Burning eyes

Isaac's eyes have been irritating him for three days straight that he feels like they were on fire that he was frequently using eye drop moistener just to cool it down. While he cusses for hours feeling his misfortunate. In his room on the floor salty tears stinging like flaming peppers. Abel had to help his brother move around to reach the bathroom, stumbling like blind person as touching buttons to turn on the water cools down his own eyes.

"ARRGAHHHHH!!" Isaac scream in pain repeatedly splashing water at his eyes. Abel seeing his brother had mortify him while standing out by bathroom's door. Isaac felt his brother's pity "Abel please, leave." Isaac whined. Abel blanks with confusion "Why!? I rather help you get through to this!" Abel stood firmly. Gritting his teeth in pain as his suborn kicks in "GET OUT!" he splashes water at his own brother. Abel yelps as the water made contact as he scarcely runs out "JERK!" he ran to his own room and slams it.

Isaac felt bad for what he did to his brother as his eyes shut tightly refusing to open because of irritation. He closes the bathroom door as the water is automatically shut off. While slides down on the wall of the bathroom, as he slightly moans. He felt miserable how these burning eyes were coming out nowhere while he was attending class. Isaac got permission to stay home until his condition passed. Isaac is left alone with his thoughts "This sucks, I hadn't cried once when my best friend…" tears flow down his eyes he silently sobs.

He had gotten the chance to grieve for his best friend months since that so-called meteorite demolished the school. Thinking about Esai Kinzuma, he was his best friend who was very cautious and reserved at times. Sometimes reckless when came to someone who is in trouble, he would help them although, sadly he gets beaten for his kind nature. That wretched girl named Somu Kio, such a witch of a person. Screw her! Clenches his fist angrily, to silently slam his fist against the wall. He reflected over and over that he blames her however, he had not viewed Esai's former teacher the same either.

Tani Dark is an elegant and most beautiful woman admired most of the entire school. The more he thought about it the more it bothers him about this woman. Isaac thought in his mind "Miss Dark had exhibited a strange even eerie presence about her. Esai has always visited his teacher office to report to his teacher often about his progress. However, Esai is a bit of a teacher's pet; however, he would always dread going to her. Why?" He pauses to analyze the situation and recall about his seeing Esai crying one day in a corner of the school building hiding.

Isaac recalls one time asking him "What happened Esai?" as he would get a view of him. Esai's spiky hair would move like a wind then remain as he turns his head with tears dripping like river. He wipes himself and pretends nothing happened "Oh, I had a bit of a bad day. It is just one time that I am feeling bad today." Isaac expresses his concerns "Had she been yelling at you? The teacher Ms. Dark, she can't bully you. Report her to the Principal." Esai expressions changed show his determination "I appreciate your concern; it is one those things that I have to resolve for myself. Sorry I must go." Isaac felt he should have pressed for more information but, he did not.

Isaac should have sensed something was wrong he noticed his friend was acting like he was being stalked but, he did not pry more. That was his biggest regret before his friend essentially had perished at school. Isaac's eyes had alleviated from the burning sensations that he had been having for three days. As he carefully got up, he placed both of his hands on the sink and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes are sensitive to lights in the bathroom that he breathes to ease himself. Then at last his eyes opened, adjusting to the light as his eyes were a bit blurry that he had to blink a couple times to clear his vision.

Something strange his eyes revealed some spectrum light that changed his surroundings that varying light and darkness appeared as silhouettes. He panicked that everything looked shadowy aura. He sees through solid objections that he sees his brother as a spectrum of light and seeing what his brother is doing. He turns his head to view the outside his home that he sees a lot people that is varying light, darkness, and grey colors. He sees a dog walking along with the owner. Isaac can see what other people are doing like a spy however, he wishes he knew to make his vision go back to normal.

The moment he said that there was a voice that sounded like stern woman "If you want your vision to return back to normal come meet at the park and bring your brother we have matters to discuss." He scurries around to see where the source of the voice is coming from, he could not find it. Isaac gave up, this is weird even for him but, he could help to feel he needed to seek out this woman's voice. Isaac went to his room and found his sunglasses on his desk, wore it to pretend that his eyes were too sensitive to light. Isaac went to his brother's room and Abel simply ignored his older brother, resuming reading his holo-book.

Isaac knows that he had to apologize to his little brother "Abel, what I did was not exactly right. I wanted to say that I am sorry." Abel eyed his brother curiously as he placed his holo-book beside his bed. Abel got up asking as he viewed his brother sideways "Why are you wearing sunglasses? It only works when we are outside when the sun's light is the brightest." Isaac had a plausible explanation "I place these sunglasses because my eyes are sensitive to light." Abel nods his head. Isaac stretching his arms out "Abel let us go to the park. I could use fresh air and stretch out my leg. I have been cooped in this house too long. What do you say?" Isaac smoothly invited his brother.

Abel seemed to agree with his brother as they walked out of the house and locked it up with their key. They walked on the sidewalk where they passed rows of house as adults jogging to get their exercise. Isaac is still disoriented by his strange vision that he still has seen everyone's silhouette of light and darkness everywhere. Traffic is light during this time of day. Streetlight flash red for ongoing traffic had stopped. Isaac and Abel passed on the crosswalk safely as the cold air they are closing in winter very soon is near the end of October. It is almost Halloween, our favorite season of the year but, it will not be the same Isaac sadly thought.

It took ten minutes to arrive at the park, there were few kids about our ages as we saw playing around the swings, playing tag, and playing basketball. There was a certain woman who had been eyeing us the moment we arrived. She was sitting on the bench at least three feet away from the playground. The lady stood before us, his vision although not normal Isaac saw something different from most people's high gradience of light however, there looming darkness behind her. As she approaches us, Isaac cautiously replies, "May I help you?"