Chapter 1 - The Zombie CEO

He knocked loudly on the door, but there was no reply. He found it odd. He checked his watch and he realized that there was still half an hour left to seven. He was too early. He took out his phone and decided to kill time by playing Candy Match. When the remaining time had passed, the brown-haired man knocked on the door again. This time it was immediately answered by a drowsy man wearing silky dark pajamas. The man opened the door and then disappeared back into the room without uttering a single word.

He seemed to be used to this situation as he simply let himself in and headed directly to the sitting area of the suite. As he took a seat on the sofa, he heard the click of a door being shut as the man from before had retired back to the bedroom to freshen up. The first thing he had noticed when he had sat down were the empty bottles of liquor on the coffee table.

"He seems to be drinking much more than before." He thought to himself as he got up to clean up. He had tidied up the table a bit by the time the man had taken to get ready for work.

The man that emerged from the bedroom was dressed in a black suit and white shirt with an open collar. His black hair was cut short and required minimum care. His eyes were hidden behind the sunglasses that he had already put on despite being indoors.

"Nick, did you forget?" Said the man in the suit addressing the sitting brown-haired man, Nick Lenard.

Nick shook his head as he replied, "I don't forget, you know that. I can't prescribe any more of it to you Ed." The man in the suit, Edward Huxley , who was now sitting across him did not say anything in response. Changing the subject Nick stated, "I noticed you are drinking much more than what you used to. As your psychiatrist and friend, I would advise you to not drink excessively."

Nick could tell that if Edward wasn't so tired, he would be rolling his eyes at him at the mention of being his psychiatrist.

"Then give me the pills. I can only drink myself to sleep… nothing else works." Edward replied in an angry tone, his desire to sleep apparent.

"Your building tolerance for the pills are becoming dangerous. Your insomnia has been getting worse drastically these past 4 months, but alcohol… is not the best solution."

"Got any other alternatives?" Edward asked scornfully. "I have tried everything. Even sex is no use."

"Maybe it's not good enough?" Said Nick in a suggestive tone.

Edward ignored his friend and got up from his seat. It was already time to head to work. He got out of his hotel room and took the elevator down to the 2nd floor where his office was located.

Nick tagged along.

As the doors of the elevator opened, Edward walked straight out. He was greeted by his secretary, Matt, as he entered his office. He simply grunted in recognition of Matt's greeting and nothing more. Nick who was following behind him, gave Matt a cheerful good morning as he followed Edward into his office. Matt sat back down when his boss and his friend had gone into the office. He opened a chat room and wrote, "Z in". Following his message, a massive amount of replies was sent in either crying emojis, frustrations, or some even had the time to make comments such as "Zombie is always on time", "Does he never oversleep?", and "Can't he just at least speak normally?"

If Edward knew that his employees were all part of a secret chat room that detailed his being in and out of the office or his other relevant movements within the hotel, he would not be too shocked. However, if he is to read the messages related to him always being on time, he would really be furious. If only he could oversleep what a great joy it would be to him. His employees did not know that their zombie sunglasses wearing CEO's most desired dream was too simply sleep all day and for once actually oversleep.


"You do know that the entire hotel calls you a zombie because all you do is grunt or give them one-word replies, right?" Nick said to Edward who had already sat behind his desk and started overlooking the documents that Matt had set on his desk.

"So?" replied Edward without looking at Nick.

"True it never mattered to you as long as you could conserve your energy." Nick nodded his head in understanding of Edward's behavior as he took a sip of the tea that Matt had served him. Another issue popped into his head.

"Then at least don't wear your sunglasses indoors all the time. I have seen you wear them during management presentations even, you know."

Edward ignored Nick's words. Irritated that he was being ignored when he was bringing up his concern, he got up and snatched Edward's sunglasses off his face. He gasped as he saw his friend's huge dark circles and his bloodshot eyes. Edward looked at Nick without moving his head and said, "They would think I'm a real zombie if I don't wear these." Once more nodding in understanding, Nick put the sunglasses back on Edward's tired eyes carefully.

