Miserable beatings

Two weeks was miserable. They mock his efforts of mopping on the ship's floor best he can. The crew intently spilled their alcohol on the spot that Esai mopped "Whoops you missed a spot! Clean here!" Esai fanatically mops the floor while they laugh at him. This is the dining hall where they usually eat and drink with their riotous clamors. The tables are a metallic setup like a typical pub where the servers would bring their food and drinks. These guys are the worst when especially when they are drunk, they intend to vomit like oversize children.

While Esai had to put up with this every day, he would rather isolate himself from his own cabin room if it were his choice. There is a guy called Drake who would constantly find an opportunity to make his day terrible by intentionally wasting his tossing half eaten portion food with plate drop to the floor "Oh, it seems to be quite a mess that I drop it Cabin Boy. Pick it up and eat it while you're at it and give me a beer." Glancing at him at our annoyance he went to pick up broom and dustpan then the moment Esai began sweeping Drake stomps on the plate and scattered it and proceeded to spread the allover the floor "Cabin boy make you pick all the broken pieces with your hands." The crew laughs, a belly full of glee.

Esai repeat in a prayer in his mind "Father in Heaven please give me the strength to ignore them." Trying not to lose in front of them as he breathes collectively, they enjoy it when Esai loses control like that. As Esai just wants to get this done as quickly as possible while enduring their laughter is painful but, must ignore or this will take twice as long. Drake loves to get in Esai's face by continuing taunting "Oh, eager to clean up the mess Cabin Boy? It is not like you have a place to be right? I mean you are runway is not like anyone loves you right, Cabin Boy. An orphan boy is worse than being nobody." Esai's veins turns cold as he focus on his task at hands trembles as Drake notice it "Ah, it seem I had struck a nerve here you probably run away to a lot fosters home because you can't stand be an Orphan almost wish you were never born." Esai's blood begins to stir with heat.

Drake sneers proudly "It is probably that your mother was a cheap prostitute dropping you off the street eh Cabin Boy?" Esai hearing cabin boy repeatedly like a loop is releasing massive build up flow of rage ready to burst as he crushing the broom not caring for splinters. As Drake is finally seen someone loses control "Oh someone going to lose con—" There was a fierce clash as the broom broke upon Drake's face as he staggered backward as time seemed to slow down. As the crew's mouths were wide open.



Drake's forehead is bleeding and he is enraged by a mere Cabin boy as he curses. Drake got up to tackle, as Esai had anticipated his enrage that he swiftly picks up the dustpan by throwing the remains on Drake's eye which temporarily blinds him. Esai growls with anger "THAT FOR INSULTING MY MOTHER!" Drake wailing his arm blindly in tempt to hit Esai "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU CABIN BOY!" Esai did not want to engage further because he knew he could not win the fight against a fully built man. In attempt to walk away one of the pirate crew grabbed him by shoulder "Where you think yer going Cabin Boy you go back finish that fight!" Esai glares at the man and refused "Why should I give him what he deserves, and I am leaving at that."

As Esai tried to leave but, he was not moving at all as the man smiled then called out all the crew "Hey, this Cabin Boy deserves a beating for not finishing a fight. Let us give him a proper beating." The men surround Esai as they knock him to the floor and give him beating for five minutes straight. Esai tries to crawl away from endless bashings like heavy rain. Then there was a yell which made all crew to stop immediately. Captain Blade Jet walks in with authority looking very displeased "What going on here!? The room is a mess where the Cabin Boy!?" The crew awkwardly steps back to show bloodied up Esai as he breathes heavily. Captain Blade Jet walked toward grabbed Esai's spiky hair to lift him up which made Esai grits his teeth as his lip was bleeding.

Captain Blade Jet turned toward Drake who was still blind with food as some pieces shattered plate on his eyes as he pleaded "Captain, the Cabin Boy went mad when I offered a plate of food. He broke the broom upon my head and thought he might finish me off!" Captain Blade Jet observed "Drake broken plate and food doesn't end up on the floor that was recent enough it was dropped. Too much coincidence when there are too many wasting foods which I cannot take lightly anymore. Despite wasters and liars who shift blame on someone who is trying to do his job." Captain Blade Jet pulled out his saber sword as Drake panics and begged "Captain I am sorry I didn't mean to—" Esai already saw Captain Blade Jet make his move and spoke "It's Alright, you don't have to apologize you can apologize in hell."

