Chapter 2 - The Best Sleep

Edward awake but eyes still shut, felt someone reaching for his shirt and unbuttoning it. He grabbed the moving hands and opened his eyes abruptly, frightening Nick who was unbuttoning his shirt. He froze in fright and then sighed as he let go of Edward's half unbuttoned shirt.

"I didn't think you would wake up."

"So, you were taking off my clothes?", Edward asked as he got up to sit on the sofa that he was sleeping on, not bothering to button up his shirt.

Nick held up a set of pajamas from next to him and replied, "Correction, I was helping you change. You looked uncomfortable sleeping in your suit."

Edward bewildered asked, "How long?"

Nick took a seat next to him as he showed him the time and date on his phone.

24 hours…

More than 24 hours.

Edward shocked at how he could have slept more than he has ever had in the past 20 or so years, looked at his friend in shock. Nick chuckled as he said, "Don't be so shocked, your face is terrifying."

He headed to the kitchen to make Edward a cup of tea as the baffled Edward went to the bathroom of the house to freshen up.

He stepped out of the bathroom towel in hand as he dried his washed face. Seeing Nick who was filling their cups with tea, he questioned, "More than 24 hours and only change me now?"

"I thought like always you would wake up and leave soon.", Nick replied. Though Edward didn't find it a satisfactory answer, he let the matter drop.

He sipped from the tea that Nick had given him and let its warmth embrace him. Just then a blurry scene replayed in his head. A pair of green eyes and his heartbeat intensified.

"Who is she?", he thought to himself as he searched his memories for an answer.

Before he could reach an answer, his phone started ringing. He internally cursed at the interruption and searched for his phone. However, the ringing was coming from Nick's pants' pocket. Edward shot him a questioning look.

Nick smiled at him sheepishly and replied to his questioning gaze, "Your dear fiancé, Vicky Charlton, has been calling nonstop."

Edward found himself sighing at the mention of Vicky.

Nick went on, "She's come to see you, but you were sleeping so I've been out occupying her. It's barely been an hour since I left her. Guess I couldn't satisfy her enough. Look forward to your marriage, buddy."

At the mention of his marriage, his headache started setting in again. He furrowed his eyebrows in pain, Nick taking note of his pain. Moved closer and asked, "Headache?"

Edward just grunted in yes and waved his hand asking Nick to move, to make space for a lay down.

Headache subsiding, but eyes still shut, he reached out his hand towards his friend whom in understanding handed him his phone. Going through the various messages from Vicky and seeing the amount of missed calls, Edward asked, "The hotel?"

"I informed them that a private matter had come up." Nick replied. Edward nodded in approval as he started going through his messages and emails.

Seemingly remembering something, Nick grabbed his phone and started typing on a note sheet, like he had before in Edward's office. As he took a quick look at his other notes, he felt like he had noticed a pattern, but before he could analyze his observation on Edward's headaches any further, he saw Edward getting up to leave as he buttoned his shirt and put on his suit.

"You're going?", Nick asked.

"Hotel and Vicky, so yes.", Edward replied as he put on his sunglasses.

"See you later then?", Nick replied as he thought of how he should get going as well. He did have a clinic to run.

"You're driving me, right?", Edward pointed out.

"Oh, right", he replied realizing that Edward hadn't drove himself here. He grabbed his car key and they were out of the house. Nick drove Edward to his hotel and then made his way to his psychiatric clinic.


The woman seated in the waiting area in front of him, had introduced herself to be the zombie CEO's fiancé. Matt knew that Mr. Huxley was engaged, however, he hadn't thought it was to such a bright and cheerful woman, who was so very opposite to him. She had already been waiting for 30 minutes or so when the elevator door opened to reveal Edward. Matt took note of the healthier color that the zombie CEO was in, but obviously did not see it fir to comment.

Vicky Charlton, as she had introduced herself, had jumped into Edward's embrace when she saw him. Mr. Huxley simply stood there as she embraced him, Matt took quick notes of that as he stood on the sidelines. Mr. Huxley turned to him and ordered, "Bring tea." He left to prepare the refreshments as Mr. Huxley and Vicky headed into the office.


Once in his office, Vicky hurried to grab a seat on the sofa. She patted the empty space next to her, but Edward pretended to not notice as he went to sit behind his work desk. She pouted in frustration but did not disturb him to complain as he started working.

She remembered when just 4 months ago, Edward had brought up the idea of marriage to her, she had directly replied with, "Yes, let's get engaged, Eddie." And the next day he had sent her an engagement ring, a pretty big one.

Becoming Edward Huxley's fiancé was a must have party occasion and so a grand engagement party was arranged by her. Edward had come for an hour before he had disappearing from the party with Nick.