Sitting in quiet for a while as Edward worked, Nick interrupted the silence once more.

"In university, you used to put on makeup because of this didn't you?"

Edward's working hand stopped for a moment before he resumed what he was doing again as he replied, "Yes"

"So, you are saying this has become so bad even makeup can't hide it?"

Edward moved his head up from his papers to look in the direction of Nick's questioning face and then replied, "Makeup has no limit…But it would really be obvious that I'm wearing makeup…I'm just not skilled enough." Nick felt like he had seen a new side of Edward. He could swear he heard Edward's disappointment in himself with his lack of makeup skills. He decided in his heart to not bring the matter of Edward's makeup skills up again. Ever.

Nick finished his tea, and was ready to get up and leave when Matt knocked on the door and let himself in. Matt had come to remind Edward of the wedding that was going to be held today in the hotel's ballroom. It would be the first event to be held in the ballroom of the Huxley Famulus Hotel since Edward had first become its CEO 4 months ago. Nodding in agreement, Edward dismissed Matt with the wave of his hand.

"Oh, is a wedding being held here? Can I come and look too? As your best man I think I should take some pointers for your upcoming wedding don't you think so…? " Nick mischievously asked.

At the mention of his upcoming wedding, Edward felt his head hurt. He grinded his teeth together in pain. Noticing Edward's eyebrows knitting together in pain, Nick worried, asked, "Are you experiencing your headaches again?"

Edward leaned back on his seat, his face still tense due to the headache, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Seeing that his patient and friend was in pain, Nick got up and went up to stand next to him and followed, in the same way, to take deep breaths with him. After a few minutes, Edward's headache subsided, as if it hadn't happened, Edward continued his paperwork.

Nick felt relieved and went back to his seat and pulled out his phone. He seemed to be typing something on his phone when Edward softly uttered, "Thanks"

Nick smiled softly towards his friend who he hadn't properly made eye contact with in the past 3 months, and gently replied, "Always Ed" Nick saw the corners of his mouth slightly curving upwards but it disappeared as soon as it had appeared. "So cute," Nick thought internally to himself.


The Huxley Famulus Hotel's event management team had been working all day on the final touches for the first event being conducted under the new CEO. No mistakes were allowed, and it was crystal clear. Their zombie CEO's anger… they did not want to repeat what happened last month with the cleaning department. A shiver ran through their spine even when they are reminded of the incident now.

The wedding ceremony and the reception are going to be held within the hotel's extensive gardens. The wedding ceremony in the garden under the sky, just as the sun is setting, making it one of a kind, and the reception is going to be held in the ballroom located in the gardens. The ballroom was special and unique as it had been created with the image of a greenhouse. A magical ballroom were dancing and enjoying a dish or two couldn't be ever dreamier. It was going to be a wonderful wedding.

The staff did a wonderful job of getting every last detail to look flawless, even Edward was satisfied, and he was seldomly ever satisfied. Edward had even managed a compliment to the staff. Nick harmlessly followed Edward. He had congratulated the newlyweds and gifted them their honeymoon suite for the night as a nice gesture for being the first couple to get married to Edward as CEO. The newlyweds thanked him greatly and expressed their happiness by praising how the wedding turned out. He gave them a slight smile and bothered them no more.

The day went on as the moon had made an appearance, it was getting late. Edward usually had his sunglasses on even if it was dark outside, the guests looked at him strangely but only Nick noticed it. Edward had become used to the gazes and paid them no mind.

