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A weird Dream

Today I had an unusual dream. I dreamt of my childhood. The dream was not really about my childhood.

It was more like a mutation of my childhood and teenage life.

I was at my kinder garden in the dream. I dreamt that I was still a student there. But something was different.

The people I knew in my High school life were there as well. And some people I consider close to me were missing and non-existent. And my best friend from my younger days was back.

I was fighting in the school field with other students. As for why well I don't remember. And when I was busy fighting. They dragged one of my friends towards the outside of the school perimeter.

I came out right after them. I saw two boys were holding my friend. One was getting ready to punch my friend in the stomach.

I used to be a person with a short fuse. And I always believed in companionship. Those that follow me, I never leave them behind.

I started walking towards them. Even though I was alone, I was not afraid.

Right then, my best friend joined me.

We both walked towards them. We were ready to fight.

But we didn't need to.

Because when we reached there, I saw a familiar face.

It was someone from my high school years. We were not close.

The number of times we talked, could be counted in fingers.

But weirdly, it seems we had a close friendship.

Cause, just by talking, he released my friend.

And when I was returning to school, I saw my brother run out from school gate crying and a hand-print on the right cheek of his face. I stopped him and asked who hit him.

He told me a fat boy hit him. Who was from the same class as mine. And then he started running towards our house.

And I saw a Fatboy coming out of the school gate. And yet someone familiar again and he was also from my high school. I asked him why he hit my brother. And his reply was," I did what I wished."

Hearing this, I was very enraged. Cause everyone knew that my father was someone that also didn't like to take any loss. And he will make a huge issue out of it.

I asked him, "Do you know the consequences of your action? Do you even have any idea of what my father will do to you?".

Instead of replying to my question, he ran towards the lake. That was in situated front of the school.

The lake was dry for fishing purposes. And strangely there was a chair there.

When he reached there, he sat on the chair. And said something to me which really enraged me and I couldn't control my rage anymore.

I started walking towards him with the intent to kill.

And right then, I woke up.

I was sad and nostalgic at the same time.

Cause the one I most wished to see didn't appear in my dream.