The next time she had called Edward's office, she was amazed to learn that he had been transferred to work in the Huxley Famulus Hotel located in another city. As his fiancé, she had seen it as her obligation to call him once in a while to check up on him and ask how he was doing. Though the majority of those calls went on for less than 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, as Edward was working on turning around the Huxley Famulus Hotel's situation, Vicky had been enjoying the limelight of being his fiancé.

Each week, multiple upon multiple social event invitations were sent to her as Edward's fiancé and member of the Charlton family. The fiancé invitations quite massively outnumbering her Charlton family member invitations. She basked under the comfort and glamour that was being Edward's fiancé.

That's why when she had heard that Edward was going to be attending the Children's Charity Waltz, since it was being held in the Huxley Famulus Hotel, she came as fast as she could to fill in her role as his fiancé. She had to attend this popular at any cost and in addition to that she could use the opportunity to get closer to Edward.

Edward was closing one folder and going to open another, when Vicky took her chance.

"Now that I'm here, Eddie, I can be your date to the Children's Charity Waltz since I am your fiancé. Don't you agree?" Edward kept quiet as he moved on with his paperwork.

Not having received a reply from Edward, Vicky continued, "If not me as your date, who were you going to take? Nick? Can't believe he has a clinic here, too."

Edward had already guessed that Vicky's sudden visit after 4 months was due to the Children's Charity Waltz and he thought it went without asking that she could accompany him. However, it looked like Vicky was going to remain in his office until she got a firm confirmation from him.

He really didn't understand how social gatherings and parties appealed so much to her, however, that was reason that he had decided that she would be an acceptable life partner for him.

She did all his social obligations for him and that kept up his reputation within high society. Her being the last child of the heir to the Charlton family was a bonus on his part, as it added a few connections to his list in the industry. He looked up from his papers and simply replied, "You will be my date."

A huge smile appeared on her face as she rejoiced. She got out her phone and texted a few of her usual friends about her upcoming attendance.

Done with what she had come for, she got up from her seat. She walked up to Edward's desk and leaned in to give him a kiss. At that exact moment, Edward's head unconsciously tilted, and she kissed his cheek instead. Not paying it any mind, as she thought him to simply be shy, she bid him a good day and left for her room in the hotel.

When Vicky had left, Edward sighed a breath of relief and spun in his chair. Facing his window, he looked out at the scenery before him. His mind wandered and he found himself thinking about how, at the end, it wasn't really to see him, but for the event that Vicky had come.

He already knew it, but Vicky didn't even like him, so much for loving him. They both simply found each other suitable for their needs and wants. That was all that their relationship amounted to.

The reoccurring question appeared once again, "Is it right to move forward with such a marriage?" And no matter how many times Edward had asked himself this what followed had was a headache and memories of his unloved mother.

However, this time the response was different.

What came long was not a headache, but instead an increase in heartbeat. The memory of his estranged mother did not come hunting him, but instead a set of green eyes did.

That shade looked so familiar yet unfamiliar to him, who did it belong to? He found himself closing his eyes in order to search his mind for answers once again.

A voice repeated itself, "If you keep what up?" He jumped forward in recollection of the events of last night.

He hadn't blanked out, he realized.

He had felt a pull towards this stranger and had followed his instincts by walking towards her. What he hadn't expected was to fall asleep as he was walking towards her calming and relaxing aura.

She had made him fall asleep.

She had put him to sleep with one simple look.

He couldn't believe his own reasoning of the situation even though that was the only explanation. He had blanked out enough to know that he had not blanked out, but had actually fallen asleep last night.

Despite being quite convinced about his theory, Edward still felt a bit hesitant to completely believe that such a miraculous woman had appeared in front of him to bless him with his long awaited sleep.

Knocking at his door snapped him out of his wild thoughts, he turned around to face the door. Matt let himself in and brought in another file along with a cup of water. He opened the file and explained.

"This is the report on the wedding we just held, and these are some of the pictures. With your approval, we would like to add some of them to our hotel's website for marketing."

Flipping through the pictures of the venue and some from the actual wedding, he pointed out a few. Matt took quick notes as those would be the ones to be posted to the website.

Despite being only assigned to him for 4 months, Matt had proved himself to be quite adaptable and talented.

Closing the file, Edward handed it back to him. Just as he was about to exit the office, Edward asked, "Full name?" Shocked that he was being addressed, Matt slowly turned around and replied, "Matthew Torren, Mr. Huxley." He nodded his head in understanding and waved his hand, dismissing Matt.


Two sleepless nights later, the night of the Children's Charity Waltz came. The over 24 hours of sleep had meant that Edward's condition was much better than he would have been normally. As such he was a much healthier color for the event.

Vicky who accompanied him, as she had wanted, was having a blast conversing and being introduced around.

