Unforeseeable consequences

"Have you heard they made their move?" Spoke the hooded woman. In a dark room a group of men and women are gathered in abandoned underground of the large pipes toward the ventilation shaft. As the group of them leaped down through a busted fan with grace. Air breeze softly upon their face as they landed unsettle concrete floors left subtle creaks.

"Yes, they began their process of developing a vortex portal. To locate the Messenger."

"Why these fools, want to bother finding the Messenger for they are the ones who got us in this situation."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter that Messenger got tossed the void of space by Elite Darkbringer."

"Elite Darkbringer, in this backwater world? Sounds like the Darkbringers become more active."

Moving in an exclusive room, revealing the engravings of Kanjis of No-Kai as the one person unlocked by speaking the password "Withering tree comes from a rotten sickness that is unfit to produce fruit must be cut down." Room transforms into a more comfortable place for all of them to take a seat lined in rows. Settling after the group of certain leaders enters the from the end of the meeting room to set their head seats. Chatting ceased when they entered. Three councils reveal their names "Itan, Botoku, and Fumeiyo are present so we can begin."

Itan began the meeting "We are Renai Kokai had been established and hid in plain sight among all the Factions to stop the newly called Messenger." There was angry clamor among the audience. Itan is a man with pale skin, red crimson eyes, black short hair, appearance skinny, and wearing tunic robes that is black and grey. As he resumes agreeing with the audience "This give great displeasure of hearing a new Messenger being called before us. However, from what information that has been given from spies that are hidden on Factions on Earth they called a few selective groups to go in vain to join the Messenger."

Following few with scoffs amongst themselves hearing it was treasonous toward their misguided people. Fumeiyo is a woman with blue piercing eyes, brunet bon with wild bangs on her forehead, slightly pale skin, and a well built body. She spoke with sleek "From what we had reported this Messenger is Earthborn which think it truly blasphemy thinking this lowly man must have come from a pathetic planet is the worst thing than the destruction of Edom." Mocks Fumeiyo.

Botoku finishes "God must be desperate if he is willing to call Messenger outside of his own people. Show this despite all his people." There was strong resentment filled the room. Chanting is gradually growing like a marching drum as the crowds scorning hyenas.




It echoed throughout the room with validation repeatedly until Fumeiyo lifted her hand with authority to tell them to be silent. Obediently they silence their voices as the Botoku who is dark skin, with green eyes, and largely build man like a tank spoke "We must reject this Messenger and his imaginary god. They had not provided anything benefit except ruin and extinction. However, the council had kept tight-lipped on the description of the boy. Fortunately, the Messenger did leave behind a large amount of spiritual energy to have further study that we may smell it, breathe it, taste it, feel it, and finally recognize him." Carrying the small container vital of the Messenger's spiritual energy that he is holding his hand.

He removes the cap of the vital to release the residue of the spiritual energy around as they used their spiritual abilities to amplify their senses of their bodies and spirits. As the Messenger's spiritual energy, they initially take the Messenger's spiritual energy. Something unusual happened. The spiritual energy faded quickly except for the one-person entire room, which was a woman. At this moment Itan, Botoku, and Fumeiyo were bewildered by this occurrence.

The woman who had in sense had absorbed the essence that flowed to warmth feeling almost immediately she recognized the spiritual essence nearly wanted to cry. One of the crowds saw her reaction saying, "Rosita had partaken the Messenger's spiritual energy!" Some of the people enticed her to stand up toward the council who were very eager for Rosita to converse with them. Rosita reluctantly goes toward them as Fumeiyo asks "Well, did you perceive the wrench Messenger's spiritual essence?" Rosita wanted to withdraw from this rather than feeling sick.

While one of the council's notice her hesitance as Botoku politely asks "Is there something that matters? Rosita?" On the spot she lied as she looked at them "I feel so sick how weak is his spiritual power that I wanted to cry." Botoku and Itan seem pleased, however, Fumeiyo looks suspicious of Rosita. Not wanting to make it awkward than it already is, she excuses herself. They resume by addressing an issue "We are not sure what happened exactly but, we will have our experts look into that."

They revealed their certain group that Observers and Lenios from their informants revealing names "Griff, Florian, Eklind, Leo Esaki, Tia Agaia, Isaac, and Abel Tatsuya." Rosita shakes uncontrollably that is a feeling of betrayal, anger, and even hatred running through her mind. Rosita could not believe that her sons are involved; she had told them bluntly "I want my sons to be spared and I want to retire and never show my face again." The council were genuinely put off by her behavior but understood where she was coming from.

Fumeiyo honors Rosita's wishes "Very well what of your sister?" Rosita with a glare of hatred told everything without saying as Fumeiyo complied darkly "As you wish, Rosita." She chuckled quietly. Rosita leaves the meeting room without looking back full of hatred toward her sister than she ever had before. Leading her own sons without telling anything drove her mad with iron hot anger. She will have to convince her sons that going into a foolish cause that will ultimately cost them their lives. However, she cannot change the Observer's Council wish without going against the entire people and her sister.

What choice did she have because she ultimately chooses to defy and denies the destiny of her people over her sons? She rather has her sons to have the freedom to choose their own destinies than being chained to the fate of the Messenger who is in truth is Esai Kinzuma. Her son's best friend got called at possibly the worst time. In truth Rosita wanted Esai to live through this too. She had to call up a few favors to gather up a team to rescue her sons. It was one dreadful retaliation.
