The trial at hand

Late October 2206| somewhere in region of space

A young boy lying unconscious resting on the field of grass as four hooded figures stood before him. One of the women went to examine the boy seeing if he is healing and recovering properly. Using her spiritual sense see if the boy's body is functional correctly seeing his blood and oxygen is flowing. The man in the hood figure asks her to check his time link chain is still connected. The woman clicks her tongue with irritation as mumbles to herself. Viewing his time link chain showing that is shining brightly next to his heart. She stood up waving her hand with approval.

The importance of the time link chain prevents anyone who is traveling the outreach of universes or space to not age abnormally to those who connect their original planet without having returned to see their loved one or anyone long gone or grown old. The man who meets with the former Messenger barely contains their animosity towards the boy. Regardless what they had felt they had a contract to uphold. Seeing the newly appointed Messenger as a young boy is rare normally, they must be a certain age to be called Messenger like ages thirty or older. This might be the most desperate time for this to happen, great the man thought sarcastic he had to be a babysitter.

They are inside a pocket dimension in the Alpha-X that normally small traveling size ship right now is the size of a football field there is a garden. There on multi-purpose building a reveal as dojo. Inside the building has: training room, basic rooms, storage room, kitchen, outside mediation, and bathhouse. The four of them left the boy to leave to rest peacefully by the garden. Four of them talked in the kitchen hall "The boy must toughen up if he gets an idea about four trials as a rite of passage." They grunt in one woman's eyes flash crimson red as she spoke "We've been waiting fifty-five years for this to happen. We know how to test the boy." While they sat there with their mugs as they sensed a space pirate ship by them. They all rise toast all chugging their mugs then smashing it on their heads.

The three women teleport away while the man remains with the boy as he lifts him upon his shoulder to bring him inside the boy inside the Alpha-X ship. Once he maneuvers the small ship by doing up and under movement as he has gotten a certain range of the pirate ship. He teleported inside the corridor of a space pirate ship. As he smugly places the boy on the cold metallic floor by saying "Sayonara, pretentious brat. Hope you don't survive this." As he vanishes without a trace. Alpha-X flies around the pirate before making it bends space and time as it disappears.


Inside the cold metallic floor made Esai shiver with cold. There is a sudden angry clamor echoed throughout the corridor. Innocently sleeping until men snatched him by his limbs and demanded how he got in here. Esai being disoriented not knowing what is going on, not realizing what danger he is in. They started shouting and threatened to kill him. Esai nonchalantly thinking this is a dream "Leave me alone you smelly pirates." There man who is rough looking man with scars all over his left pulls out his plasma handgun "Lookie har, kid not sure where you came ferm this ain't a place to be takin' a nap!" There another man who look burly that has tattoos on his arm and face scorns "Yeah, little o' old porcupine!" Esai went dozing off which made the men mad from him doing that.

"Who is this boy?" stern voice demands.

"No idea Captain Blade Jet." one of the crew nervously spoke.

The captain wore a Buccaneer Coat that is blue and has four pockets on the front, gold buttons, grey collar that goes both of his shoulders, black boots, and grey pants. He has Cervantes's beard neatly cut and his hairstyle is black wild Angular fringe with bangs with brown eyes with olive skin. The captain is very cross with the boy who trespasses his ship as he spoke sternly once again.

"Boy you better answer my question! You have trespassed the ship of the Captain Blade Jet which is me!" Barked the Captain.

Esai found himself laughing, finding the name rather humorous even Leo Esaki might make fun of it. The captain's face contorts with cold ire in the instant Esai realized the moment the captain drew his saber sword out; took a few steps his name is no longer a joke. Esai's eyes blinked and felt light cuts on his cheek, shoulder, arm, and chest. Captain Blade Jet returns to his original position with his sword sheathed back to his scabbard while holding Esai's holo-device wristband. Esai widen with fear seeing this is no longer a dream as he fell on his knees and begged "Please give that back, it contains priceless photos of my family."