Tonight, Edward was dressed in a full black tuxedo with a black tie instead of a bowtie. Vicky wore a wine-red long dress that beautifully flowed along her figure, and her strawberry blonde hair was done in a simple half updo.

Many looked at Vicky's gloomy companion, Edward, with jealousy over being accompanied by such a beauty, but as always it was only brought to Edward's attention later by Nick. Nick had approached Edward when he sat down alone s at a table for a rest while Vicky went on socializing.

He took a seat at his friend's table and said, "You would be so lonely without me."

Edward didn't bother commenting on his over confidence and instead asked, "You were invited?" He feigned being hurt by his words and replied, "You forget who my father is, don't you?" Edward did indeed at times forget that Nicholas Lenard is the second son of one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the country.

"Your date?", Edward questioned.

Nick smiled proudly and replied, "She is the one everyone's eyes is following." Feeling like teasing Nick, he said, "Vicky?" That earned him a little kick to the leg under the table.

Edward smiled slightly and then pointed out, "Black low-cut dress, right?"

"Correct", Nick replied confidently.

His date really had a tempting atmosphere around her. She called out for one's attention. Even Edward was tempted by her aura, but at the end she was not his type though she was the typical 'Nick�� type of woman.

Edward gave his friend a pat on the shoulder on his achievement for the night and Nick wholly accepted it.

Nick talked about all sort of things until the night's events began. The Children's Charity Waltz was held annually and consisted of a series of main events.

One of those events, saw selected groups of children performing the waltz and then being tipped generously by the enchanted audience. The performances were all greatly done and due to his great mood for the night, Edward had placed some big tips as well.

Then the last event of the night came.

This event was in a form of an auction. In this auction items were not placed up for betting.

Waltz partners were put up for auction instead.

Many women and men would volunteer themselves for the auction and then interested parties could place their bet for a chance to waltz with the selected individual. The highest bidder being granted the right to their hand in a waltz.

The highest bid so far for the waltz had been $30,000. Then came the next candidate. It was a handsome man who looked to be in his mid-20s. He had light brown hair and wore a navy tuxedo. Vicky who was now seated along with Edward, Nick, and Nick's date, Melany, looked quite interested in the man being auctioned off. Amused by her interest in something other than socializing, Edward simply said, "Bet"

Vicky had been hesitant, but when she heard him telling her to bet, she did as she wanted and bet. The man was quite popular, and Vicky ended up going up to $50,000 to win her waltz with him. The man looked a bit flustered but seeing that finally the bet was over, and he had to waltz with Vicky, he composed himself as he walked towards her. He asked for her hand and whisked her away to the dance floor for the promised waltz.

The auction continued and the final dance partner was up. The number was called, but the person seemed to be missing. The auctioneer called out once again and suddenly the door to the ballroom opened and walked, or more like ran, in a woman dressed in a long dark green dress with long sleeves. She stood out from the rest, the number one reason being her modest appearance compared to all the others in attendance.

The moment she walked in with her unadorned hair that simply flowed down her shoulders, Edward could not look away. Those green eyes that mirrored her dress, he recognized those eyes. It was the same woman he had met by the pond that night. He could already feel his eyelids becoming heavy as he watched her make her way on to the auction's stage. Her simplicity and innocent aura seemed to be quite desirable as the betting became quite heated. It had already gone up to $65,000 in matter of moments, but Edward was reaching his limit as he could feel himself giving into sleep.

Nick looked at the woman on the stage and he couldn't help but think that they had met before. However, he just couldn't place where that was. Thinking maybe Edward might know, he turned to ask him and saw that his eyebrows were knotted together as if he was forcing himself to focus. He moved in closer to Edward and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong, Edward?" Edward looked towards his friend and whispered back, "Take me to my room."

Before Nick could ask what, he had meant, Edward stood up from his seat and in a slightly loud voice placed announced his bet, "$100,000"

Everyone's voice died down with his bet placed. The auctioneer counted down and the waltz to the beauty in green was given to Edward. As soon as he heard the announcement, he sat back down and the next moment he fell forward on the table with a loud thud. Everyone turned around to see Edward's face on the table and Nick being frustrated at what had just happened. Then listening to his breathing, Nick was amazed to know that he had fallen asleep, again so suddenly. Now he understood what he had meant and he could only but sigh at his problematic friend and patient.

Edward's dance partner came to the table and when she saw the man who had bet so much for a dance with her in such a condition, she became quite worried and asked, "Is he okay?" Nick felt a sense of déjà vu and when he looked up to see her, he realized that it was the woman from the garden from that night. Feeling that this was not a complete coincidence, Nick looked down at the sleeping Edward questioningly.

"What's going on here?" he wondered to himself.