like it is another world. Unless you are…Aliens?" They all nodded their heads in unison, and he burst out in laughter. As they stare at Leo with solemn expressions as he could not stop laughing for five minutes. Leo had to catch my breath, wow he laugh like hyena as their expression on their face remains the same as the man asked irrigated "Are you done laughing like a moron, you dimwit?" Leo expressions changed when one of the ladies shouted invocation as her hand reach out "Spirit Spiral Flames!" as the swirling flames incinerated the body of the Miss Dark that there was no more trace of her. Would say that was hot but, would not want to be burnt to the crisp "Uh, what was that prophecy you ya'all mentioned?" They all glance at each other then one lady "It is best that you come with us then to our home."