Edward decided to check on the catering team and wanted to know if the food was satisfactory or not. He went looking for Nick, knowing he would be where the food is. Nick was pleasantly enjoying himself and the variety of dishes in front of him. He fancied himself to have a great sense of taste. Nick had tried every dish and with every dish, he found something to compliment. Edward just looked at as his friend enjoying himself and Nick slightly blushed under his gaze. Nick had tasted almost everything and was on his final dish when he officially declared to Edward that this dish was the yummiest yet, he told Edward to have some. Edward was a bit hesitant, "You think every dish is the yummiest, Nick.���

"Yes, but THIS is the yummiest come on try it", replied Nick, Edward gave in, grabbed a fork, and took a bite out of Nick's plate. He chewed slowly. Very slowly. Then he finally swallowed. Nick was just about to ask him what he thought of it when Edward reached out and took another mouthful. Nick was quite surprised as Edward never ate any actual meals. Due to his lack of sleep, he rarely had an appetite and would usually live off sandwiches. Before he could express his happiness about Edward's long-lost appetite coming back, Edward put down his fork after swallowing his second bite. Looking at the food on Nick's plate, he harshly said, "I can't taste anymore, Nick."

Nick was confused for a second before he slowly grasped at what Edward said.

Edward had lost his sense of taste.

Nick was completely left speechless, in that moment Edward shot up from his seat and hurried outside the ballroom. Nick quickly got up and tried to follow him. When Nick had managed to get out of the ballroom, Edward was already out of his sight having merged with the darkness of the night. Edward kept hurrying through the garden, unconsciously walking and walking.

With his sunglasses on he really couldn't make out where he was anymore. Defeated by it all, he took off his sunglasses, sighed, and put it in his pocket. He looked up and everything was much clearer, he spotted a bench and a pond that kept each other company a few steps ahead. He walked up to the bench and sat down. His head sank onto the palm of his hands, deeply contemplating what his life had come to.

He was frustrated. He was tired. He was sleepy. He didn't know for how much longer he could keep this up. He couldn't even taste anything anymore. He had enough of it all. He was oh so sleepy.

Just at that moment he unconsciously said out loud, "If this keeps up, I'll die." An unknown voice uttered "if you keep what up?", an unknown female voice. Edward looked around and saw a beautiful woman.

When his gaze fell on her he felt his heart pounding faster and faster just as fast as his head was pounding, he had never felt this way before. His heart refused to slow down as he felt an instant urge that made him get up and walk closer and closer towards the woman in front of him. Suddenly he yawned. His eyes closed as he yawned and refused to open again. With a loud thud, Edward's body fell to the ground as he lost consciousness.

Nick had already spotted Edward and hurried when he saw Edward getting up and walking, fearing he would once again lose sight of his friend. Nick thought Edward was fine as he was walking normally but Edward fell hard to the ground all so suddenly.

He ran towards him and held up his head fearing he might have gotten hurt. He was just about to shake Edward out of his unconscious, when he heard his breathing. Nick looked at Edward's face and realized that he had just fallen asleep, nothing more.

Nick's face showed great concern, but for now, he was just relieved that he had fallen asleep. Looking around the garden Nick wondered how he could possibly take Edward back to his house without being spotted by Edward's staff.

Nick felt someone tapping his shoulder. He gently looked back as Edward's head was still resting on his lap. He saw a beautiful woman dressed in a knee-length navy dress. The woman's green eyes fell on Edward and with a concerning tone, she asked, "Is he fine? I saw him suddenly collapse to the ground." Nick paused for a second as he looked at Edward and noticed how awkward the situation looked like. He stood up as he supported Edward's sleeping body by putting his right arm over his shoulders. Then he replied, "He just fell asleep" and, for a bit of added bonus gave his signature kind smile that his nurses could not get enough of. The woman in the navy dress did not seem convinced, but she did not question further as she simply smiled and walked back to where two children were waiting for her and the ball she was carrying back to them.

Nick spent a few seconds looking at her walking away and after one last look, he took a deep breath and started walking towards the exit of the garden. As he supported the weight of Edward, who was no small man, he kept thinking to himself how lucky the father of those two children was to have such a pretty and youthful wife.

Meanwhile, Edward was simply in one the deepest sleeps of his life and it seemed that nothing could wake him up. Not even the many collisions that he experienced while Nick was trying to shove him into the car to take him to his house for the night.