Captain Blade Jet scoffs "Boy you think you are in position ask this back especially when you are stowaway." He and his crew started laughing at him and feeling small. One of the crew comments "Young boy you ought to be lucky that all he had taken and given minor cuts…" as he creeps in at his ear "If were his choice you would be in pieces in a pool of blood." Stun with this realization that he felt his heart beating fast. Captain Blade Jet swings his arm and points at him which makes Esai flinch "From this day forward whatever life you had is forfeit to servitude to and refers to as cabin boy." Esai tries to say that not his name but Captain's eyeglasses prevent him from saying anything.

Captain motions his hand as his crew tossed the mop and bucket at Esai's feet as he barks orders at him "This floor is not going to clean itself, start mopping now! I want this spotless within several hours!" Obediently Esai rushed to fill his water as cruelly they did not tell him where to fill the water for the bucket. All them laughing at him as further humiliation to Esai which made him feel small. There was one woman that he nearly crashed into as she shouts, "Watch where you're going!" She is dark skin, had black shorthair with bow tied to her ponytail, she wore a brown light coat and dark brown vest jacket, short skit with leathery black long boat.

Bowed in apology as he ran to find the water the woman told him to wait as she walked toward him "You're new here I will show where you can find water if you would follow me if you please." Esai holding the buck and mop in his hands was genuinely stunned by this woman's kindness and thanked her. She led the way and he followed without fearing anything, as there were hydraulic pipes as she pointed "Okay here that valve that is filter water you can use to fill the bucket to clean the floor and good luck."

Before she could walk Esai asked for her name as she turned glancing sadly "No one important, kid. I never got to hear your name?" Esai straightened up as he introduced himself "My name is Esai Kinzuma." As she raises her eyebrow and thoughtfully says "Curious name, Esai better get to work." He filled the bucket and went his way. Although, glad someone is nice to him but, he cannot shake the feeling of what Captain Blade Jet did to him he didn't see it coming. As he did some sweeping on the floor as water showed reflection of himself looking dejected.

The ship is huge in every sense of the word he knows this has a two level floor ship. Easy can get lost, if Esai does not see smear marks, dirt, or dust that has not been cleaned yet. As fear motivated him to clean the best of his abilities. They did not bother to tell him where to sleep because he was by the archway corner after mopping the floor because he had seen anyone in a while. He was not tired as he felt he had slept for days, he was a bit boggy with details. Thinking about the last thing he remembered was the time he was on Earth facing Tani Dark and Somu before she claimed that she was under control of Tani.

It was an intense fight that it practically leveled his whole neighborhood. It was insane that he exhibits abilities that he never had before. His other abilities had increased move faster than the electricity, leaps at great bounds, extremely resilient, reaction time improvement, and blasting some kind energy called "Vida Blast" or "Vida energy" it felt different. Then there's a mysterious voice that never made it known to Esai, whoever that voice had saved him and Somu's life. Maybe with these abilities could help him escape.

Esai tries to use the same abilities by reaching out his hand trying to force the Vida energy out of his hand. Veins popping on his forehead for five minutes and nothing happened as this frustrate Esai's mind "If I can figure out, it can be my ticket home!" No matter how much he tried, nothing happened. He loathes thinking about Tani Dark but she said something about developing Spiritual Resistance against her. Esai had been taught to be spiritual his whole life but, not entirely sure how to properly access it.

Seeing this is not getting him anywhere he decided to put on hold at least for now until if he accidently uses it again. There was an open view that is to airlock the expansion of the space as he went to place his hand as reaching out for something, no he was yearning for his family recalling hearing his mother's voice called for him when he got thrown to space by Tani. Esai slams fist on the floor with strong anger as he gritted with snarl "Tani Dark I hate you for making my family suffer like that! Making my family and friends think I got killed in a freak accident!"

"ARGAHHHHH!" Esai cried in anguish that no one would understand the pain from being separated from parents. As he passed out in sorrow. Allowing his mind, body, and heart to rest from this cruel situation. He could not sleep comfortably without missing out on things like his bed which reminded him of home which is very vexing to think about. He needs to figure out to get out of here he vows.