Drake's reaction widens as his head rolls off toward Esai's feet which makes a grimace in fear. Seeing his lifeless eyes staring right back at Esai, then Captain Blade Jet proceeds to kick Esai's face "Get out Cabin boy and clean yourself up the crew will clean up for a punishment." The crew complains then they changed their attitude when he brandishes his saber "CLEAN IT UP NOW AND SPACE THE HEAD AND BODY NOW!" Esai did not waste time to leave to avoid angering him further. Limping due to the injuries that he sustained from the beatings.

He limps in the corridor then a woman who calls herself a nobody hollers out "I see you run into trouble again." Esai did not bother retorting for he had enough being made fun also beaten and admitted defeat "Yeah, I did run into trouble just not the way you would expect." The woman placed hands on her hips "Well it takes real humility to admit something Esai, let's go I will bandage you up in my private quarters." She notions her hand to follow her as he obediently follows.

There was a door slot at the end of the room that she presses a button as it opens, she invites him in. Esai enters the room; it was not what he expects when he views the small apartment that is sixteen by sixteen feet. There was a divider wall as between Esai and her then was basic bed, basic furniture, chair, basic bathroom, and shower. Nothing Fancy, there is something in the room that linger in the room. Sadness and Esai do have some familiarity with it but it is different it is self-guilt. The woman told him to sit on the chair as she went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Esai sits down quietly trying to understand why there's lingering self-guilt resonance in the room.

The woman asks Esai to take off his t-shirt to apply the ointment on the bruises. Esai felt awkward about it but he took off the t-shirt. As his skin is exposed with bruises the woman rub ointment on her hands then she massages his bruises it stings as Esai winced. She smoothly brushed most of the bruises within five minutes which was the most relaxing time that Esai had in a long time. When she reaches for the shoulders of Esai, she softly caresses which made him take notice as though to himself "Only mother does that kind of thing, the feeling of its kind of yearning. Was she a mother at one point?" As Esai awkwardly asks her "Excuse me, were you a mother at one point? Sounds like you had experienced this sort of thing?" She temporarily withdraws her hands as she remarks "You seem to be doing fine now, you can go and make sure to take your shirt."

Esai put on his t-shirt feeling a bit sad of leaving but, he respects her wishes as he was about to leave. She told him to wait as she wiped blood off Esai's lips with her disposable tissue. She said, "Take care of yourself and try to stay out of trouble, Esai." He brows with gratitude. After leaving her room. He walks to his cabin room, which is a small compacted custodian room, with bed small rather uncomfortable. It is his room nevertheless, Esai went to lay in it while he pulled a map copy of the entire ship. He was planning to escape from the ship he was planning to disable the engine and sneak out the hangar bay to fly with a ship.

Little did Esai know that there were several villagers that did not pay attention to him before now taking interest in Esai because he had access to places that most villagers could not. They went to report to the villager leader, as they discreetly whispered to his ear. The village leader said "Bring him here, make sure that he is gagged and blindfolded so he would not alert the pirates. Is that understood?" The villagers nod in understanding that they sneak off the archway of the wide corridor. As few pirates were patrolling there was loud clanking as the villagers hid themselves before the pirates passed by unnoticed.

They reached their destination which is a custodian room door that is wide open as Esai is sleeping lightly. The one man who signals two men to carefully light stepping around as a mess of the closet that is filled with brooms, sweeps, mops, and basic things. As the two men stand hovering as the one man when seeing if any suspecting pirates are still roaming the corridor then he whispers, "The post is clear now grab the boy." The one man pulls out a rope from his sleeve while the other man gets the gagger ready. They snatched Esai which woke him up immediately as about to say "WHAT--!" The gagger is forcefully placed in his mouth as the other man ties him down. As Esai tried to break free but in vain eventually as they dragged him out of his room. Then they blindfold him as he is frightened of where they are taking him.