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Journey to hell.(1)

As soon as I woke up, I saw that I was flying in the sky. And with a terrifying speed at that. As I was ascending, I left a trail of clouds behind.

Suddenly seeing myself in such a state of flying, my first thought was that I am still dreaming. So I did what an average person would do facing such a situation.

Yes, I rubbed my eyelids, hoping that I would awaken from this weird dream. After doing this, I looked at my front, and I was still in space. I didn't understand what was happening to me. I was busy thinking why the heck does this dream doesn't end.

I sighed.

And suddenly, someone asked, "Wow, so you are still alive?" Hearing this, I was devastated. And I was thinking in my mind," I am a healthy living human, who had dinner and went to sleep peacefully. Why would I die?!"

And when I was searching for the source of the sound. I saw someone or instead saw something terrifying. I saw a skeleton which had a dark robe on it. It was flying. Only then, I realized that I was sitting on a carpet, and the driver of the rug was none other than that skeleton—what a terrifying thing.

And the terrifying thing was that it was taking me with it somewhere.

I fearfully asked him."Uh...The uncle, who are you? And where are you taking me? Please let me go."

"You idiot. If I leave you at this height, then I don't know about blood and flesh of yours, but your bones will turn into powders." said the skeleton.

"Uncle, please send me back to my house. Where are you taking me? By any chance, are you a kidnapper?"I asked him

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I am the angel of death. You are dead already. Now I am taking you to the rightful place of yours. Also known as HELL," said the skeleton.

"What the....? What nonsense are you spewing? Why would I die? I even infected with Corona. I was a healthy man who ate and went to sleep." I angrily said.

"You ignorant idiot.No one knows when a person will die. As for this early death of yours, consider it your fate."

"No, this can't happen. And even if I die. Why would I have to go to hell? I am an innocent boy."

"Wow, What an innocent boy! Then who was it that used to connect to VPN connections at 3 am and surfed the internet? Did you forget all that, my innocent boy?"

"Uh...Hahaha.Uncle, let's not talk about those shameful things. You know I am a single person. And a healthy male at that, I am sure you understand my reason for doing that."

"Of course, I understand. But what's the guarantee that you wouldn't have been visiting Litton's Flat daily if you mingled? You are going to be sent straight to hell, where I will punish you heavily. And you will be made to do chores day-night without any break."("Litton's Flat"A term used to describe the location of a couples room date in BD)

"No, this can't be happening to me. Please revive me. I don't want to die. I am still single and virgin. I don't have any descendants. And you want me to die without doing even that?!"

"You fool. That is the rule. If you are born, you can die. But the reverse is not possible. I have already extracted your soul from your body. Now the only thing that awaits you is hell, where I will punish you to my heart's content. And I a, going to make you do all the chores. Making single people like you do chores gives me demonic pleasure."

Hearing all this bullshit, I retorted, "If you seek your system, .hmm."

"Ok. Stop all that nonsense. We have reached the kingdom of the king of death. "

Behind the thick fog in the space, a golden kingdom emerged before our eyes. The messenger warned me...."Be polite in front of the Yamraj. You will be interviewed.Ah...I mean, there they will do the accounts of your sins and virtue. Which will decide whether you will go to heaven or hell."

Like what a good, sweet, and innocent little boy would do, I agreed. And replied, "Yes, uncle."

Seeing me, the Yamraj instructed his assistant to show him the book contains the account of my sins and virtue. But when the assistant searched for my book, he couldn't find it. And when he checked the list of the people that were supposed to die. He saw that my name wasn't even there. I realized that there was a discrepancy in their accounts. Seeing this, Yamraj became enraged with his messenger and told him with strict words, "Angel of death, you have been making many mistakes these days. Once again, you brought the soul of a sleeping person. And for these negligences of yours, you are going to be punished. Do you know what will happen to us if such abuses continue to happen with the people of the world?"

The messenger mumbled and said, "My lord, you really can't blame me this time. This bastard was doing immoral things in the washroom, and when he went back on the bed, he was sleeping like a dead dog. So I thought that he was dead. And that's why I extracted his soul out of his body."

It made Yamraj even angrier. And he ordered the messenger to return my soul to earth in my body.

And right then, I got an idea like Grandpa Gopal. I used the opportunity to say, "Now I know about all your corruption. Change my name if I don't get you kicked out of your service this time !"('Gopal' A character from a famous Bengali TV Show)

The Yamraj panicked, hearing this. He had a smile on his face that was worse than crying and said, "Brother...How about you forget about this. Just think of this as a mere nightmare, and please forget about it!

I arrogantly said, "If you want me to forget about it. Then you have to fulfill a condition of mine ."

"What's the condition?" asked the Yamraj nervously.

"I want to tour around the hell," I said. Hearing my condition Yamraj was very shocked and said, "What a weird choice. Everyone wants to visit heaven, but you want to visit hell. The angle of death take him and show him around the hell. And after that sent his soul back to earth ."

After some time, the messenger and I were walking on a road of hell. And when we were going towards the abyss, he said, "Since you want to see around the hell, then keep your eyes open, boy."

I was walking behind the messenger. It was chaotic in hell. And the temperature of torture was also unbearable for me. So I asked the messenger, "Uncle, why is there so much chaos in hell? and why is the temperature so high?"

He answered me sarcastically and said, "To whom can I say the painful story of this chaos and temperature. The number of sinners is increasing day by day at a terrifying speed. And especially in Bangladesh. Even during this pandemic, those corrupt bastards are still stealing the rightful resources, supplies, and benefits given to the poor. And they should be kept in high temperatures. Those bastards used to do corruption while they were sitting and enjoying their life in AC rooms. And those poor, helpless people used to work on the street and field to have food two times a day. So that they can understand the suffering of the poor peoples; now they have been detained in this hot temperature."

"Huh, You are right. It's as chaotic as when a traffic jam at Farmgate occurs. Commonly, where-ever Bengali goes, there will be a jam and chaos. So are there any unique treatments for the sinners of Bangladesh?

The messenger gave a mysterious smile and said, "Seeing that sinner from BD has increased. These days, there is a unique punishment system just for sinners from BD(Bangladesh). "

Hearing this, I told him that I don't have that much time left. And quickly take me to the place where sinners from BD gets punished. And After seeing that I have to go back home.

So he took me there. When I reached there, I didn't see anything near what I expected. What I saw was a cricket match. So I asked the messenger, "Uncle, What is going on here? They seem to be playing !"

"Yeah. You know your countrymen are cricket lovers. So they are playing Cricket. Those sinners that committed RAPE, Affair, Eve-Teasing have been turned into stamps. And cricket players of the team representing hell are fast bowling with the speed of 500km/h. You know they are going to have a championship match with the cricket team of heaven. So they are practicing and have turned the sinners from your country into cricket instruments. However, the BD government didn't punish them for their sins. But the hell isn't ruled by their God-Fathers. So they can't escape from punishments."

Hearing this, I was shocked. I said, "What the hell?Ah...I mean, what the heck? What if they get hit on their Medal stamp? Won't they die?"

He said, "You fool. Can a dead man die ?"

"Hmmm..Now that you said it, you are right. How weird! Once when I was playing Cricket, a ball landed on my Medal Stamp. Whenever I remember it, I get goosebumps all over my body. But with speed, they are bowling if those balls land on their medal stamps. I am sure it's going to get lost. How exhilarating!